
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 926 to 950 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Emma Morris

    I am very much opposed to bringing the second runway into regular use. The year before covid the noise over our house and regularity of the noise was unacceptable. Especially from about 10pm and until... Read more

  • Glesni Myfanwy Woffenden

    This proposal, effectively a new (second) runway, will lead to a huge increase in aircraft noise which is already at unbearable levels in areas such as ours (Redacted). This is completely... Read more

  • Greenstar Cleaners Ltd (Greenstar Cleaners Ltd)

    As a local company we support the second runway.

  • Jane Elizabeth Fenwick

    1. I strongly disagree with Gatwick having a second runway and object to the consequential increase in size and activity at the airport. 2. People living under Gatwick’s flight path - which includes... Read more

  • Katie Gunstone

    I live directly on the flight path in Lingfield meaning my garden is very noisy with the amount of flights coming in and out of Gatwick. Recently the flights seem a lot lower meaning they are... Read more

  • Katy Rainford

    Noise from planes taking off and landing, will not be able to open windows or sit in our garden during summer with extra planes flying over.

  • Louise Young

    Excessive noise, pollution to farm land, adverse effect on the environment

  • Mahala Turnbull

    70% Increase in Passenger numbers 2. 37% Increase in Aircraft movements over our heads, more noise pollution, more visual pollution 3. CO2 emissions up over 50%; Gatwick to generate 5.5% of all UK CO2... Read more

  • Margaret Steele

    The current noise level from arriving and departing aircraft is already intrusive to say the least. Any expansion will only make daily living with aircraft noise untenable. I object to a further... Read more

  • Martin Paul Fitzgerald

    Gatwick proposal will result in: - 1. 70% Increase in Passenger numbers 2. 37% Increase in Aircraft movements over our heads, more noise pollution, more visual pollution 3. CO2 emissions up over 50%;... Read more

  • Michael John Cuff

    Disruption during proposed changes to the A23/M23 roads Needs to be more provision for passengers walking from guest houses/hotels in Horley/surrounding the airport. Much more EV charging required in... Read more

  • Mr Alan Francis

    Aircraft noise significantly impacts my quality of life. Additional aircraft movements will only serve to increase that impact and thus reduce my quality of life even further. My back garden is a no... Read more

  • Peter William Johnson

    I live under the flight path of Gatwick ,the amount of planes now is to many .The noise and extra pollution of a third runway would be unacceptable . During the summer months when doors and windows... Read more

  • Philippa Caddick

    At times of day there is already a constant flow of airplanes - I have counted one second between the sound of one airplane fading and the next one starting. It makes it difficult to sleep and as... Read more

  • Raymond Ben Butler

    Very clear so far. Dear sir/madam, I object to the extra runway on noise grounds, and common sense grounds 1. The economic case is weaker for Gatwick than a third runway at Heathrow. 2 We are supposed... Read more

  • Robert Woodward

    I am objecting to the expansion of Gatwick Airport. I am a local resident in Lingfield and the aircraft noise that we suffer from in the village is already un acceptable. Its impossible in the summer... Read more

  • Sarah Leaver

    I object to the proposed project on the following basis: - it will result in a massive increase in the number of planes that will fly over the local area causing more noise pollution (when it is... Read more

  • Simon Mark Powell

    The planned additional runway and flights will inevitably cause environmental damage including noise, pollution and damage to the flora and fauna living around the airport. The current infrastructure,... Read more

  • Surrey Campaign to Protect Rural England (Surrey Campaign to Protect Rural England)

    The concept of a second runway for Gatwick is entirely at odds with what the world needs now. We should be thinking about limiting and reducing our carbon footprint.

  • Aidan Zeall

    I strongly object to Gatwick Airports plan to bring it's emergency runway in to full time use for the following reasons. I do not believe that the project meets the definition of use of existing... Read more

  • Angela Hedley

    Traffic increases will be enormous and consequently far more land will be requisitioned for car parking,eliminating villages such as Charlwood.Needless to say noise and pollution will be increased... Read more

  • Ann Bridgland

    I have lived here in this beautiful area with my family for 23yrs. The aircraft noise has always been invasive but because we love everything else about this area we have tolerated it. Please do not... Read more

  • Anna McGrath

    The main issues and concerns about this proposed project is that there will be a huge impact on the number of aircraft flying over us causing even more noise pollution which is already at an extreme... Read more

  • Barry Lewis

    I want to ensure that the Planning Inspectorate understand the current noise blight caused by aircraft approaching Gatwick over the delightful village of Penshurst even though we are at least 20 miles... Read more

  • Brightling Parish Council (Brightling Parish Council)

    This response is submitted on behalf of Brightling Parish Council, a democratically elected organisation representing the residents of the civil parish of Brightling. Brightling Parish Council (BPC)... Read more