
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 901 to 950 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Brian Lowry on behalf of Rosey Lowry (Rosey Lowry)

    Sizewell C will take 10 to 14 years to build By 2034 this already out-dated technology will look like a huge mistake. Wind power already costs half of what nuclear provides and it doesn’t need... Read more

  • Ruth VanLoen

    I currently live in London, wishing to move to Suffolk. Having lived in the capital for 50 years with a constant thrive of building works and traffic. I cannot tell you how damaging it is to life. The... Read more

  • Sally Pirkis

    I would like to list the following concerns about Sizewell C. I believe the fragile coastal landscape adjacent to areas of cultural heritage and amenity will all be adversely affected by the Sizewell... Read more

  • Sandra Gage

    I wish to object to the construction of Sizewell C for the following reasons; 1. The impact on the unique environment at Sizewell and surrounding countryside of both Sizewell C itself and associated... Read more

  • Simon Bridge

    Impact on Environment: The plans would have a serious impact on RSPB Minsmere Nature Reserve and other protected sites. It would represent a severe flood risk. Damage to the landscape and ecology of... Read more

  • Simon Brown

    The main points I intend to make are in support of my strong conviction that his development should not go ahead. They are as follows: 1) Eroding coastline – detailed forecasts of the coastline do not... Read more

  • South East Essex Friends of the Earth (South East Essex Friends of the Earth)

    This group is opposed to the construction of Sizewell C because there are cheaper, safer and cleaner options, with none of the national security risks associated with nuclear power. Other grounds for... Read more

  • Stephen John Curtis

    Dear Sir/Madam I wish to raise the following issues, which form the basis of my objection to the building of the planned Sizewell C nuclear power station. 1. Site Selection The site is at risk from... Read more

  • Stephen Stansfeld

    I have the following objections. The new reactor technologies are barely tested. Renewable sources of energy are becoming cheaper than nuclear power. With continued coastal erosion and the climate... Read more

  • Stephen Thorpe

    ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Loss of AONB Impossible for EDF to mitigate environmental losses - biodiversity in this area includes many ancient sites, destruction of which is irreversible at a time of... Read more

  • Stop Sizewell C (Theberton & Eastbridge Action Group) (Stop Sizewell C (Theberton & Eastbridge Action Group))

    Relevant Representations of Stop Sizewell C (the campaign name of Theberton and Eastbridge Action Group on Sizewell Ltd) 1. Project Financing There is no certainty the project can be financed. EDF’s... Read more

  • Suffolk Otter Group (Suffolk Otter Group)

    We are concerned about the proposed damage which Sizewell C will cause to Sizewell Belts SSSI and the local wetland - because of the impact this will have on habitat for otters. We have been studying... Read more

  • Suffolk Preservation Society (Suffolk Preservation Society)

    The Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) is a non-political, independent, self-funding charity whose charitable objects are to “promote the conservation, protection and improvement of Suffolk’s physical... Read more

  • Suffolk Wildlife Trust (Suffolk Wildlife Trust)

    The Sizewell C Project Development Consent Order Application Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010012 Relevant Representation from Suffolk Wildlife Trust 30 September 2020 1. Introduction Suffolk... Read more

  • Susan P Jones

    Concerns the transport of materials and people to the site during construction and after. Increasing HGV traffic on the A12 and minor roads is unsustainable. The Wickham Market vehicle park is a... Read more

  • Swilland and Witnesham Grouped Parish Council (Swilland and Witnesham Grouped Parish Council)

    Witnesham and Swilland Grouped Parish Council objects to the proposal to build Sizewell C. Whilst we are not in the immediate vicinity of Sizewell C, so will not be affected by the enormous local... Read more

  • The Aldeburgh Society (The Aldeburgh Society)

    The Aldeburgh Society is the civic society for the historic coastal town and cultural centre of Aldeburgh. The objects of the Society are to encourage public interest in and care for the character of... Read more

  • Tina Smith

    I wish to raise the following points of concern regarding the proposed Sizewell C nuclear power station development: Site location Sizewell is the wrong place to locate this project. Sea level rise... Read more

  • Together Against Sizewell C (TASC) (Together Against Sizewell C (TASC))

    Together Against Sizewell C (TASC) is a group of people formed to oppose the building of Sizewell C and its associated works in a legal, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner. At this... Read more

  • Tom Ash

    While I am in favour of nuclear power providing an element of the UK’s power needs I have grave reservations about EDF’s proposals for Sizewell C. 1. There is no strategy in the UK for dealing with... Read more

  • Tom Langton

    This nuclear power station should not be built. It permanently threatens an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), nature conservation interest of international quality and the wider landscape and... Read more

  • Tom Milligan

    i. Coastal erosion implications from the positioning if Sizewell C have not been addressed or apparently considered in the EDF submission. The proposal would have a significant build that will affect... Read more

  • Tony Morley

    1. The plans submitted in 2020 do not take account of the climate change forecasts in the IPPC report of 2019. This means that EDF have not taken into account the additional flooding risk that... Read more

  • Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei (Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei)

