
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 200 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Osborne Clarke LLP (Osborne Clarke LLP) on behalf of National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc - Withdrawn (National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc - Withdrawn)

    1. Project Reference: EN010127. Submitted by Osborne Clarke LLP on behalf of National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc ("NGED"). 2. Osborne Clarke LLP act for NGED whose registered... Read more

  • Nick Saunders

    I am concerned both about the loss of agricultural land and community amenities, and frustrated by the developers high handed attitude towards the local community. The proposed project appears to... Read more

  • Rob Jones

    Having reviewed the proposals my belief is that the balance of national energy needs and carbon reduction commitments outweigh what are primarily local concerns around visual impacts and construction... Read more

  • Robert Hogg

    Covering hundreds of hectares of productive agricultural land with solar panels is totally counter-productive. Other concerns: Possible flooding issues The unsightly nature of the proposals in the... Read more

  • Royston Richards

    Completely wrong and stupid place to put such large development and loose farming land the roads are not built for this kind of construction a good place is x RAF sites like the one 5 miles west next... Read more

  • Ryhall Parish Council (Ryhall Parish Council)

    Ryhall Parish Council have canvased residents of the Parish who, in the majority, are against the Mallard Pass Solar factory. The main reasons being the impact on the surround landscape with its mass... Read more

  • Samuel Smith

    I strongly object to this development due to huge scale of it and significant detrimetnal impact a development of this size would have on the local environement. It would completely dominate a huge... Read more

  • Sandra Pell

    This development covers a huge area, taking up valuable agricultural land. It will also have a negative environmental impact as well as being a blot on the beautiful local landscape with absolutely no... Read more

  • Sarah Markwell-Cook

    I whole heartedly object to the planned proposal. We are in the middle of the countryside with roads that are not suitable for heavy traffic, single lane in most places, with deteriorating road... Read more

  • Susan Joan Robinson

    The Solar Farm site is far too big for the area, the undulating land is simply not suitable for solar panels and using it for this means that good agricultural land will be lost forever from the area.... Read more

  • Teresa Richards

    I strongly object to this project. It is far too large and will affect wildlife considerably, destroying good agricultural ground. Our wildlife population is suffering greatly already. We need the... Read more

  • Adrian Morrell

    The country is short of power, we need new providers urgently and this project meets that criteria. Having travelled in South Africa where in the Western Cape they are without power for up to 6 hours... Read more

  • Anne Stokes

    This proposal would cover an unprecedented vast swathe of prime agricultural land. At a time when as a country, we are aiming to maximise food production, it is perverse to cover such a huge area with... Read more

  • Clipsham Parish Meeting - Rutland (Clipsham Parish Meeting - Rutland)

    We believe that the massive scale of this development is highly damaging for Rutland. The development would lead to irreversible damage to the community due to the loss of quality, productive... Read more

  • Jason Clive Morten

    Whilst I am a supporter of green and renewable energy, I need to express my concern and objection to this proposal. It’s too big, impacts too much of the local wildlife and will increase the flooding... Read more

  • Jeremy Nicholas Boycott Thurston

    The proposed development is across a swathe of agricultural land and is of unprecedented size in the UK. This development is removing productive agricultural land, further increasing the need for the... Read more

  • Mr Richard Smith

    Loss of productive agricultural land REQUIRED for food production The proposal removes significant food producing land which is irreplaceable The land and ecology are precious to the well being of the... Read more

  • Peter David Thomas

    I recently moved to the village of Ryhall and spend a great deal of time walking through the surrounding countryside which is now planned for a complete transformation. The walks I enjoyed will no... Read more

  • Rotary Club of Stamford, club no - 19155 (Rotary Club of Stamford, club no - 19155)

    1. I Agree with the need for more electricity produced in an environmentally friendly way. 2. Why are you proposing to use grade 1 farming land, when there are many grey sites available locally ? 3.... Read more

  • C G Renner

    Not the best use of this farm land or resources. Loss of arable land

  • Martin Dovey

    Love solar BUT the size of this is completely ridiculous - destroying communities and years of amazing history.

  • Peter Williamson

    I hope the developers will be obligated to include substantial improvements to the local area including for the benefit of locals people, wildlife and economically. In favour of low carbon energy

  • Sarah Riddell

    Major concern on local impact

  • Sarah Sewell

    Concerns over noise during and after construction, destruction of agricultural land, wildlife. Affect on area, view, house prices. Ethics.

