
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1025 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Shoosmiths LLP (Shoosmiths LLP) on behalf of Christopher Scott Padfield (Christopher Scott Padfield)

    This relevant representation is submitted by Shoosmiths LLP on behalf of Christopher Scott Padfield, S&J Padfield & Partners LLP and S&J Padfield Estates LLP (together, our “client”), the owners of... Read more

  • Clare Baker

    I object to the scheme. Do not increase traffic and carbon emissions in a climate emergency.

  • Colette Hammond

    I am opposed to this scheme on the grounds of it's environmental impact. Impact on communities. Pollution and financial costs. This is not the way forward for, the health and wellbeing. future... Read more

  • Colin Ettinger

    In order to protect our climate from further devastation, and meet our Net Zero goals, it is vital that we cut greenhouse emissions. The government’s Transport & Environment Statistics 2022 state that... Read more

  • ConnctedCities ltd (ConnctedCities ltd)

    That the crossing does not include a rail link. At present rail carries 11% of passenger miles, but produces on 3% of transport GHGs. The TPI publicatioin Net Zero Transport states that in order to... Read more

  • CPRE Essex (CPRE Essex)

    CPRE Essex is an independent charity that works closely alongside other CPRE branches, as well as the national CPRE organisation. As such, the geographic focus of our comments relate in the main to... Read more

  • CPRE Kent (CPRE Kent)

    CPRE Kent OBJECTS to the Lower Thames Crossing project. This project is fundamentally flawed, will not deliver the benefits it promises, and will inevitably cause significant environmental damage.... Read more

  • Cycling UK (Cycling UK)

    Cycling UK is the national cycling charity, with over 70,000 members across the UK, including members and members groups living or based near to location of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (LTC).... Read more

  • Daniel Smith

    The lower Thames crossing is deeply concerning and should not be granted permission. In 2019 the government signed legislation to commit the UK to a zero carbon emission based economy by 2050.... Read more

  • Daren Thomas

    Cost, huge amount already spent and a vast amount still to spend Years of disruption during works Destruction of local ancient woodlands Increased pollution and noise. Devaluation of local properties... Read more

  • Dartford Borough Council (Dartford Borough Council)

    Below is Dartford Borough Council’s Relevant Representation and confirmation of the Council’s registration as an Interested Party. A letter copy of the Relevant Representation will also be sent via... Read more

  • David Boyd

    I strongly object to this proposal as it would not reduce traffic congestion and would cause significant environmental damage, including air pollution, destruction of wildlife habitats and climate... Read more

  • David Martindale

    As someone who works both in London and throughout North Kent I am extremely concerned at the affect this will have on traffic on both the local roads and arteries such as the A2/M2. The A2/M2 is... Read more

  • David Morton

    My primary concerns are as follows: 1) Carbon budgets and net zero: It beggars belief that in a time of climate emergency and efforts to mitigate climate change, this scheme is being proposed. The... Read more

  • David Shilston

    I intend to make a submission that deals with the environmental impact of the Lower Thames Crossing scheme.

  • Dawn Sibley

    I object against this

  • Dee Noble

    #LowerThamesCrossing Just two days left to stand up for nature If approved, the Lower Thames Crossing proposal will have harmful implications for wildlife and our landscape. But there are still two... Read more

  • Dennis English

    I am concerned about the following: * It doesn't solve the problems it is intended to solve * it induces extra traffic, making things worse in the medium to long term * Lack of provisions for active... Read more

  • Derek Gunner Parkinson

    I would like to make my representation on the facts that A) The wrong option for the crossing was made. Option C is most damaging for our borough and would have been better to be built further out... Read more

  • Browne Jacobson LLP (Browne Jacobson LLP) on behalf of Emergency Services and Safety Partners Steering Group (Emergency Services and Safety Partners Steering Group)

    Please see attached.

  • Emma Edwards

    I live very close to the proposed site of the tunnel and so would like to register as an interested party. I am concerned about noise and pollution during the construction phase and air pollution and... Read more

  • Emma Lawrence

    I have objected to an older version of the scheme and wish to do so again. There is no justification for an expenditure of this magnitude on a scheme that does not meet its stated objectives. In... Read more

  • Emma Nicholson

    I strongly oppose NH plans for the LTC. We are in a climate emergency and the emissions from this project are forecast to be 6.6 million tonnes. Wales has just suspended all roadbuilding projects as a... Read more

  • Enovert South Limited (Enovert South Limited)

    This representation is made on behalf of Enovert South Limited to confirm that, subject to finalisation of commercial terms, Enovert South Limited have reached agreement with National Highways to use... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Environment Agency Relevant Representations document has been sent to