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Adding addition capacity to Gatwick Airport in a more cost effective way than the previous second runway submission, adds considerable economic value to the South East region.
Please see attached.
There is already a VAST increase in overhead Aircraft flying directly over HEVER with completely unacceptable noise and pollution levels that continue throughout the day and the night.
The first thing the inspectorate should look at are the promises and assurances that Gatwick agreed to when the emergency runway was first applied for. A very clever example of spin to suggest that...
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- Airplane Noise from Gatwick is already out of control. - Smaller hub airports should be the priority over the expansion of an airport in the wrong location for the majority of travellers. Surveys of...
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As the world tries to cut its carbon emissions - and the UK tries to reach its Net Zero targets - we must limit the use of air travel rather than seek to expand it. It is madness to expand Gatwick at...
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My main objection is environmental. The extra air pollution is unacceptable given what the scientists are warning. This country should be doing everything to make fossil fuel emissions zero. This...
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Noise pollution from Gatwick over (Redacted), where I live, is already intolerable. Doubling aircraft movements with this new runway is beyond disgraceful. I shall be writing about this in my latest...
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As a longstanding (10+ years) resident in Lingfield I have to oppose this project. The noise and pollution from the aircraft is already disrupting people's lives. In the summer you can no longer enjoy...
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Planes travelling to and from Gatwick Airport already contribute excessive pollution to our environment both in terms of green house gas emissions and noise. Doubling traffic volumes would further...
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I am very concerned about the negative impacts of additional capacity at Gatwick with respect to the local environment and the overall impact on greenhouse gases impacting climate change.
Main issues: - increased noise and air pollution, impacting people and animals who live nearby and making it difficult to have a good night's sleep or enjoy relaxing in a quiet garden - increased...
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It will be noisier
I object to the increase and overall volume of flights into Gatwick Airport under these proposal to convert the emergency runway. In particular I feel the number of increased flights will effect my...
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Increased noise from planes , impact on the environment.
The current amount of planes over our local area is already too many, especially at peak holiday times. Any additional runway will obviously increase capacity at London Gatwick which will cause many...
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Main issues and impacts: - increased air pollution (traffic and airplanes) - increased noise pollution
In the face of unprecedented climate catastrophe, the continued growth of aviation traffic is unsustainable. Only when the airline industry has developed and implemented credible plans to reduce its...
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The airport is in the wrong part of the country to service people coming from so far and wide as they do for Heathrow, which is much more suited for expansion in this regard. We do not have the travel...
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Extension of airport will cause more noise and environmental pollution. This is detrimental for those living in the proximity and will also not help us reaching Net Zero
I am deeply concerned about the environmental impact of extending the activity at Gatwick. In the 40 years that I have lived in a rural area the noise and frequency of flights has increased...
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Planning for the expansion of Gatwick should not be approved as the environmental damage and pollution out weighs any economic benefit. The case for additional future air traffic capacity has not been...
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The proposed increased use of Gatwick Airport’s Northern Runway would have a negative impact on my quality of life, in terms of increased pollution from aviation fuel and car petrol/diesel emissions;...
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I believe that this will be a positive step for Gatwick and the local area. It will increase job opportunities and give more income. Compared to other countries, the UK is seriously behind the...
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There is already excessive air noise resulting from the existing level of operations, expansion would make matters even worse Pollution in the air and from road traffic is already excessive Increasing...
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