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Storage of captured carbon
I object to losing part of the nature reserve. It is popular amoung locals and home to a diverse range of wildlife. It is important this place remains for our community as well as the community of...
Darllen mwy
I both live in the development across the road from the proposed CCS plant (and the completed and soon-to-be completed waste incinerators) and am a member of the Save Crossness Nature Reserve...
Darllen mwy
We should be protecting Nature Reserves
I am against such a project due to the social and environmental impact it may have and therefore appeal and request as a concerned individual a compromise or alternative solutions to the issue in...
Darllen mwy
I am a long-term resident local to the area, familiar with the riverside environment and a regular user of Crossness Nature Reserve. A significant impact of this project, should it go ahead, is the...
Darllen mwy
Crossness Nature Reserve is a unique piece of nature, providing a safe haven for rare and endangered wildlife, and a serene space to escape hectic London life. It is designated as a Local Nature...
Darllen mwy
Reasons for objections - Irreplaceable loss of Belvedere marsh land/ Metropolitan Open Land/ Nature reserve/ SINC/SSSI. This is set against the transitory nature of Carbon Capture (finite storage in...
Darllen mwy
Thamesmead is already overbuilt with industrial sites and the nature pushed out of the cities. Thamesmead identity is its wild nature, please don't spoil our home . We want our nature, not a factory....
Darllen mwy
This site represents a vital habitat for endangered wildlife and recreation space important to many local residents. When local biodiversity is under intense pressure from building for housing and...
Darllen mwy
Crossness Nature Reserve is a unique piece of nature, providing a safe haven for rare and endangered wildlife, and a serene space to escape cancerous London life. It is designated as a Local Nature...
Darllen mwy
This project means land will be lost from a unique natural habitat, threatening its viability. Cory should choose an alternative location which would avoid natural habitat loss and repurpose existing...
Darllen mwy
There are a number issues: 1. The area around the Cory site is a designated nature reserve which I have walked through many times and wondered at the diversity of the wild life. The proposal could...
Darllen mwy
Unbelievable that a project supposed to meet climate change objectives proposes to destroy over 11% of ancient Thames Grazing marsh in the process. This is a Local Nature Reserve rich in biodiversity...
Darllen mwy
Having read Cory's plans the first thing that comes to mind is deception! The Crossness Nature Reserve is not getting bigger! It will lose as i understand it 2.9 hectars/6.2 acres of land. Not only...
Darllen mwy
The current project proposals will directly impact 2ha of Crossness Local Nature Reserve (LNR), a site that falls within the Thames Estuary South Important Invertebrate Area (IIA). IIAs are nationally...
Darllen mwy
This is the largest established nature reserve in SE London. The loss of habitat would have a detrimental impact on flora and fauna including some rare species. Cory intends using glyphosate as a...
Darllen mwy
The loss of the nature reserve to construct the facility will be a great loss for the area Why is it not possible to build it on the north side of the river
The Cory development will impact on the local area, taking away some unique natural wildlife/flower/fauna.
This land was set aside and protected for a nature reserve. This project is in blatant breach of that and totally undermines any promises made to protect one small piece of the riverside. Shame on...
Darllen mwy
This may (or may not) be a good project, but it is on the wrong site. There is no reason for this development to be situated on the nature reserve when there is a brownfield site on the other side of...
Darllen mwy
It would be a shame to lose yet another area of natural beauty which is a valuable resource for people and wildlife alike. The Birdwatching centre is vital in connecting children with the variety and...
Darllen mwy
In a time of ecological crisis, I find it disturbing that the conservative government and Cory are in agreement to destroy any areas of the natural environment. This particular space I understand not...
Darllen mwy
I object to Cory's plans to build a massive building on cite. Crossness Nature Reserve is loved by many locals and vistors. Crossness helps protect Bexley from flooding plus it is a rare and precious...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about the environmental impact on the nature reserve, the local habitat and wildlife
I strongly object to part of this well established amenity Nature Reserve being destroyed and the rest of the area majorly impacted by Carbon Capture infrastructure. NB it takes years for grazing...
Darllen mwy
Crossness Nature Reserve is a 25.5-hectare reserve, part of the Erith Marshes and is a Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation. The proposed development threatens where one of...
Darllen mwy
Since the HSE was last consulted on the Section 42 around Jul 2018 (when the project was known as the Riverside Energy Park), a new site has obtained hazardous substances consent to the east of this...
Darllen mwy
Crossness Nature Reserve in Bexley, South East London offers one of the last remaining area of grazed marshland within the Greater London area. The site is a Local Nature Reserve (LNR) and a...
Darllen mwy
My uncle (now deceased recently) volunteered for over 20 years at this location. The site is thriving with wildlife and plants and it seems to be a terrible act of destruction to get rid of a Nature...
Darllen mwy
There are a number of objections I wish to raise about this project, as follows; This list is not exhaustive. 1. I object to the proposed project being built on land which has a 106 order attached to...
Darllen mwy
Natural England are a statutory consultee and an interested party. The proposal has the potential to impact internationally and nationally importance designated sites for nature conservation,...
Darllen mwy
I'm not in support of this. I think it's detrimental and destructive to the purpose of the nature reserve.
The nature reserve is important to the local community
The proposed site is too close to the densely populated area of Thamead & Abbey Wood,and storage of tons of waste and a putrification plant will be detrimental to the health of the population living...
Darllen mwy
I object to the proposal of the carbon capture on the land in Crossness nature reserve as it impacts on the wildlife there especially the rare species like water voles. The nature reserve is precious...
Darllen mwy
Good to see that efforts are being made to reduce carbon emissions
Environmental impact to the nature reserve site & area blight.
The proposed building of this plant will have an adverse effect on an already disadvantaged community, the nature reserve plays an important role in local recreation and also in the environmental...
Darllen mwy
First off, fantastic. It's great to see a strategically important carbon capture project that contributes to 2050 goals. My house looks onto the incinerator, it's a source of pride for me. I'm proud...
Darllen mwy
This is an important wildlife habitat and flood area which London has so few of. The water voles, Shrill Carder Bee and migrant birds will not welcome the disruption and change to their environment...
Darllen mwy
I do not feel that it is appropriate to develop on a nature reserve. The damage to the habitat and for many birds and wildlife will be irrevocably destroyed. Also, there is no real evidence that...
Darllen mwy
I totally object to proposed use of the nature reserve. Totally wrong and permission should not be given
This project could lead to increased noise pollution and dust a loss of precious natural habitat which is beneficial for peoples mental health and well being. There is also already peat bogs which...
Darllen mwy
It is disingenuous of Cory to say they will mitigate against the loss of habitat, it is already working perfectly well as it is and their proposals are simply greenwashing. South East England is...
Darllen mwy
I would like to object to this project as a resident in Belvedere and as member of the Crossness Nature reserve for the following reasons. As of 19th of May , there is 2,659 signatures on the petition...
Darllen mwy
The project should not be done on a nature reserve. It may easily be done within the existing development envelope, or in one of the many underutilised or unutilised sites in the adjacent industrial...
Darllen mwy
CPRE London is a membership-based charity with 2,500 members across London, concerned with the preservation and enhancement of London’s vital green spaces, as well as the improvement of London’s...
Darllen mwy
I am registering my strong objection to Cory building a decarbonisation plant on 11% of crossness nature reserve. The impact on the precious wild life on this reserve will be affected further afield...
Darllen mwy
I object to the planned building development by Cory Energy on Crossness Nature Reserve. We have so little local spaces where nature can thrive and the idea of losing this precious space, that people...
Darllen mwy