
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 176 to 200 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Stuart Maggs

    The existing application fails to take proper account of the damage to local flora and fauna, the impact of traffic on the local area and the noise and dust pollution that will be suffered by the... Read more

  • Caroline Page County Councillor for Woodbridge

    As elected county councillor for a division affected by this proposed development, I wish to register concern about the development's long-term - in some cases irreparable -effect upon and damage to... Read more

  • Oliver Holloway on behalf of Clarke and Simpson (Clarke and Simpson)

    I write as Agent acting for an on behalf of the majority of Landowners affected by this proposed scheme. Whilst we are having meaningful conversations with EDF's agents we believe a number of our... Read more

  • Hayden Foster on behalf of Clarke and Simpson (Clarke and Simpson)

    I write as Agent acting for an on behalf of the majority of Landowners affected by this proposed scheme. Whilst we are having meaningful conversations with EDF's agents we believe a number of our... Read more

  • Eleanor Havers on behalf of Clarke and Simpson (Clarke and Simpson)

    I write as Agent acting for an on behalf of the majority of Landowners affected by this proposed scheme. Whilst we are having meaningful conversations with EDF's agents we believe a number of our... Read more

  • Corton Parish Council (Corton Parish Council)

    * Consultation method and timing * Use of fresh water * Tourism * Transportation * Pollution * Environment * Outdated and unproven technology * Use of sea water for cooling * Release of waste warm... Read more

  • David Jobson

    The pre-fixed electricity price is far too high I don't like China having a financial interest - look at the problems with China at present, with Hong Kong, Tik Tok, possible involvement in producing... Read more

  • Ian Marshall

    1.Site Selection The UK Government’s 2011/existing National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation EN-6 concludes that Sizewell is a potentially suitable site for new nuclear power stations... Read more

  • Kirsty Logan

    I reject Sizewell C on numerous grounds. Firstly the effect on local environment is appalling. Minsmere is an internationally critical reserve that will not recover from the build. Neither will the... Read more

  • Lorna Burkle

    We live on the B1122 that a large proportion of the traffic to Sizewell will travel along and therefore are concerned about the impact on our property (noise, traffic smells, disruption to the peace... Read more

  • Paul Taylor

    In no particular order: i) I do not believe any argument that the development will benefit the local economy in either the short term or, especially, the long term. Indeed, I feel strongly that the... Read more

  • Robert Lindsay

    Sizewell C no longer makes economic or strategic sense for the country, given that A) we need to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2030 if we are to have a reasonable chance of keeping warming within... Read more

  • Sharon Head

    At a time of Climate Emergency, this is the wrong project to invest in. It will take 14 years to be operational and by then it will be under threat from rising sea levels. In the process of building,... Read more

  • Simon Lee-Frampton

    I feel that the siting and building of a nuclear power reactor in such close proximity to RSPB Minsmere and the potential effects on the habitat and species living there, especially marsh harriers,... Read more

  • Westleton Parish Council (Westleton Parish Council)

    We [Westleton Parish Council] wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Community, Economic and social impacts • Construction will cause significant environmental, social &... Read more

  • Brigitte D'Angelo

    I am trying to understand the risks of such a project on a coastal site. I want to safeguard the environment for future generations. I understand the need for sustainable energy and potential benefits... Read more

  • Dominic F Douse

    I object to the sizwell c nuclear power project on the grounds that it is unasasery and massively over priced in comparison to more long-term solutions like solar and wind which are cheaper easier and... Read more

  • Edwin Edwards

    I agree with the reservations and issues raised by Suffolk County Council and those submitted by Shut Down Sizewell Campaign and Together Against Sizewell C. My personal objection is based on the... Read more

  • Helga Ballam

    I wish to register my concerns about the proposal to build Sizewell C I believe the site is flawed because of predictions about rising sea levels. It is also adjacent to sites of ecologically... Read more

  • India Bacon

    I wish to make a representation and my concerns centre around: The damage to the local economy that Sizewell C will cause The transport issues that will be created and felt far and wide The... Read more

  • Kier Construction (Kier Construction)

    I work for Kier and am interested in the works considered at Sizewell. Other parts of Kier have been working at Hinkley Point and we would be keen to cross polinate our experience to Sizewell and use... Read more

  • Laura Bonnett

    In the event of an incident at SZB during the construction of SZC, have the plans considered the safe evacuation of the local community to SZB - including those without own transport (e.g. residents... Read more

  • Lynn Eldrett

    Sizewell C is the biggest building project planned in Europe at the moment but there has been scant provision for infrastructure improvements to allow it to happen without destroying the local... Read more

  • Mark Whitby

    The development of the plans for Sizewell C are illustrative of a process of linear design rather than iterative design. The latter being a process that involves on reviewing early decisions in light... Read more

  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)

    At this stage, we can agree with your conclusion that the construction and commissioning of the new Sizewell C reactor is not likely to have significant adverse consequences for the Netherlands. From... Read more