
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2901 to 2925 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Carmen Bohne

    I strongly object to the planned expansion on the grounds of: - Noise pollution - not compliant with CAA guidance / no ban on night flights. - Carbon emissions and impact on climate change: expanding... Read more

  • Caroline Coombes

    I live under one of the flight approaches to London Gatwick Airport. At certain times of the day the stream of aircrafts overhead is constant. We are also affected by take offs, aircraft flying in an... Read more

  • Caroline Lang

    Noise - Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. Plane Wrong supporters are affected by... Read more

  • Carolyn Rutter

    We have enough air traffic over our home already, disturbing our sleep and causing anxiety. More air traffic will destroy this area of outstanding beauty.

  • Catherine Edminson

    The UK government is not on target to meet the objectives of its climate strategy and net zero plan. Gatwick's plans will negatively impact the net zero plan. Airport expansion is no longer viable for... Read more

  • Charles Bell

    We live directly under the flightpath mainly receiving inbound aircraft. In busy times aircraft overfly our house either directly or close by every 2 minutes or less. They generally fly at above 4,000... Read more

  • Charles Sutcliffe

    I should like to register my objection to further runway expansion at Gatwick Airport . As residents of Hever, we are subject to many hours a day of noise and atmospheric pollution 7 days a week.... Read more

  • Charles Turner

    The expansion is taking place at a time when the SE of England is already over stretched in providing water for commercial and residential use. Enormous volumes of water will be required for... Read more

  • Charlotte Ann Firth

    the local area - roads in particular cannot cope with anymore people. the m23 continually queues at peak times. the air craft noise and pollution is detrimental to the local people and environment.... Read more

  • Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council)

    On behalf of my client, Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council, I object to the DCO Application for the northern runway project. The concern is that this will negatively impact their interest and... Read more

  • Chris Barker

    Reducing the emission of greenhouse gases is essential and urgent. Although emissions from aircraft are a small proportion of emissions generally aircraft are particularly heavy polluters including... Read more

  • Christine Davidson

    In our village of Coldharbour we have had a foretaste of the impact a second runway would have on the village and the surrounding area as the flight paths were altered a few years ago without the... Read more

  • Christine Oliver

    The main issues and impacts of the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport relate the climate and biodiversity crisis. Airport expansion at such a time is completely irrational and potentially illegal... Read more

  • Christopher Iain Mackenzie

    I play golf at Hever Castle, go to numerous evening outdoor events there during the summer with my wife and friends, and the aircraft noise immediately overhead is already intolerable. Of course much... Read more

  • Civil Aviation Authority (Civil Aviation Authority)

    The CAA will submit its relevant representations by way of email.

  • Clare Hobson

    The development of another runway will increase noise and polloution levels. These will in turn cause sickness in the local population and sicken and destroy wildlife.

  • Clare Minto

    Too many planes for the environment. Far too much noise over a green, rural area of Kent. Huge negative impact on Hever Castle summer outdoor culture entertainment. Detrimental to their business and... Read more

  • Cllr James Barnett

    I would like to be able to represent my views on aircraft noise and pollution over Hever Castle

  • CPRE Surrey. Tadworth and Walton R A (CPRE Surrey. Tadworth and Walton R A)

    We object strongly for several reasons Climate change and sustainability Swiss researchers from the Paul Scherer Institute and ETH Zurich show that even if biofuels and green hydrogen are used, future... Read more

  • CPRE Sussex (CPRE Sussex)

    CPRE Sussex Registration Comments CPRE Sussex is the charity which protects, celebrates and helps regenerate the beautiful, thriving Sussex countryside, to shape a greener future for us all. Part of... Read more

  • Crawley Borough Council (Crawley Borough Council)

    On behalf of Mr Clem Smith - Head of Economy and Planning at Crawley Borough Council, I am registering the Council as an interested party. Please find the Council’s Relevant Representation which is... Read more

  • Crispin Blunt MP

    I have significant concerns about the impact on noise pollution, road traffic and air quality in my constituency. - Noise pollution: I am extremely concerned about the impact of noise pollution in my... Read more

  • Andrew Stuart Cronk on behalf of Cronkies (Cronkies)

    We are unhappy with the present increase in air traffic over the village of Brockham.The increase in noise and pollution is already affecting the village and with route 4 now seemingly established,... Read more

  • Cuckfield Parish Council (Cuckfield Parish Council)

    Cuckfield village is impacted by a regular stream of criss-crossing aircraft. It is just outside of the formal take-off and landing paths to the south of the airport, and planes are a few thousand... Read more

  • D Reid

    Confirmation that the flight corridors will not be materially changed following the change of use of the N runway.