    It is not clear if a new NPP is needed at all in UK. At this point in time, when renewables have already become cheaper than nuclear energy it is necessary to update the assessment of alternatives for... Read more

  • William EDDIS

    I am a local resident, living about 6 miles from the proposed site. I spent my childhood living in Aldeburgh and watched Sizewell A being built. My contact details are: William Eddis [Redacted] My... Read more

  • William Halford

    I wish to raise the following issues of concerns regarding Sizewell C Project Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010012 1. National Security and safety of the local (East Suffolk) population • Greatly... Read more

  • Yoxford Parish Council (Yoxford Parish Council)

    Yoxford Parish Council wish to raise the following concerns: Transport 1. The proposed development is too dependent on roads for transport. There will be significant adverse impact to local... Read more

  • Adrian McInerney

    Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIPs coming forward Inappropriate site – too small Lack of in-depth detail in the application is unsatisfactory. Claims of benefit... Read more

  • Adrian Nutbeem

    I have owned and lived at my contact address in East Suffolk, approximately 7 miles from the proposed build location of the Sizewell C double EDF Nuclear power station complex since 1979. My wife and... Read more

  • Jonathan Bolton on behalf of Aimee Colcombe (Aimee Colcombe)

    As a resident of the area around the proposed site, I object to the massive and ongoing disruption to local life - increased traffic from construction and use, environmental impact of works (including... Read more

  • Aldeburgh Town Council (Aldeburgh Town Council)

    Aldeburgh’s setting is rural and coastal. In addition to a population of 3000+ it attracts numerous tourists and long-term visitors all-year-round, on whom its economy is now dependent. Famous for its... Read more

  • Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council (Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council)

    Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council We, as one of the adjoining Councils, would like to register as an interested party in the next phase of the Sizewell C planning process. We feel that... Read more

  • Alexander Gordon Martin (aka Sandy Martin)

    Construction of Sizewell C on the proposed site will involve the destruction of sites of ecological importance, including Coronation Wood, and an increase in the level of local road traffic. East... Read more

  • Alexandra Alexander

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. The impact that Sizewell C will have on the local community, economy, tourism and the environment will be hugely detrimental. The... Read more

  • Alice M Eastaugh

    I believe that further development of nuclear power stations at Sizewell is detrimental due to: Destruction of natural habitat and the impact on wildlife in an AONB and surrounds, Strain on local... Read more

  • Alison Bladen

    I am very worried that a beautiful part of our coastal countryside is a risk of being spoilt. There are not many parts of our country that I enjoy spending free time more. All the work put in by the... Read more

  • Amanda Gaylard

    Lack of evidence on the impact on European Protected Sites Lack of detail on coastal defence design making it difficult to determine impacts on coastal processes and the communities of plants and... Read more

  • Andrea Smith

    - I am strongly against the proposed development. - The site is situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty, on a very fragile receding coast and surrounded by extremely important sites of... Read more

  • Andrew Blois

    We are writing as farmers and local business owners close to the Sizewell construction site. One of our businesses is an award winning five star Camping and Caravan park, Haw Wood Farm. We are... Read more

  • Andrew Eastaugh

    I believe that further development of nuclear power stations at Sizewell is detrimental on the grounds of: Destroying natural habit and the impact on wildlife in an AONB and surrounds, Put a huge... Read more

  • Andrew Fordyce

    As a resident of East Suffolk and a UK citizen, I object to the proposal to construct another nuclear power station at Sizewell. Such a scheme would cause irreparable damage to the local environment,... Read more

  • Andrew Kay

    1. Site Selection  • I believe it is the right project in the right place    • Sizewell C will be built to withstand a 1 in 10,000-year event characterised as sea elevations 6.43m above the present... Read more

  • Andrew McLardy

    WHY would anyone want to make yet another attempt to build a massive unproven infrastructure project - when the others have been plagued by problems, delays, huge cost over-runs - that will produce... Read more

  • Andrew Moir

    I am a local resident with an o pen mind. I think it is important that all aspects of construction tion of a facility such as Sizewell C requires open and honest consultation concerning traffic,... Read more

  • Andrew Parker-Jervis

    I object to the Nuclear Power station because the EDF plans are incomplete. Renewable power (wind & solar) is now much cheaper than nuclear. There is a serious environmental risk

  • Angela Biggs

    My concerns regarding The Sizewell C Project are as follows: I think that the site is too small to accommodate 2 more nuclear reactors and it is too close to RSPB Minsmere. Climate change & rising sea... Read more

  • Anglian Energy Planning Alliance (Anglian Energy Planning Alliance)

    Under the process you have provided for Relevant Representation I would like to raise the following concerns which I believe are fundamental and clear reasoning for denying the planning application... Read more

  • Angus Andrews

    I am writing to object to the Sizewell C application. It would blight the local landscape, which is special and vulnerable, and the lives of Suffolk coastal residents. Moreover, coastal defences would... Read more

  • Angus Grogono

    I wish to register my sincere disapproval of the plans for Sizewell C and the way that the consultation has been arranged. Although I am only representing myself, as an inhabitant and appreciator of... Read more

  • Anita Stirzaker

    Please see attached