
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2101 to 2150 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Rosemary Thompson

    This expansion goes against everything that we need to do to reverse climate change. Encouraging extra travel - cars and planes. Once a new runway is created it can’t be undone. The impact cannot be... Read more

  • Rupert Gowrley

    I am opposed to these proposals on the following grounds: Climate: facilitating an increase in aircraft movements hampers national and international efforts to reduce emissions from fuel that are... Read more

  • Sam Mackenzie

    In a climate emergency we need less planes, not more. This is our future.

  • Sarah Jane Thorpe

    The main issues are an increase in noise disturbance in the skies, an increase in road traffic by airport users and workers, lack of infrastructure to accompany any proposed changes and an even more... Read more

  • Sophie Boxall

    I am registering my concerns that the new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are... Read more

  • Sophie Clements

    How additional air traffic will negatively impact my neighbourhood.

  • Stephen Neal Watson

    I oppose Gatwick's application of a second runaway because a new runaway would significantly increase the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases noise pollution would increase significantly The... Read more

  • Sue Long

    We live right next to Gatwick Airport - the proposals for the expansion of the airport will not only add over 1,000000 tonnes of extra carbon into the atmosphere but the huge construction required for... Read more

  • Susan Partridge

    I am against the expansion of Gatwick airport because of the noise and air pollution it will create.

  • Tara Eedes

    Gatwick often has flights that over run (low flying planes at 2 am). They struggle to keep to their promised/published timetable. A poor track record means they struggle to cope and expansion will... Read more

  • Dr Janine Joan Ayres on behalf of The Ayres Family (The Ayres Family)

    The impact of the proposed Gatwick expansion will be destructive to the well being of residents around the airport and under the flight path. It will also adversely impact those seeking to travel on... Read more

  • Trevor Ingham

    I live under one of the regular flight paths

  • Victoria Manning

    The South East of England is blighted by noise pollution but there are a few places left where this does not occur as much. This includes places such as Hever Castle, a grade 1 listed site, Chartwell... Read more

  • Alan Wilce Bailey

    I wish to register my objection to the proposed extension to Gatwick Airport's runways

  • Allison Janse van Rensburg

    Insufficient parking in the surrounding area, increase in traffic. Increased noise and air pollution for the local area

  • Andrew David Quessy

    The expansion of the volume of the departing and arriving commercial air traffic at Gatwick airport and its impact on the living conditions of the communities affected by the increase.

  • Andy Burren

    I fully approve of the Gatwick expansion

  • Angela Torry

    There is enough noise and pollution from the number of current flights to and from Gatwick. I feel strongly that we do not need to add to this. The current runway at Gatwick seems to cope and an... Read more

  • Brian Joyce

    This project should not be approved without the agreement of the local residents

  • Camilla Piper

    Blight on the environment,flora and fauna. Reduced habitat for animals and insects. Noise pollution. Increased traffic. Increase in air traffic goes against plans to reduce carbon and other climate... Read more

  • Christina Noelle Paskell-Humphrey

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Christopher Michael Oborn

    The biggest issue I can see is the environmental impact. This project does nothing toward the governments net zero target, does nothing for the communities living within the wide areas effected and... Read more

  • Claire French

    The transport infrastructure around Gatwick does not allow for the increased traffic which will be inevitable for the extra volume of proposed flights.

  • Crispin Harding-Rolls

    I am completely against the expansion of Gatwick Airport. The environmental damage will be huge on the area. This includes increased pollution from the number of aircraft and cars. Noise pollution... Read more

  • Daniel Kerven

    - another runway is not needed - it’s contrary with the UKs climate change commitments - it would cause noise and air pollution for many homes in rural area - increased traffic

  • David Briggs

    A second runway assumes continued growth in UK air travel without taking into account the changing environmental headwinds. It will become obsolete - another white elephant of HS2 proportions!

