
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Trevor Etherington

    Noise and Light pollution. Nightly freight trains are already very noisy and can be heard clearly by anyone living the other side of Burbage common. I'm concerned that this project will drastically... Read more

  • Amanda Mathieson

    I feel there are a number of negative impacts which have prompted me to object to the proposed Hinckley rail freight terminal, these are. 1) the impact on traffic both from increased road traffic... Read more

  • Andrea Margaret Collingridge

    It deeply concerns me to see the considerable queues of traffic backing up from the railway line in Narborough when the line is down as the village provides a thoroughfare to destinations on the... Read more

  • Andy Dennis

    We are writing to register our objection to the HNRFI application. This potential development would have a significantly negative impact on the quality of living in Stoney Stanton and also for the... Read more

  • Anthony Ward

    Impacts to the junction on the Ashby Road and capacity to handle increased lorry traffic by opening up the site to Leicester Road. Current and increased difficulty accessing driveways close to the... Read more

  • Catherine Wassell

    Huge detrimental environmental impact Natural habitats will be destroyed, noise pollution and light pollution as site is right next door to Burbage Common. Increase in traffic of large vehicles such... Read more

  • Christine Margaret Leigh

    I am totally opposed to the HNRFI scheme. as a joint owner of Water Meadows Farm which boundary ends at the proposed rail line we will be strongly affected.Our sole intention at our time of purchase... Read more

  • David Peter Steven Badcock

    This proposal will hugely impact the environment. It will ruin the outlook and ambiance of Burbage common. And it will increase traffic in the local area to the detriment of the community. I see no... Read more

  • Debra Davey

    The purpose development is unnecessary and is far to large for our local area. It will have a massive impact on burbage common, residents and their homes near by and wildlife.

  • Douglas James Mearns

    Significant environmental impact the proposed application would have with the loss of valuable farm and woodland forever together with the destruction of the natural habitat for a huge numbers of... Read more

  • Gill Spatcher

    My main concerns are transport infrastructure, environmental and economic impacts of this project. Transport Infrastructure: The Building of a slipway onto the M69 from Sapcote towards Coventry was... Read more

  • Jonathan Oakley

    We would like to register our opposition to the development of the rail freight hub and development of housing to the west of Sapcote and Stoney Stanton. The developments will wipe out a huge parcel... Read more

  • Lynn Oliver

    THE MAIN ISSUES ARE: NOISE FROM THE RAILWAY (32 trains a day/NIGHT) we will be able to hear - day and night) - we live half a mile away. IMPACT ON THE BURBAGE COMMON ie noise, pollution and wildlife... Read more

  • Mary McMahon

    It will put too much strain on the local road network It will result in traffic jams and blockages It will impact enjoyment of Burbage Common It will impact local wildlife It will generate too much... Read more

  • Nicola Holloway

    Concerned about the infrastructure on local roads leading to the proposed site. Negative impact on Burbage Common and it’s wildlife.

  • Paul Davey

    The proposed development is unnecessary and far to large for the local area . It will have a major impact on the burbage common and surrounding countryside .

  • Rachel Fisher

    This will destroy the local village communities and safety in Sapcote and Stoney Stanton and will not benefit local communities. This will not take traffic off the roads as it aims to serve Coventry,... Read more

  • Richard Haworth

    I have noticed that this area is already covered by a number of rail freight terminals, including DIRFT, Coleshill and East Midlands. The proposed site will have no improvement in the environment,... Read more

  • Robert Bloom

    I am submitting my views on the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange on the sole understanding that this 'consultation' is not merely a 'box-ticking exercise', which simply goes through... Read more

  • Sally Smith

    • I don’t understand how on earth this development is needed or can be justified, Magna Park is very close by and already uses the DIRFT which is less than 10 miles away from it, so why would it use... Read more

  • Simon Shute

    I am concerned about the impact this development will have on the local road infrastructure due to to the increased traffic servicing the new facilities. Local villages have suffered from an increase... Read more

  • Stefan Schoonen

    As a resident living close by the proposed project I have raised my concerns during the consultation evenings regarding impact on environment and logistics. I believe in both occasions the information... Read more

  • Steve Malone

    I support the use of rail freight over road based services. However, the size of the proposed attached site and area of natural beauty upon which it is based is wholly inappropriate. The current road... Read more

  • Susan Patricia Rogers

    This project has in NO way considered the impact on the lives of the people of Narborough & the surrounding areas. All representations about the problems that would be caused have been glibly brushed... Read more

  • Suzy McCluskey

    Grave concerns about affects on the local landscape, absolute destruction of green land, huge increase in traffic in an already very busy area and impact of additional people trying to move to an... Read more