
Mallard Pass Solar Project

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Showing 201 to 250 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Linda Newbery

    I want to object strongly to the use of good agricultural land for the use of Solar panels when there are so many new builds being erected at the moment and not ONE solar panelled roof in sight! It’s... Read more

  • Lois Mary Taggart

    Far too big a project for such a small village, in such a small county, much of which was taken in the 1970s for Rutland Water.

  • Lucie Swannell

    I am concerned by the following Issue 1: extensive street works through Essendine for cabling. Issue 2: the new sub-station will not only be visible but audible at quieter times of days, looking... Read more

  • Michael Weisz

    i am writing to express grave concerns about the proposals for the Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I am a local resident. · The proposed project is on a massive scale, and its impact on small rural... Read more

  • Patricia Hagger

    This project is totally outrageous and should be prevented. Totally inappropriate site.

  • Peter Dawson

    Totally unacceptable to be developing good agricultural land when we need to be able to supply the uk with enough homegrown food.

  • Peter Roome

    I am most concerned about the impacts on land use for recreational and farming purposes. I perceive that this solar farm would effectively obliterate a vast area from everyday use. Walking access... Read more

  • Roger James Nunn

    I live in Essendine, Rutland, and have strongly-held objections to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I make the following points: 1. Wholesale desecration of the countryside visually,... Read more

  • Stella Lowry

    I am writing to express grave concerns about the proposals for the Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I am a local resident. My concerns are numerous, and I have listed them as bullet points for simplicity. ·... Read more

  • Tallington Parish Council (Tallington Parish Council)

    Stage 2 statutory Consultation. TPC Response – Although TPC recognise that there is need for rapid growth of solar and wind power so that the area and country can become more energy self-sufficient,... Read more

  • Tom Bradshaw

    Not best environmental option, this is a very large industrial complex. What is the background of company proposing this installation? Its using a large amount of good farm land, there are better... Read more

  • Vincent Howard Dean

    Spoilage of over 2000 acres of productive farmland, disfigering a part of rural South Lincolnshire with industrial solar panels that are not an imperative requirement. The Mallard Pass Solar Farm's... Read more

  • Chloe L Harley

    I live locally to the proposed development (Great Casterton) and could be affected by traffic related to the development. I am for renewable energy but against using agricultural land for it when... Read more

  • Ian Trevor Jacques

    I cycle all over Leicestershire and Rutland On my bike i sit higher up than the average car.. Solar panels are largely obscured by the height of the hedges. Only at this time of the year when the... Read more

  • Janina Harding

    LOCAL ECOLOGY AND WILDLIFE - This project is colossal in size. Among the vast pages sent to us it does not specify pylons and traffic impact. LANDSCAPE/ VISUAL IMPACT - The sheer size of this project... Read more

  • Jean Norma Moulds

    I think it ludicrous that these solar panel farms are going onto good arable land when we have thousands of acres of rooftops that could be used. All new housing should be fitted and help should be... Read more

  • Joanne Carr

    This proposed project does not deliver any real benefits. The creation of the solar plant will destroy roads, fields, wildlife, potential archaeological artefacts, remove outdoor spaces, industrialise... Read more

  • Michael Holdsworth

    This proposal would have a devastating effect on local communities and wildlife at the expense of productive arable land. The density and extent of the proposal would unavoidably have a negative... Read more

  • Michele Marguerite Charrington

    Dear Sir, I write to briefly outline my objections to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm. 1. The proposed site will engulf our property starting at the beginning of our adopted road - The Drift off... Read more

  • Mr Andrew Harding

    LOCAL ECOLOGY AND WILDLIFE - This project is colossal in size. Among the vast pages sent to us it does not specify pylons and traffic impact. LANDSCAPE/ VISUAL IMPACT - The sheer size of this project... Read more

  • Noel Staples

    I am greatly concerned that the 2 year construction phase will involve very considerable numbers of LGVs using Essendyne Road and roads through Greatford, Belmesthorpe, Ryhall, Barholm etc, many of... Read more

  • Pamela Mary Miller

    We live in an area where there are several airfields, or military bases which are in the process of being shut down by the MOD. They are flat, have the infrastructure to support solar panel farms and... Read more

  • Richard Hall Turpin

    Shocking location for project eg - destruction of valuable farm land - area of natural beauty will be destroyed Plenty of less damaging sites In Lincolnshire on brown field sites

  • Robert Naylor

    Fully supported. It is ridiculous if everyone says 'no'. We must all do our share or it simply will not work.

