
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1251 to 1300 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Nadine Marchetti

    My [Redacted] old son’s god parents live in Ramsgate, we visit regularly and often stay over. Please don’t destroy the Ramsgate and Thanet by having noisy night flights. We come to get away from... Read more

  • Natasha Girdler

    - Firstly Manston airport is a national treasure. - Manston Airport would create skilled jobs and apprenticeships for a very deprived area - There are good road links and with the proposed high... Read more

  • Nelson Crescent Residents Association (Nelson Crescent Residents Association)

    The Residents of Nelson Crescent, Prospect Terrace, Paragon and Sion Hill, who all live on the seafront, are most concerned about heavy planes flying over their houses, many grade 2 listed, and... Read more

  • Nethercourt Action Group (Nethercourt Action Group )

    Following a public meeting please accept this submission on behalf of residents living in the Nethercourt Ward in Ramsgate. The situation is unique with the Nethercourt estate as it is the nearest... Read more

  • Patrick Golding

    We wish to raise an objection to the use of Manston Airport as a cargo hub. The proposed 24 hour a day flights will cause noise and pollution to the area. This will adversely affect tourism in the... Read more

  • Patrick Stevens

    As an active pilot, it is essential to reactivate Manston as an airport for the following reasons: 1. It delivers a cost effective, easily delivered international cargo capacity which negates the... Read more

  • Paul Hudson

    Paul Hudson Ramsgate Kent [Redacted] 01-10-18 Re:- Manston Airport Development Consent Order Dear Sirs, It is my understanding that Development Consent Orders have in... Read more

  • Paul London

    I think that Manston should be reserved for aviation as a strategic asset for the nation. There is a shortage of runway capacity in the south-east of the United Kingdom and Manston could be... Read more

  • Paul Milton

    Manston operating as a working airport will generate work and attract service industries, thus creating jobs for Local people Housing will not create long term jobs, There are already existing... Read more

  • Peter Boosey

    These are my concerns # The amount of flights day and night. In the day excessive and continued noise would stop people from visiting the isle, thus lowering profits for local businesses who rely... Read more

  • Peter Goodman

    Manston airport should re open it will be esier to get gods into the country rather than by ferry . Also a civil airport would be better rather than going to London airports.

  • Raymond harris

    The UK needs more capacity for airfreight to enable our economy to grow. Thanet badly needs jobs we do not need more houses . We do not have the infrastructure to support more houses. Schools are... Read more

  • Reg Wooldridge

    My house at Beltinge ,Herne Bay is directly under the landing flightpath for Manston airport ,we previously experienced intrusive airplane noise when Manston Airport used to be operating ,but only on... Read more

  • Ron Greenwood

    Opening the airport would help with the transportation of goods and relive the channel tunnel and ferry services

  • Rosemary Green

    I implore the Secretary of State to reject this application for the following reasons...... As a family we moved to Ramsgate 33 years ago. At that time Ramsgate was at a low point with Manston... Read more

  • Sacha Ulldemolins

    I am a resident of Ramsgate and I am gravely concerned about Manston airport becoming active again. I am a single mother and a full time carer of two young boys with a severe disabilty and a... Read more

  • Sam Kieldsen

    I'm greatly concerned about the effect the noise and pollution of a cargo airport will have on my and my friends and family's health and quality of life. I'm particularly concerned about the... Read more

  • Samantha Bambridge

    [Redacted] National Infrastructure Case Manager The Planning Inspectorate 3/18 Eagle Wing Temple Quay House 2 The Square Bristol BS1 6PN Dear [Redacted] I have been an elected member of... Read more

  • Sean Goodwin

    i fully support the re-opening of the airfield. It is an asset that is not being used and should be. Being jobs and business to an area that needs it and not more houses that don’t have the roads to... Read more

  • Stanley Green

    I love ramsgate. My parents and grandparents live here and I visit regularly as it is the perfect place for me to escape the noise and hustle and bustle of London. By allowing the re-opening of... Read more

  • Stanley Thompson

    We do not want a Airport to open night or day. We moved out of London, my wife and I because of the polution and traffic an the noise, we were near the A2 and it did affect our health, so we thought... Read more

  • Stephen Frost

    I have lived under a flight path (Heathrow) and know how seriously detrimental it is to mental and physical health. Pollution from both noise and fuel is unquestionably damaging - the research into... Read more

  • Stuart Elliott

    I believe the planned cargo hub is an excellent idea and will have a positive effect on the local area. This is an area needing skilled jobs that would come from such an enterprise. As this has... Read more

  • Stuart Jordan-Vint

    In my personal opinion, I believe that the reinstatement of the Airport for Kent at Mansion would be a very good thing to do. It will inevitably build jobs and growth to the surrounding areas. It... Read more

