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16.1 HNRFI Market Needs Assessment 6.4 HNRFI Non Technical Summary There are some key changes from the information provided at the consultation. The main one is that Tritax now see their market as...
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This will be a natural disaster for the neighbouring Burbage Common. It is directly next door which will cause natural habitats to be destroyed. Burbage Common will also be affected by noise and light...
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Against the impact on our local environment
Great if it brings in jobs, not if it brings in pollution. Don't forget to give space to wildlife please.
Main concern is over the impact of the increased barrier down time for the additional freight trains at the Narborough Level Crossing. The village and surrounding areas are already impacted by current...
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We are concerned about the impact on the Level Crossing at Narborough, that the project will have. FONS has carried out timings at the crossing and with proposed additional passenger trains and...
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Hi, my concerns are the impact his will have on traffic on already congested roads, and the impact it will have on the beautiful Burbage Common. A significant increase in traffic in and around...
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There are already two other rail freight terminal within the region. Forecast traffic movements via the A5 will exacerbate an already congested junction at Dodwells leading to increased pollution and...
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With already over crowded roads around Burbage I believe this project will have a detrimental effect on people that live in Burbage and the surrounding villages,at present lorry's cut through the...
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Bad for the environment and more traffic coming through Hinckley and Burbage that we don’t need. It’s already congested enough with all the extra houses being built in surrounding areas.
I wish to register my comments rejecting the application as this will directly affect the village I live and bring up my children. This includes the negative impact on the environment.
Infrastructure already seriously inadequate - this will inevitably exacerbate it. It is environmentally damaging to a much needed existing public asset and area of local beauty. Thousands of lives...
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Whether it’s truly needed on a green space
We are fed up with continually being presented with a "fait accompli" developments, be it housing estates or industrial developments. The promise of jobs continually thrown up as the justification for...
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I agree to plans to increase the volume of freight transported by Railways. However I think the location for this particular development is not in the correct location. What will happen is due to...
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I am supportive of the proposal due to the positive improvements promised for our road network and the opportunity to remove lorries from the road and replace with trains with are better for the...
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I am opposed to the scheme as we already have huge problems with the increased truck traffic because of all the distribution centres opening up. No road planning has been done to accommodate the...
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As a regular walker in the vicinity of the proposed development, I believe it to be totally unnecessary considering the environmental and well-being losses to locals.
Open, natural spaces are essential for the well-being of our town and all our residents. This historic common land is a free to access haven for wildlife and a place where everyone can access nature,...
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This project would have a hugely detrimental impact on the local area and is unnecessary given the scale of similar projects within a small radius of the proposed site. The main concern I have is for...
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In its present form under the current economic climate, this form of development is totally unwanted and unnecessary.
This field is too restrictive to include the Borough Council's comments in full so a complete pdf version has been sent to the planning inspectorate at for...
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This will devastate pristine land full of thriving wild life. There is a great balance at the moment between nature and the nature loving. We are at a point in humanity where we need to start learning...
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Very concerned about the negative environmental impact of this proposed project and the potential loss of irreplaceable countryside.
I am concerned about the increased freight traffic as well as car traffic on the M69 and specifically the junction 2 of the M69. There is currently only on and off ramps to and from Leicester. Adding...
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We have not been fully informed about the RFI, ref. the impact on road traffic to and from the site, the impact on the wildlife in Burbage Woods and Common during construction and following...
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This area does not have the infrastructure to support a development of this size. Local roads, especially the A5, are already over capacity and prone to congestion. The increase in lorries on local...
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Impact on our already saturated road system around Burbage & Hinckley. Additional pollution caused by a significant increase in traffic. More lost Green Space. We already have Amazon & DPD huge...
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Increase in traffic congestion is a concern particularly in relation to the forecast of traffic at Dodwells Bridge roundabout on the A5 which is already very congested and through Hinckley town centre...
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As a resident of Burbage, I am very concerned at the impact of the particular location of the proposed hub. As has already been pointed out by our MP, Dr Evans, the interchange would be built just off...
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I would like to object to the proposed project due to many factors This project will cause devastating effect on the surrounding environment in terms of the green field s and wild life in the...
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I am extremely concerned about this proposal. I understand that the freight depot logistics area in Northamptonshire is only working at 50% capacity, which begs the question of why another one is...
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Need more time to digest the information
Noise pollution, light pollution, air quality, environmental issues, wildlife, traffic, peaceful enjoyment of the limited green spaces in the area.
This proposed project will have a detrimental affect on the countryside resulting in the loss of large areas of natural habitat. There is already far too much building going ahead in this area meaning...
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I am against the proposal because of the damage to the beautiful open space at Burbage Common. It is a valuable area of nature in the town and should be left alone. I'm also concerned about the...
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Will there be a weigh restriction on Leicester Road? Lighting needs to be improved on roads feeding the development. Will A5 bridge be included in planning?
This is not needed here and would cause emence damage to are beautiful country side and cause emense congestion in our area surrounding and to are wild life.
I am concerned about this scheme being considered on various environmental considerations not least the destruction of natural habitat e.g. hedgerows and trees which I am certain will not be replaced....
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I am concerned about the impact on the environment and also the road infrastructure. This are cannot cope now with increased traffic and this will have a major impact on travel
Noise, regarding trains. And traffic disruption.
I have serious concerns regarding loss of contiguous habitat and the resulting affect on biodiversity
It is a large development that will put additional pressure on the existing infrastructure and public facilities and services. There will be an increase in road use in particular HGV traffic and the...
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We have already lost wildlife space / green space / natural habitat with the 'big pit' development in Ashby road, Hinckley - the loss of habitat and destruction of green space in our area further...
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The development will destroy our environment. Have a serious impact on our valued Burbage Common and Woods; Ruin beautiful walks that we and other people from further afield currently enjoy. It will...
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Too much traffic for the roads Unnecessary as many warehouses already in the area Limited access to M 69
Increased noise and traffic to the A5 that can not cope currently. Reduced green public land.
Will result in dramatic reduction of public green space within the area. Hinckley and Burbage are already heavily surrounded by industrial warehouses which eat into the once rural landscape and are...
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No rail way in Elmthorpe