Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 376 to 400 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Malcolm Gordon Morley

    I am totally against this project. It came as a complete surprise to us as no consultation was arranged . It's development by stealth. The traffic chaos and air pollution will be unbearable to local... Read more

  • Margaret Powell

    I live directly on the sea front.I am very concerned about the visual impact this wind farm would have both for myself and all those living on this strip of coast. Littlehampton and Bognor Regis are... Read more

  • Mark Shields

    I am against the windfarm with following reasons. • The lack of transparency, including changing the Planning Inspectorate link recently for anyone wanting to register an interest. • The impact on... Read more

  • Martin Keogh

    I have a carvan next to the site main concerns are dust , noise and vehicle access to the site what ans are in place to minimise these, how close will you becoming to the boundary fence next the... Read more

  • Member East Beach Residents Association (EBRA) - Littlehampton and Protect Coastal Sussex (PCS) (Member East Beach Residents Association (EBRA) - Littlehampton and Protect Coastal Sussex (PCS))

    I offet this Press Release by Protect Coastal Sussex as a relevant registration comment. So that it is acknowledged and taken into account by the Examination Panel and Interested Parties and is on... Read more

  • Member of Protect Coastal Sussex (Member of Protect Coastal Sussex)

    Generally, when proposing a development, The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)( Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local and Local Government, 2019) Section 127 sets out the design... Read more

  • Michael John Gething

    I am opposed to the Rampion 2 development. My reasons are as follows: The lack of initial consultation with the population of Cowfold. The potential impact on the village is going to impact its daily... Read more

  • Michael Knight

    I love the local views to the open, natural seascape that can be currently enjoyed from the Sussex coast. They are beautiful and uplifting. If allowed, these precious views will be lost forever. There... Read more

  • Michael Moorcroft

    I am very concerned at the enormous extent of the array of vast Wind Turbines as high as The Eiffel Tower. There will be no place on the West Sussex Coast that the horizon is not dominated by them by... Read more

  • Mid Sussex District Council (Mid Sussex District Council)

    Mid Sussex District Council’s Relevant Representations on Rampion 2 Development Consent Order 1.0 Summary 1.1 In summary the key issues for Mid Sussex are as follows: a) This Council is supportive of... Read more

  • Henry Adams LLP (Henry Adams LLP) on behalf of Mr and Mrs G Woolgar (Mr and Mrs G Woolgar)

    Mr and Mrs Woolgar are landowners on the route of the cable. They object strongly to the proposed easement terms as they have disproportional consequences for the land within, and outside, of the... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Mr Charles How (Mr Charles How)

    06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB523/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, [REDACTED] Rampion 2 response to section 56... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Mr D H Dumbrell, Mrs L Dumbrell & Mr R Dumbrell (Mr D H Dumbrell, Mrs L Dumbrell & Mr R Dumbrell)

    The main concerns regarding the impact Rampion 2 will have on the property: 1) Access must be provided over the construction area to be able to continue farming the severed land to the east during the... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Mr Mark Cleaver and Mrs Karen Cleaver (Mr Mark Cleaver and Mrs Karen Cleaver)

    06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB743/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, Washington Caravan and Camping Park, London... Read more

  • Henry Adams LLP (Henry Adams LLP) on behalf of Mssrs Hutchings (Mssrs Hutchings )

    The Hutchings Family own [REDACTED] and are directly affected claimants. As their land agent, I have made RWE aware of particular sensitivities that impact this farm. I have therefore been surprised... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Muntham Farm LLP (Muntham Farm LLP)

    06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB528/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, Mr R Heath - Muntham Farm LLP Rampion 2... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please see email to Rampion2@planninginspectorate.gov.uk, which contains Natural England's relevant representations.

  • Nicola Keogh

    I am extremely worried about the close works proposed to Brookside Caravan Park at Lyminster for the next stage of the Rampion 2 The caravan park has been there for over 60 years and is very peaceful... Read more

  • Nicole Edwards

    I am unable to support the proposed extension to the Rampion Wind Farm, and primarily the chosen site of the new substation. Cowfold was not adequately consulted by Rampion regarding the proposed site... Read more

  • Nigel Lewis

    The A272 is the main trunk road throughout the county and this particular part is one of the most accident prone and dangerous of the entire road. Picts lane and Kent street are tiny single track... Read more

  • Melanie Anne Jones on behalf of Oliver Roberts (Oliver Roberts)

    Registration Comment on the Economic Viability and Effective Use of Funding for Rampion 2 Wind Farm I am entering this comment on behalf of Mr Oliver Roberts. Having visual impairment, it is not... Read more

  • Oscar Wakeman

    I am a keen sea man and the huge disruption this will cause to wildlife, to migration and not to mention this is an area of huge natural beauty,

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Patrick John Marcel Hutchinson (Patrick John Marcel Hutchinson)

    The main concerns regarding the impact Rampion 2 will have on the property: 1) A remedial drainage scheme will be required if the construction works have an impact on the natural drainage of the land.... Read more

  • Paul Jacob

    - Serious concerns regarding transport and traffic - the impact on the A272 will be huge and it is already one constant traffic queue - the disruption once live and during construction will have a... Read more

  • Peter Christopher May

    My concerns are: Using Dragons Lane for access and ongoing maintenance for Oakdean substation . Using anything other than light vehicles. The lane is a private unmade,single track road and is a... Read more