
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 350 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Catherine Howard-Dobson

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: 1.The cumulative impact on... Read more

  • Charles Courage

    I am objecting strongly to your proposed substation site at Friston for two SPR transformers and a further National Grid transformer on the grounds that: 1. Ruination of the countryside and... Read more

  • Chris Wheeler

    I support the PINS representations made by Friston Parish Council and Substation Action – Save East Suffolk and reserve the right to be allowed to speak to any or all of the points they have raised,... Read more

  • Christian Blackshaw MBE

    Whilst not against wind power per se, the proposed substations at Friston seem misguided when there is a clear alternative, namely the ringmain option. To desecrate AONB land for ever with the... Read more

  • Christopher Matthew

    Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substations complexes the size of Wembley stadium Substation close to a villagen liabkle to flooding 11 kilometres of cable trenches destroying... Read more

  • Clare McWhirter

    As a resident in the local area I want to voice my concerns about the disruption and negative impact that I feel the plans by Scottish power are going to have on particularly the village of Friston... Read more

  • CLdN Group (CLdN Group)

    The CLdN Group operates ro-ro shipping lines between the Humber and northern European ports including Rotterdam [operated by CLdN ro-ro SA]) and Zeebrugge [operated by Cobelfret Ferries NV]. The CLdN... Read more

  • Colin Westney

    Dear Examining Authority Re: East Anglia ONE North I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: • Cumulative impact on local communities of up to... Read more

  • David Moon

    I would like to raise my objection to Scottish Power application for an Offshore Wind Farm (East Anglia North One) off the coast at Sizewell for the reason i list below > Unsuitabilty for the... Read more

  • Dorie Jackson

    I support SASES and Friston Parish Council in their submissions. Whilst totally supporting renewable energy and off shore wind farms in principle, the on shore impact MUST be taken into consideration... Read more

  • Dr. C.J. Atkinson

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: - cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects which are likely to run for 12 to... Read more

  • Francis Jasper Jacob

    To save the fragile and precious countryside and wildlife from SPR wanting to build massive substations and interconnectors Destruction of ancient woodland Local roads not suitable for the HGVs Noise... Read more

  • George lightfoot

    Damage to important wildlife areas. Negative impact local communities.

  • Hilary lightfoot

    I wish to object to this Scottish a power renewables for the following reasons : cumulative impact on local communities over 12 to 15 years : fragility of Thorpeness cliffs for landing cables : local... Read more

  • Ingrid Emsden-Fox

    Dear Examining Authority Re. EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons;... Read more

  • J A K Millar

    I wish to object to the planning application from Scottish Power is part of an unthought out and uncoordinated scheme for much needed power but for the following reasons misconceived... Read more

  • Jack Broom

    I am very concerned that the proposed site for the terminal to connect to the power grid is located very far inland from Thorpeness to Friston in areas of outstanding natural beauty, very close to the... Read more

  • James Watson

    I support SASES and Friston Parish Council in their submissions. Whilst totally supporting renewable energy and off shore wind farms in principle, the on shore impact MUST be taken into consideration... Read more

  • Jean Floodgate MBE

    There are offshore alternatives to the desecration of environmentally sensitive areas. We have to consider the future. In the short term the projects will cause considerable pollution in terms of Air,... Read more

  • Jill Hubbard

    *Danger for children at the local school. They will have to cross a road where heavy vehicles will be carrying equipment for work on wind farm. *Concern for elderly residents. There are several care... Read more

  • John Last

    Cumulative impact on local communities of a large number of projects without any central co-ordination. Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs due to current erosion, previous serious accident. Impact on... Read more

  • John Ruiz

    I wish to object to this application broadly because of the industrialisation of this part of the country which is so environmentally sensitive. The proposals, among other damaging factors will... Read more

  • Julia Mary Ruiz

    I object to this proposal because of the huge damage it will cause in this area, principally: Noise, noise, noise. Traffic on narrow local roads not designed for the anticipated heavy goods vehicles.... Read more

  • Katie Emerson

    I wish to object to the ScottishPower Renewables planning Application for the following reasons:- Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for the huge substation complexes Putting substations and large... Read more

  • Lamorna Good

    I wish to protest because overall these plans will ruin the tourist industry which has brought money to a poor seaside villages. Noise and air pollution will affect people’s health; [Redacted] may... Read more

  • Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council (Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council)

    I believe that the Initial Assessment of the Principal Issues must acknowledge the very real concerns raised regarding the cumulative impact of this and the other energy NSIP’s coming forward on this... Read more

  • Lynne Darley

    I wish to object in the strongest terms. Our countryside is fast disappearing. It would have a huge impact on all of the following: the countryside; wildlife; woodland; pollution, both noise and air;... Read more

  • Margaret Palmer

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE As my family has lived in Thorpeness and Sizewell for the past two centuries we are alarmed by the ScottishPower Renewables planning application,... Read more

  • Meg Purvey

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: The East Anglian coastline is natural and beautiful this proposal will cause the destruction of parts... Read more

  • Michael Dee

    Dear Examining Authority, I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects... Read more

  • Middleton cum Fordley Parish Council (Middleton cum Fordley Parish Council)

    Representation giving notice of interest in, and concerns regarding: The East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Development Consent Order Application ref: EN010077 We are deeply dismayed, not to say... Read more

  • Mr B T Kemp

    I object to this ill-conceived plan for a number of reasons including: 1) Cumlutive impact on our local cmmunities of up to seven energy projects 2)Substations dangerously close and small villages... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Dorcey

    As far as we can ascertain (only by our own measurements because SPR will not indicate the precise route until contracts are in place0 the cable/haul route could be just 16 metres from my near... Read more

  • J A K Millar on behalf of Mrs A.C. Millar

    I wish to object to the planning application from Scottish Power is part of an unthought out and uncoordinated scheme for much needed power but for the following reasons misconceived... Read more

  • Mrs Shelley Cowlin

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: Scottish Power's EAN1 and EA2 I would like to make my representations why this DCO application should not be allowed to proceed : 1. The cumulative effect of 7 energy... Read more

  • Nicholas Matthew

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: There is already instability on the Thorpeness coastline which needs no further exacerbating. The... Read more

  • Paul Wilson

    RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring... Read more

  • Peter Chadwick

    I live (Redacted) within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which is part of a thin strip of AONB along the Suffolk Coast. This area of AONB has special protected areas and special sites of... Read more

  • Peter Howard-Dobson

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - In spite of several representations to SPR and others, no attempt has been made to co-ordinate... Read more

  • Peter Redshaw

    I wish to object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application East Anglia north one ( and East Anglia Two) I live locally to this planned development of up to 7 energy projects to be... Read more

  • Philippa McLardy

    I am a Thorpeness resident and Aldringham cum Thorpe Parish Councillor. While supporting renewable energy generally, I do not think the proposed site at Friston is the best choice for ScottishPower... Read more

  • R Singleton

    The proposed development would cause serious environmental damage to this important and fragile coastal area. The area is relatively remote, in an area of scarce development and the pros also are... Read more

  • R. C. G. Rowe

    I object to use of unspoilt countryside at Friston and around for substation complexes of enormous sizes. They will alter the tranquillity of the Sandlings Heath and surroundings. Tourism in East... Read more

  • Rachel Armstrong

    Dear Examining Authority, I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects... Read more

  • Richard Gardiner

    The connecting cables from Thorpeness and the substation at Friston will cause temporary and permanent damage and loss of amenity. This is unnecessary and/or the possible alternative siting at or near... Read more

  • Shirley Brice Keeble

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to SEVEN energy projects occurring consecutively over... Read more

  • Snape Parish Council (Snape Parish Council)

    Registration as an Interested Party DCO Application Scottish Power Renewables project Friston, Suffolk Snape Parish Council (SPC) SPC wishes to register as an interested party in the Development... Read more

  • St. Andrew's, Aldringahm Parochial Church Council (St. Andrew's, Aldringahm Parochial Church Council)

    Aldringham church serves the people of Aldringham and Thorpeness both of which communities are severely affected by your proposals. In particular, Thorpeness with its fragile crumbling cliffs is not a... Read more

  • Stephanie Powell

    I strongly object to the ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons:- Traffic The local road network is wholly unsuitable for the high levels of traffic and especially the... Read more

  • Steven Burch

    Having taken a considerable time to go through the whole planning application by Scottish Power Renewables i strongly object for the following main reasons. Destruction of ancient woodland and the... Read more