
Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 176 to 200 of 309 representations, newest first.

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  • Douglas Peter William Russell

    I believe there are a number of reasons that relocation of the sewage works should not go ahead, any one of which should be compelling enough, but together are overwhelmingly strong reasons not to... Read more

  • Ellen Francis

    In assessing the proposals, the Planning Inspectorate, and in turn the Secretary of State, must be satisfied that the impacts of the proposals have been adequately assessed and the weight attributed... Read more

  • Frank Hopkirk

    It is not needed in terms of capacity - Anglia Water have confirmed that the existing site is sufficient for requirements till 2050. The proposed site is grade 1 green belt agricultural land and... Read more

  • Gary William Dew

    • There is a lack of consideration given to keeping the plant where it is and making it state of the art and smell proof. Redesigning it with a smaller footprint would release land for building if... Read more

  • Helen Oakley

    I object to the proposal: I cycle, run and walk around this area at least 3 times per week, often on my way to and from Quy Fen. I will be denied the beauty, peace and joy this gives me and also the... Read more

  • Helen Symonds

    Loss of arable farmland in the greenbelt. Impact upon the surrounding fens. Loss of recreational space for mental health and wellbeing. Lack of consideration to retain the current works.

  • Horningsea Village Hall and Green Trust (Horningsea Village Hall and Green Trust)

    • I am writing this on behalf of the Horningsea Village Hall trust who wish to object very strongly to the plan to move the CWWTP to Honey Hill. • Fundamentally, we see no need to move the sewage work... Read more

  • Ian Fearnley

    Objection to this use of public monies. This use of public finances for this project, the relocation of an existing operational sewage works at currently 227 million pounds (currently), is effectively... Read more

  • Jennifer Dawson

    I object to the sewerage works being moved one mile down the round to a conservation area between 2 small villages just so £227,000,000 can be claimed from the government for building a development on... Read more

  • John Barry Rooke

    T Rehis is a prominent open Green Belt Site Site sits on an aquifa hence previous refusal Anglian confirm current site more than sufficient to expand if necessary. Move is solely profit motivated.... Read more

  • Julia Hochbach

    The proposed relocation of the perfectly functional sewage works from Milton appears to have no good reason other than to develop the site of the existing sewage works for profit. The carbon footprint... Read more

  • Julia Smitherman

    I oppose Anglian Water’s application to develop a new sewage treatment plant on the site of Honey Hill, Cambridge, and plan to decommission the current plant at Milton for no operational reason other... Read more

  • Lily Morris

    My objections to CWWTPR are as follows: Dealing with climate change has to be above everything and doing everything we can to minimise it must be our priority. They say the sewage plant needs to move... Read more

  • Mark Davis

    I object to the proposal.

  • Quod (Quod) on behalf of Marshall Group Properties (Marshall Group Properties)

    1 Introduction 1.1 These relevant representations have been prepared on behalf of Marshall Group Properties (MGP) following the recent submission of Anglian Water’s Cambridge Waste Water Treatment... Read more

  • Mary Kay Muhr

    I grew up on High Ditch Road, Fen Ditton, [Redacted], and am still part-owner of a house there. We were proud to live on, and be able to walk along, the course of a Dyke, with open Green Belt land to... Read more

  • Monica Bijok

    Cambridge is already unsustainable in water. The River Cam is dying. It is no longer spring fed, but mostly recycled water. As a rare chalk stream it should be crystal clear and a constant 10°C. It is... Read more

  • Mr Colin Davidson

    It's appropriate to move the sewage works from their current location south of the A14 on the edge of Cambridge, but this should be dependent on the quality of the proposal for what to replace it... Read more

  • Rebecca Foreman

    I object to the relocation of the sewage works on a number of points: primarily there is no real need to move the plant, the current site has been upgraded recently to ensure that it is ‘future proof’... Read more

  • Richard Holton

    I live in Horningsea, and am very concerned about this project. I am concerned at the enormous environmental cost of building it; at the disruption caused by the building; and by the disruption to the... Read more

  • Rosalind Jane Aveling

    I understand development pressures and the need for compromise. But the risk now of environmental damage in a changing climate is so high, and escalating, that it should be the first consideration in... Read more

  • Ruth Davis

    There is no need to move the Cambridge waste water treatment plant from its current location. It is fully functioning and was future-proofed just 8 years ago at great expense. Any future upgrades... Read more

  • Sarah Farrell

    Moving the sewage works will generate lots of traffic both during construction and on an ongoing basis. This is already a busy road not fit to accept heavier traffic, which is unsafe to residents,... Read more

  • Steven Green

    I am very concerned about the proposal to relocate the waste treatment plant from Milton to Fen Ditton, Horningsea and Quy. It appears the a huge amount of public money, hundreds of millions, is being... Read more

  • Stuart Gibbs

    I strongly object to the relocation of Anglian Water sewage works from Cowley Road , Cambridge to Honey Hill , Fen Ditton on the following grounds: impact on the conservation areas of Fen Ditton and... Read more