
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3801 to 3850 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Alison Maitland

    I am concerned about a number of issues relating to this planning application. As a local resident, the huge increase in traffic would be unwelcome. The increased noise level from both road and air... Read more

  • Benoit Camille Marie C Segers

    main issue: increase the Gatwick Airport traffic

  • Brockham Parish Council (Brockham Parish Council)

    Brockham is a civil parish in the Mole Valley District of Surrey.The community is intersected north-south with a main road leading from the A25 towards the south and Gatwick Airport. The River Mole... Read more

  • Chichester and Arun Green Party (Chichester and Arun Green Party)

    We object to this proposal because it will contribute to climate change. We need to reduce the emissions from aviation now. The CCC states that there is no need to expand any airports nd that we need... Read more

  • Christine Penelope Smith

    I would object strongly to any expansion of the airport on several grounds: 1. Air Quality - by doubling the size of the airport and at least doubling the amount of aircraft flying in and out of the... Read more

  • Dominique Webber

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick and the building of the Northern Runway. The Gatwick aeroplanes already come over my house and garden. The noise they make causes me(Redacted) and irritation. I... Read more

  • Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign)

    GACC, founded in 1968, is the principal environmental body concerned with Gatwick. In addition to individuals, our membership includes parish councils, residents associations and local environmental... Read more

  • Hazel Bell

    I strongly appose a second runway at Gatwick Airport. This will be built very close to where people live and the pollution and noise will increase tremendously. Crawley Borough Council have apposed... Read more

  • Jonathan Wade

    Main issues to be considered: The Gatwick second runway should not go ahead when the Davies review concluded that a single additional runway was required in the South-East and that runway should be... Read more

  • Kieran Coles

    I support the growth of gatwick airport with north runway operations. Gatwick provides a key employment hub locally and nationally, keeps communities connected as well as taking pressure off of... Read more

  • Kirsten Hudson

    I live in (Redacted) and my home is overflown by planes flying to and from Gatwick. (Redacted)is an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The frequency and noise generated by flights to and from Gatwick... Read more

  • Marijke Ballard

    Heathrow had been chosen for an additional runway, to now lobby for a second runway at Gatwick, does this not make the case for massive consultation/process/decisions futile? The level of noise will... Read more

  • Mark James Larroucau

    I see no great benefit other than to EasyJet and it’s shareholders, I believe this is a fair and reasonable comment

  • Martin Neve

    1 Overestimation of passenger numbers in the future particularly if competing airports are developed 2. Infrastructure not convenient for increased numbers. Eg compare rail connection with Stansted 3... Read more

  • Mary Hustings

    Significant increase in noise and air pollution: Gatwick expansion on such a huge scale would have a material adverse impact on the health, lives and mental wellbeing of those living near the airport... Read more

  • Michael Champion

    My main concerns regarding the plans to increase annual flights by more than a third (100,000 flights increase) at Gatwick: -CO2 emissions- massive increase in emissions from the flights, airport and... Read more

  • Mr Ian Davies

    Environmental impact concerns and climate change Noise and concentrated flight paths Night flights and impact upon residents' health and wellbeing My concerns relate to: Noise Night Flights Pollution... Read more

  • Mr Peter Moulton

    I object to the commissioning of a second runway at Gatwick for the following reasons: The South East is already suffering substantial noise and pollution from the increasing number of overflights.... Read more

  • Mrs Jayne Donora

    Proposed development is disproportionate and would result in vastly increased levels of environmental damage - vehicle emissions, traffic congestion, and relentless aircraft noise causing misery for... Read more

  • Neil Andrew Clive Martin

    My primary objection to the proposed northern runway is increased noise and air pollution. The plans will bring the flight path directly over our house, at a very low altitude. This has caused... Read more

  • Olivia Mills

    Having another runway will mean the following - Significantly more aircraft noise. - Greater pressure on lack of affordable housing. - Further decline of air quality - Significantly more aircraft... Read more

  • Peter Barclay

    Economy, Employment and Need Figures presented by the applicant fail to support the proposals. Particularly so estimated passenger benefit, business travel, lack of evaluation of tourism deficit,... Read more

  • Renny John Smith

    I would object strongly to any expansion of the airport on several ground: 1. Air Quality - by doubling the size of the airport and at least doubling the amount of aircraft flying in and out of the... Read more

  • Renny Piers Smith

    I would object strongly to any expansion of the airport on several grounds: 1. Air Quality - by doubling the size of the airport and at least doubling the amount of aircraft flying in and out of the... Read more

  • Richard Rea

    I wish to register my objection to Gatwick's second runway for the following reasons: - significantly increased aircraft noise in the local area. - the wilful dismissal of the issue of climate change;... Read more

  • Sally Hutton

    My main concerns are environmental and noise pollution from the airport itself, and increased traffic causing further pollution on already jammed up local roads.