  • Simon Crouch

    I believe that the claimed potential benefits of a much hyped commercial project are far outweighed by the loss of valuable farming land. Further I believe that the development is inappropriate to the... Read more

  • Stewart Boyd

    Waste of quality agricultural land. Increase in heavy commercial vehicle movements during construction and for service in an existing tipper truck lorry blighted area. Unsightly nature and the... Read more

  • Annette Patricia Haynes

    1. Rutland is the smallest county in England and already has the 2nd largest man made reservoir in England which did take hundreds of acres of farming land and villages . Forty two years on, the... Read more

  • David George Woodman

    A very expensive, heavily subsidized blot on the landscape and useless at providing cheap reliable energy supplies when it is most needed in the winter nights.

  • Gordon Stanley Haynes

    This project 1) will destroy the visual amenities we currently enjoy,2) drastically reduce the value of all properties that overlook and are adjacent to the site,3) discourage visitors and investment... Read more

  • Karen Neale

    I am writing to raise objection to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm (MPSF) application. The scale of the proposal is vast, covering an area between 2 and 3 times the size of Stamford as it exists... Read more

  • Mr Gerald Brean

    We are losing our surrounding country side to housing the proposed solar installation will be very large blot on the landscape, about the environment which Boris was advising us we were going green... Read more

  • Peter Heyes

    There are many alternatives to this: Loss of quality agricultural land; Damage to the environment and natural fauna and flora; Impact on local housing. The threat of compulsory purchase of privately... Read more

  • Mrs Isobel Margaret Barnett

    1. Prime agricultural land being taken out of food protection. 2. Where will the food come from that would have been grown on this area? 3. What is the true environmental impact and carbon footprint... Read more

  • Brian Cuppelditch

    Re proposed solar farm Mallard Pass. Size of the development in a rural area, and the visual impact on the surrounding area. Safety for the area with the proposed battery storage. Loss of agricultural... Read more

  • Helen Townsend

    The Solar farm is too large a project to be around the village. It will take away agricultural land. What happens long term if the energy company goes bust. There will be so many batteries on the... Read more

  • Jane Cuppelditch

    My comments refer to the proposed Solar farm site "Mallard Pass" at Essendine. The size of the development for the smallest county inEngland, Rutland. concerns me. Loss of habitat for flora and fauna.... Read more

  • Mrs Barbara Smitheringale

    The scale is far too large, I am concerned about the loss of agricultural land and the visual impact.

  • Philip Muttett

    I do not believe the benefits of Mallard Pass Solar Farm will outweigh the significant costs and impact on the villages that will be affected by it.

  • Elizabeth Sumption

    I am writing to strongly object to the plans to a erect the solar energy panels at the above site. I have attended the consultation in Stamford Townhall on Wednesday 29th of June. There are many, many... Read more

  • Katherine Ayton

    Disruption and compulsory access over residential property/land is not acceptable. Planned project is too big and essential works need to happen on roads and verges.

  • Kevin Ayton

    This concerns me due to scale, and the infrastructure compulsory access/purchase over residential and non involved farm land. The disruption to the local area will be massive over a two year period... Read more

  • Alexander Marsden

    Disrupted views to the countryside, should be put closer to large towns and industrial areas on waste ground. Proven on previous PV(solar) projects that they do not meet the advertised MW generation... Read more

  • Stamford, Bourne and The Deepings Ramblers Group (Stamford, Bourne and The Deepings Ramblers Group)

    We are ramblers I represent the Stamford, Bourne and The Deepings Ramblers Group and we use many of the public footpaths and rights of way in the locality. The joy of walking is taking in the... Read more

  • Alison Horton

    My concerns surrounding this proposal centre on the effect it will have on wildlife in the area, destroying habitats and access and the diversity of flora across the area. The extent of the planned... Read more

  • Ann Gillett

    The construction of Mallard Pass is considered to be a poor use of resource: Loss of valuable agricultural land: Agricultural land should be used to produce food, thus potentially reducing the need... Read more

  • John Stewart Gillett

    The construction of Mallard Pass is considered to be a poor use of resource: Loss of valuable agricultural land: Agricultural land should be used to produce food, thus potentially reducing the need... Read more

  • Judy Sewell

    This scheme will remove a huge chunk of agricultural land from food production. The UK needs to be more self sufficient in growing it’s own food and not importing it. This land is lovely to cycle... Read more

  • Karen Bourne

    This proposed solar farm would take more than 2,000 acres of mainly good quality arable land out of food production. It sits within a mile of some villages and of Stamford, blighting the rural... Read more

  • Kay Martin

    The Mallard Pass Solar station is a huge consumption of agricultural land which should focus on ensuring independent food production versus electricity which could be achieved through the use of... Read more

  • Leicestershire & Rutland Area Ramblers (Leicestershire & Rutland Area Ramblers)

    The Ramblers organisation, a national charity which includes the Leicestershire & Rutland Area, works to help everyone enjoy the pleasures and benefits of walking, and to enhance and protect the... Read more