  • Sylvia Thompson

    It is not in the interest of Ramsgate and surrounding towns to have a 24/7 airport at Manston. The noise and pollution will be unbearable for the residents, we move here from London to get away from... Read more

  • Terry Fulton

    Hello I am writing to let you know that I fully support the reopening of Manston airport in East Kent. Since it closed the London airports have become even more of a congested travel option... Read more

  • Ann Mary Lister on behalf of The Lister Household

    We are Ramsgate residents since 1988, when Manston was operational by the RAF, and during its brief life as a commercial passenger and freight terminal. At that time we were living in Vale Road,... Read more

  • Tim watkins

    I am for keeping the airport, because once it has gone it will be gone for ever and I feel it is just short sightedness by building houses on the airport.

  • Tony Webb

    I surport Manston opening as a airport

  • UKIP and Independent Group Thanet District Council (UKIP and Independent Group Thanet District Council)

    It is the contention of the UKIP and Independent group on Thanet District Council that the RSP application to PINS for a Development Consent Order for the Manston Airport site lacks the necessary... Read more

  • Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub (Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub)

    “Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub” We believe that RSP has not even come close to establishing the need for a cargo-hub at Manston or indeed anywhere else in the UK. RSP’s... Read more

  • Wendell Baker

    Thanet is a deprived area. Industry is what is required and the infrastructure is in place to support this. Housing, is required, but there is actually better places between Herne Bay and Manston,... Read more

  • Debbie Briant

    I object to this because I’m right in the flight path and the planes didn’t follow the sea line that they were meant to last time. The noise, the pollution, the low-flying. Also Riveroak don’t have a... Read more

  • Alex Docherty

    As an individual and a business owner I believe that the airport is essential to Thanet's future, importance and prosperity. I fully believe that no forward thinking community would lose an airport... Read more

  • Allison Elizabeth Coe

    I am extremely concerned about the plans for Manston airport. This is because, as a cargo airport, with the intention of operating 24 hours a day, it will have a significant negative affect on the... Read more

  • Anna Curtis

    WE do not want night flights from Manston AIrport in Kent. I do not want the noise, we do not want the disruption of night sleep, we do not want the air pollution, we do not want lorry traffic on our... Read more

  • Brian Woodland

    The reopening of Manston Airport would provide a valuable asset for the whole of east Kent. It would provide job opportunities to an area which suffers from high unemployment.

  • Cheryl A Cox

    My worries and concerns are as follows: • Health issues due to excessive noise pollution, which I'm led to believe causes high blood pressure to those who don't yet suffer from it and a greater risk... Read more

  • Clare Davison

    My main concern is that, with what threatened to be constant nice at night - possibly EVERY night - under the flight path, people employed in jobs here decision-making may kill or harm if... Read more

  • Clive Aslet

    I am strongly opposed to the DCO of Manston airport because 1. it is economically unjustified and 2. the reinstatement of flights -- with the added horror of night flights -- would have a severely... Read more

  • Dave Heenan

    I live at Seasalter, near WHITSTABLE. I used the Airport on three occasions and had looked forward to more use IF the interested US Airline had done their flights to Virginia and KLM had expanded it's... Read more

  • Derek Smith

    We live in a very economically depressed area and a succesful Manston Airport would bring both jobs and other economic benefits to the area. The company seeking to reopen the airport have stayed true... Read more

  • Elaine Harris

    As a supporter and campaigner for the reopening of Manston Airport since it’s closure in 2014, I cannot support the DCO proposal put forward by RSP. 1. The American based RiverOak Investment... Read more

  • Geoffrey Richardson

    When I decided to retire to Ramsgate after over 30 years working abroad in February 2016 there was no talk about Manston Airport re-opening. The house in which I now live is situated about 1000... Read more

  • Gillian Crow

    1. Geography: the former Manston Airport is situated right on the south eastern edge of the country, with sea close to three sides. A hub by definition needs to be situated in the centre of the... Read more

  • Helen Audley

    I own property in Thanet and have spent much of my life in Kent. The upgrading of the Thanet Way made a huge improvement to journey times to Manston and it seems inconceivable that it should no... Read more

  • Hubertina Frencken

    Freight traffic movements to and from Manston Airport It should not be necessary to point out that Thanet is to all intents and purposes an isle with limited road access. The Isle of Thanet is... Read more

  • I Mackintosh

    I am writing to express my concerns regarding the DCO in relation to the re-opening of Manston Airport. I am a chartered accountant and corporate financier with extensive project finance and... Read more

  • Jane Stow


  • Jennifer Minor

    I live under the flight pass and the noise during the day would be bad enough but to have night flights as well would be intolerable as it would mean a disruptive nights sleep. There would also be... Read more