  • Denis O'Connor

    We have already had to move out of the worst area affected by route 3&4 and into an adjoining village [redacted] at great cost because of the NOISE caused after changes to routes and frequency of... Read more

  • Dhana Marie Abel

    Impact of noise pollution over the highly populated South East. Concern over environmental issues, including greenhouse gas, global warming, global travel. Airline fuel is no better for the... Read more

  • Dr David Tayler

    I object to Gatwick's proposal to build a second runway due to the damage it will do to the surrounding areas such a pollution, traffic, noise - both from aircraft and increased road traffic. It is... Read more

  • Emirates Airlines (Emirates Airlines)

    How will GAL ensure that the infrastructure from check in area, baggage belt, transports and staff car park will be available to support the additional capacity that they will bring. This must be done... Read more

  • Gareth Williams

    I would like to comment on the affects of expansion of Gatwick. The apparent huge conflict of interest with Mr Wingate’s roles and their previous changes without consultation and misleading statements... Read more

  • Gemma Johnston

    Environmental impact Sound pollution Noise pollution

  • Grace Bennett

    I wish to strongly object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick with the development of a second runway. 1.Rail Infrastructure. Govia Thameslink Railway – which includes Southern, Thameslink and... Read more

  • Harry Humphrey

    We already get enough noise & pollution from Gatwick, the impact of a second runway will be huge, especially during the construction phase. I don’t need an alarm clock, I’m woken most mornings at 6am... Read more

  • Henry Belmonte

    I am very concerned at the current increase in noise on departure routes 3 & 4 so would definitely be opposed to even further increases in noise. There has already been an increase in traffic due to... Read more

  • Ian Holton

    We live about 20 miles from Gatwick beneath the flight path, but even at this distance, aircraft noise is a problem, particularly during the night. The last thing we need is a doubling of air traffic... Read more

  • Ian Michael Preddy

    Noise and Flight Paths.With an increase in flight activity that will come with expansion I am dismayed that the flight path 4 issue has still has not been resolved as promised when flights take off to... Read more

  • J Keelan

    Too much housing which is not affordable . Affects my privacy , overlooking my garden . Extra traffic, noise Taxis parking near by late at night & dumping building and household waste in the woods .... Read more

  • Jacqueline O'Leary

    I am in my late 70's - having lived in Charlwood with my late husband and family also in the village. I would be nervous to drive if traffic increased and I notice that my daughter has [redacted]... Read more

  • James Johnston

    Noise and visual pollution Environmental impact Another infrastructure project like hs2 that is a totally waste of money

  • James McCaffrey

    Expansion at Gatwick will significantly increase noise and fuel pollution across a green belt to the detriment of local inhabitants in Kent and Surrey

  • Jane Hurst

    The use of a third runway is not needed nor is it appropriate. There are already too many planes going over us both night and day - when flights stopped for a while it was blissful. What they are... Read more

  • Jeannette Hibbs

    As a local resident I strongly oppose the Gatwick expansion plans. It was not approved by the government historically and their approach lacks empathy with the surrounding area, sustainable... Read more

  • Jeff Thompson

    Concern over increased aircraft noise and pollution

  • Jennifer Ashley

    Local resident concerned about the expansion of Gatwick Airport

  • Jenny Best

    I oppose the Gatwick expansion. I’m extremely concerned about increased levels of air, traffic and noise pollution in the area. The number of young families in Horley is growing and we do not want our... Read more

  • Jenny Watson

    I object to the expansion as it will seriously increase population to our area & will negatively impact my & my family's health plus wildlife in the immediate area.

  • John Baker

    In today’s critical climate change and global warming crisis we should not be investing to create more air traffic or road traffic and hence increase carbon dioxide emissions. There is no need to... Read more

  • Julie Preddy

    I am concerned about the increase in noise, pollution, traffic, and the environmental impact that will be caused by a second runway. The illegal alteration to Route 4 and the increased noise as a... Read more

  • Julie Stannard

    We already have frequent flights over our home causing disturbance, noise, pollution and affecting our quality of life. I am very concerned about the affect of an additional runway.