
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 951 to 1000 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Whitaker

    I would like to object to the present application due to concerns over the following aspects that I request the Examination evaluate. 1. The scheme would use mainly greenfield agricultural land which... Read more

  • Angela Bishop

    The Sunnica project would entail the loss of a huge area of good agricultural land. To replace agricultural land with solar panels is detrimental to our self sufficiency. At a time when we should be... Read more

  • Anita Lynch

    1. Battery Storage too close to village 2. The complete destruction of our beautiful countryside 3. Roads too small to accommodate amount of large vehicles

  • Avril Norman

    I object to the Sunnica scheme. I don’t agree with arable land that’s being used to grow crops should be turned into a solar farm of such magnitude. Also our small roads being overwhelmed with lorries... Read more

  • B Addison

    This proposition will cause irreparable harm to what is left of our green belt. There must be more suitable waste ground for the project to take over? This would make much more sense than destroying... Read more

  • Barbara Murfitt

    I am objecting to the application. This scheme will affect my daily life. This would be the largest area of solar panels in the UK. It will completely change and dominate the view of the local area,... Read more

  • Barbie Hurrell

    Apart from completely spoiling the countryside surrounding this facility and the possibility of making an extremely busy junction area of 2 major "A" roads a hazardous area, I cannot see that there... Read more

  • Barry Rutterford

    This solar farm is to big and will waste to much quality vegetable growing farm land. No real plan how it will be dismantled after working life span is over and how this will be payed for. It will... Read more

  • BBA Shipping & Transport Ltd (BBA Shipping & Transport Ltd)

    We are a Horse Transport and International Shipping company Based on the High Street in Newmarket. Our client base is largely made up of globally based high net worth individuals who have many choices... Read more

  • Beatrice Milanesio

    We want to protect our beautiful landscape and the animals that live there

  • Ben James

    I object to the sunnica scheme being next to my house!

  • Maureen Cross on behalf of Brian A Cross (Brian A Cross)

    Loss of good agricultural land Loss of habitat for animals, birds and insects Solar panels not made in this country Disruption to local residents

  • Carbon Neutral Cambridge (Carbon Neutral Cambridge)

    20397 Carbon Neutral Cambridge strongly supports the principle of increased provision of renewable power, including wind, solar and energy storage, alongside reductions in consumption and increased... Read more

  • Carol Sennitt

    We do not want blots on the countryside , using good arable farm land. Let the jig building constructors put them on every roof of every new house

  • Carole Suarez Betts

    I'm not agree with the use of farm land for this project and the negative impact will have in the area.

  • Caroline Duncan

    My grandchildren are at school near the proposed site for the batteries and I am the damage from pollution or fire.

  • Caroline Lake

    1. Agriculture We farm at Dalham and Higham. In the current political situation more than ever the country needs land for the production of food. Once this good quality irrigated vegetable growing... Read more

  • Catherine Cox

    The proximity to housing in the local areas makes the local vicinity an inappropriate place to build the solar farm. Safety is not guaranteed. This was not known about prior to moving to the area. I... Read more

  • Cathy Lecheheb

    I am against the proposal by Sunnica for these solar farms. These are my reasons not to allow this development: 1. The sheer size of the Sunnica proposals (nearly 2500 acres between Newmarket and... Read more

  • Charlotte

    As a mother and healthcare professional I object and do not support this application. There is a wealth of research to suggest that natural green spaces positively impact human well-being (Taylor &... Read more

  • Charlotte Jacob

    Lack of independent carbon foot print calculation to determine if this is in fact a sound course of action - we certainly need green energy, but not convinced this is actually a genuine effective... Read more

  • Chippenham Parish Council (Chippenham Parish Council)

    Chippenham Parish Council opposes the Sunnica Solar Farm development in the strongest possible terms. The council supports renewable, sustainable energy but this scheme is too big and in the wrong... Read more

  • Chris Ashcroft

    1. Farm land we have grown crops and grazed cattle on these fields for years and now we are no longer in the EU it may be more prudent to keep them as farm land. 2. I live in Barton Mills and use the... Read more

  • Christine Armstrong

    I oppose the planned solar farm because it is too big to be situated near homes and people, this should be built away from areas people live. This is a huge blight on the landscape that will be here... Read more

  • Christine Savage

    I completely reject the Sunnica solar proposal, main reasons are: Too big and located too close to homes, farms, businesses, involving large scale construction sites above and below ground Permanent... Read more

  • Christoph Widmer

    I object to the application as presented. Representations 1. Failure to demonstrate relevant experience/track record The proposed project would constitute the largest BESS in the world. BESS are a... Read more