  • Shaden Hammami

    I object the proposed project Mallard Solar farm for the below reasons; 2 years of noise, light pollution, disruption and damage across 2,105 acre site and surrounding area. *Cabling to new... Read more

  • Sinclair Rogers

    Location Origin of the panels Possible front for foreign investors

  • Sophie Harker

    Living close to the proposed area I feel it will greatly dampen the attraction to the area and the reason we all bought here - beautiful green countryside views for miles, fresh healthy air, peaceful... Read more

  • Stephen John Bourne

    Against the proposal; visual impact removing food producing land scale traffic

  • Barry Daff

    Because of the large scale of this project it will have a major impact on my daily life during the construction period. Roads and local access in this area are already poor. This solar farm will also... Read more

  • Caroline Mary Meyrick

    This is a rural area and the industry is mainly local and low key. Putting an enormous new industrial unit over a wide area will completely change the character of the surrounding towns and villages.... Read more

  • Erin Downs

    I strongly object to this proposal. The scale is ridiculous for the smallest county in the country. Why are we losing valuable farming land where we can grow our own produce. Why not install solar... Read more

  • Helena Swallow

    This must not go ahead - we cannot take farming land away from food production. Short sighted. What will maintenance issues be - how long do these panels last.

  • Jennifer McCreery

    I object to the use of a green field site for this sort of project. I object to the scale and size of the project. I dislike the impact that it will have on the environment and the wildlife of the... Read more

  • Katherine Fellingham

    My objections are: The size of the solar farm, the largest in the UK, in a rural area. Loss of agricultural land and food supply Loss of wildlife and beautiful countryside enjoyed by local residents... Read more

  • Leslie Barfield

    Far to much agricultural land, unclear how much woodland will be isolated. High risk to flora, fauna and wildlife. Should be no need to purchase houses. This will kill the village.

  • Mark Richard Andreae

    The proposal is entirely inappropriate in scale and location. It is far too large. It's proposed location on prime agricultural land is wrong. Impact on the environment will be harmful. Visual impact... Read more

  • Mary Bremner

    It is far too large and taking good agricultural land out of production. We need to be sustainable by producing food, this is destroying this. Solar energy is not efficient and does not produce enough... Read more

  • Mrs Angela Daff

    Completely the wrong situation for an unprecedented vast industrial complex on productive farmland. Huge disruption for local historic villages and narrow country roads, not only during construction,... Read more

  • Nicholas James Charrington

    Mallard Pass should not be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is of no economic benefit to the areas impacted. 2. The size and scale is ludicrous - one of the biggest solar projects in the... Read more

  • Nicholas Meyrick

    Why is the location for such a large scale project being proposed for a rural and agricultural area in the smallest county in the UK? My review on line showed that Mallard Pass would become by far the... Read more

  • Paul Wheeler

    I have major concerns about this project. I find it really hard to believe that in this day and age, with clear issues with food supply, loss of natural habitats and areas of beauty, that a national... Read more

  • Ulrike Cooper

    To erect solar panels around residential areas, on fertile ground and in such massive dimensions is totally irresponsible. We need energy but not at the expense of food production or green spaces for... Read more

  • Bobbie Al-Tayie

    In the effort to combat global warming and create greener electricity I totally understand the concept of Solar Farming but not at the expense of this community and vast areas of surrounding... Read more

  • Deborah Marie Rolfe

    The scale of the project is out of proportion for the area taking up a vast section of our countryside for more years than I will be alive now. There are better options to explore which will not have... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    While we are pleased to note that field number 37, which is the nearest section of the site to Braceborough Little Wood Ancient Woodland is now designated as a mitigation and enhancement area.... Read more

  • Glenda Susan Launders

    The site colossal, it completely changes the rural nature of the surrounding areas, It’s construction is damaging to local road networks, noise levels and distribution to local residents, loss of... Read more

  • Kevin Corby

    I would like to know what alternative green energy options have been considered for this area ie wind turbines, the use of solar panels on industrial / domestic housing etc, and why they have been... Read more

  • Stamford Town Council (Stamford Town Council)

    i. The proposal only looks at one technology option, location and site. It can therefore be considered to be sub-optimal, which at a time of Climate Crisis is unacceptable. ii. It offers no supporting... Read more

  • Andrew Mark Tucker

    I accept the need to decarbonise and source renewable energy, but replacing rich agricultural land and the communities that lay within it, fixes one problem and replaces it others. Mallard Pass is not... Read more

  • Claire Colton

    In principle solar farms are beneficial and less intrusive than onshore wind farms. It is to be hoped that sheep, other small animal grazing, beehives, alternative additional use, can operate... Read more