
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 601 to 625 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Edward Richards

    I own (redacted) And oppose the 2nd run way because increase in aircraft noise impact on climate change devaluing of my land (redacted) affecting our and the farm animals wellbeing through increase in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Streeter

    Already during the summer months the air quality in our area deteriorates and there is a permanent burning smell in the air. This has been a factor since 2019, when we first noticed the increase in... Read more

  • John Lee Mcguffog

    Gatwick Airport is surrounded by residential villages, many of important historic interest. Their peace and tranquility are highly valued.

  • Paul Douglas

    We already endure aircraft flying into and out of Gatwick. There are many others who are similarly or worse affected. Any increase in traffic, never mind the potential doubling that a second runway... Read more

  • Paula Fisher

    Totally against the additional runway. The traffic/Infracture will not be able to cope. No use saying travel in by train due to high costs and not reliable. The noise of the night flights coming over... Read more

  • Sue Goodenough

    I think it is completely inappropriate and is financially led. The impact on the local area will be enormous and there is not sufficient infrastructure to cope with increased traffic etc.

  • Alice Mary Dalby

    Airpollution is huge problem. Noise is a large problem and extra traffic will put lives at risk. My main worry is airpollution and noise. We have constant oil on our water butts and I dread to think... Read more

  • Alice Myers

    I absolutely oppose the project to develop the Northern Runway at Gatwick. This will cause unacceptable noise for people living in our area. Also, the building work and increased air traffic is... Read more

  • Alison Shepherd

    Extra pollution from the aircraft and extra noise. Losing valuable green space in an already over populated area which has lost so much green space and wildlife already. Extra pollution from the... Read more

  • Catherine Wood

    I am very concerned about noise from Farnborough and Gatwick airports caused by increasing flights over my house. Farnborough airport was meant to measure noise as part of its review into its recent... Read more

  • Catriona Trim

    I live in the rural area surrounding Gatwick. When the M25 has traffic issues this causes terrible congestion on our side roads which doesn’t have the infrastructure to cope with the volume NOW let... Read more

  • Clare Nicholson

    The extra runway at Gatwick is not needed at this point in the world climate crisis. The extra flights will contravene the government’s pledge to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce the chance of the UK... Read more

  • Jacqueline Connelly

    More unnaceptable. pollution. Extra traffic on already clogged roads. Aircraft noise levels increased. Constant overflying of homes causing distress Devaluation of homes. Not enough labour in area to... Read more

  • Katie Leak

    Increased congestion, air pollution and speeding traffic on local roads from increased airport users. Further increased noise from airplanes. The noise has already increased since I bought my house... Read more

  • Louise Patterson

    Prioritise Heathrow.

  • Mark Cooper

    I would like to register my objection to the rebuilding / expansion of the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport as a second runway on the basis of, amongst other things: (1) the resulting increase in... Read more

  • Mark Stringer

    Question the need for this expansion

  • Mary Elizabeth Adair

    I live in one of the adjoining villages, in an AONB. Although the flight path is supposed to avoid us, there has been an increase in airline noise and activity, and there is a risk of blight on an... Read more

  • New Forest Friends of the Earth (New Forest Friends of the Earth)

    New Forest Friends of the Earth are registering an objection to this proposal for the following reasons: 1) Gatwick 2 would add over 1 million tonnes of extra carbon a year, plus other greenhouse... Read more

  • Nicholas Beresford Taylor

    The projected new international airport east of London was abandoned - which would have had its own problems of access. Stansted is awkward to reach from south and south-east of London. Luton is... Read more

  • Robert Toon

    Having reviewed the plans for the Northern Runway , I am in full agreement with it because of the benefit it will bring to the local area, including new Employment, Growth of the local economy and the... Read more

  • Ronald William Ledbury

    Noise pollution from increased flights Air quality degradation from aircraft Increased local traffic congestion & air pollution issues on the M23 Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as... Read more

  • SMB

    I visit the area of Sussex under the new flight path fairly recently and do not want to experience the additional noise pollution or carbon pollution. The new proposed flight path goes over hundreds... Read more

  • Susan Westlake

    I oppose the new runway at Gatwick airport because: 1. I suffer from the noise coming from planes over my house. It often wakes me up at night. This impacts my wellbeing and quality of life. Any... Read more

  • Andrew Braddon OBE

    This ill-conceived scheme MUST be refused by the Planning Inspectorate. The information provided thus far is totally inaccurate and in my view contains misrepresentations. The most major of which... Read more