  • Alison Oakes on behalf of Colin Brotherton (Colin Brotherton)

    I wish to register my objections to the Sunnica Solar Farm. * The proposals take valuable agricultural land which is needed now and in the future to supply food to this country and the wider world. *... Read more

  • Colin Day

    I object to this application. It is using prime agricultura land for an industrial purpose including dangerous batteries. Public questions have gone unanswered it is obvious the scheme us speculative... Read more

  • Colin S Bailey

    The shear size of this solar farm and battery storage around the villages in this area is unimaginable and battery storage is on the edge of Red Lodge with a school just a few hundred yards away so in... Read more

  • Colin Smith

    Although this development will not affect me directly as I live some distance from the proposed sites. I do have some serious concerns about such a development. 1. In the last 20 years this country... Read more

  • Connie Thompson

    I believe the application of Sunnica must be stopped. It will destroy homes for many wildlife and creat an eye sore for all neighbours. 2,500 acres is a lot of land to lose which has previously been... Read more

  • CPRE Cambridgeshire & Peterborough (CPRE Cambridgeshire & Peterborough)

    The Planning Inspectorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN 16 March 2022 Submitted via website. Dear Sir/Madam Ref: EN010106 Application by Sunnica Ltd for an Order Granting Development... Read more

  • Craig Bolton

    I firstly want to mention that I support green initiatives done in a correct way. I feel that Sunnica is a get rich quick scheme that will provide more problems than it solves. I have the following... Read more

  • Craig Woollard

    The lack of respect shown from Sunnica towards those that this project is going to effect is nothing short of diabolical. They failed to show up for meetings till esrly March 22 and then still didn't... Read more

  • Cris Reynolds

    I object to the proposal for the Sunnica Project. It’s too large and will be a blight on the landscape. It hasn’t been fully risk assessed and what economical effect will it have on the environment... Read more

  • D Francis

    I am very unhappy at the thought of this scheme and am emphatically against it for many reasons including: The size of this development on green field land. In our crowded country surely our... Read more

  • Daniel

    The size of this development is to big. The land it will cover is fertile farm land which has been farmed for generations & provides jobs & a massive variety of food every year. Millions of pounds has... Read more

  • Daniel Wilson

    - Little thought to the impact on the villages the solar farm will surround. - Construction period will cause havoc and cost the local councils thousands to rectify. - Road and byway damage. -... Read more

  • Daryl Trundley

    The shear size of this scheme interwoven between eight small country villages in an agricultural area with only small country roads for access. Loss of greenfield land, replaced by acres of concrete... Read more

  • David Baynes

    As an Electrician and a Health & Safety Manager I have a number of worrying concerns and miss use/inefficient forms of generating electricity. Safety Concerns: The batteries are not reliable and very... Read more

  • David Byrne

    David Byrne I object to Sunnica reasons been. The roads around here are over trafficked as it is and where I pull out on the worlington junction on the A11 is a very dangers road where i cross every... Read more

  • David Crighton

    The amount of farm land taken up by the solar panels in relation to the power received from them then stored in Batteries is ridiculous. After countless years has it not been proven that the... Read more

  • Dawn Young

    Unsafe for local area. Large batteries very dangerous

  • Dianne Farthing

    1. Use of good agricultural land. 2. the need to retain local food production in the UK. 3. the need for re-forestation to reduce carbon footprint some of the land involved in this project could be... Read more

  • Discover Newmarket (Discover Newmarket)

    Newmarket is internationally recognised as the home of horseracing and its history and royal connections goes back centuries. Without a doubt it is the centre of world horseracing and the whole of the... Read more

  • Dominic Bowers

    Let me state at the outset that I’m heavily in favour of developing renewable energy sources to tackle climate change and reduce our dependency on imported energy. However, the burden of such... Read more

  • Doreen Loftus

    I agree with solar power but definitely do not want to live in a power plant having read about other such plants around our country

  • East Cambridgeshire District Council (East Cambridgeshire District Council)

    Dear Sir/Madam As requested we will be sending our full response via email to: This Relevant Representation will include, but not limited to: • Cultural Heritage •... Read more

  • Edmond Mahony

    I have worked within the racing industry in Newmarket for over 30 years, and while I am in favour of sustainable renewable energy schemes I am opposed to the proposed Sunnica Solar Farm application... Read more

  • Elly Sallingboe

    I strongly object to the monstrous Sunnica solar farm plans. I am not against solar farms, but this giant solar farm is completely out of scale to the area it covers and will, totally destroy this... Read more