  • Sarah Evans

    I strongly object to the Northern runway proposal at Gatwick airport. I live in Cranleigh and I am already impacted by noise from flights, particularly at night and early mornings. The current... Read more

  • Stephen Andrew Martin

    We really don't want the runway to be developed, because the flight path will then be directly over our house, at a very low altitude, creating health issues caused by noise and fuel polution. There... Read more

  • Susan Doreen Martin

    My primary objection to the proposed northern runway is increased noise and air pollution. The plans will bring the flight path directly over our house, at a very low altitude. This has caused... Read more

  • Susan Hutchings

    I feel that the additional noise and air pollution would be detrimental to the environment .

  • Adele Smith

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – * Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such... Read more

  • Alfred Raymond Thorn

    Whilst there are benefits to Garwick expansion and a northern runway these are outweighed by the disadvantages of pollution, traffic congestion, lack of infrastructure in the surrounding area and the... Read more

  • Alison Searle

    I am totally against this expansion. Living in Edenbridge, the flight path is far enough from my house not to produce much aircraft noise even in the summer holiday period. However, I have friends who... Read more

  • Aly Sherazee

    THe addition may suffice for the next decade or so but then what? A further addition ? Would it not be better to invest now in a site to cope with the growth in an environment which is unlikely in the... Read more

  • Andrew Major

    I live on the flight path to Gatwick and any increase in air. Traffic would be detrimental to a standard of living.

  • Arthur Phillips

    We already have extreme noise from Gatwick aircraft landing and taking off. To increase this invasion of our quiet enjoyment of the countryside is unacceptable. There is also the serious contribution... Read more

  • Betchworth Parish Council (Betchworth Parish Council)

    Betchworth Parish Council GATWICK AIRPORT “Relevant representation” INTRODUCTION Betchworth Parish, home to almost 900 residents, is a rural parish situated 7 miles north of Gatwick airport.... Read more

  • Brett Kilroe

    There are a number of issues I see as problematic with the Gatwick expansion, 1. Additional environmental impact 2. Additional noise impact

  • Bruno Henry

    I strongly believe that the future and development of Gatwick airport is essential to the West Sussex area and neighbour counties who are all currently benefiting economically from the success of the... Read more

  • Bryony Tyler

    Traffic to / from Gatwick already impacts our village on a daily basis: frequent low flying planes at all times during the day, including late at night, disturbing our sleep. By extending use of a 2nd... Read more

  • Caroline Clear

    I wish to register my objection to the proposal. The additional noise pollution will cause significant additional nuisance for local communities, has been proven in a decent CAA study of health... Read more

  • Caroline Sack

    I do not want another runway at Gatwick. The further runway will cause a huge change to the environment. More noise, more pollution for us and for our future generations. The amount of building to... Read more

  • Cat Chatfield

    This proposed extension is environmentally damaging. We should be finding ways to reduce air travel, not increase it, if we are to become carbon neutral. The runway expansion will also increase road... Read more

  • Charlotte Parsons

    This will adversely impact the local area sun particularly Hever Castle which is a Grade 1 listed heritage attraction set within a Grade 1 listed park and garden which, in itself, is within the High... Read more

  • Christopher King

    Too much noise and air pollution.

  • Clive Bray

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – * Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such... Read more

  • David Michael Flagg

    As an Edenbridge resident living close to the river vallay, I experience the regular succession of planes often using the flight path towards Gatwick, sometimes at very low levels. Covid was a magical... Read more

  • David Sack

    increased local noise and air pollution. infrastructure unable to cope more housing needed to accommodate airport workers.

  • Dean Beadron

    I am hopeful that the new runway is in full action and they start doing flights to china from Gatwick Airport and I am more interested in the tourism benefits the Uk will gain in having this new... Read more

  • Derek Brian Robinson

    Dear Sirs, Response to Gatwick Airport Limited’s Northern Runway Proposal Expansion Plans I refer to Gatwick Airport Limited’s (Gatwick) Northern Runway Proposal expansion plans and would comment:... Read more