
West Burton Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 354 representations, newest first.

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  • Phillipa Jones

    I am against the use of good arable land being used simply because there is a convenient link to the grid and causing us to have to import food and oils. It will ruin bridle ways and pathways and... Read more

  • Richard Wilkins

    This is one of four outrageously large solar industrial installations in one geographical location. It will, with the other three, potentially waste 10000 acres of productive land for decades. There... Read more

  • Sturton by Stow Parish Council (Sturton by Stow Parish Council)

    This project is one of four currently under development. The project of West Burton should be considered alongside; Cottam, Gate Burton and Tillbridge Solar. The estimated land loss for these projects... Read more

  • Tillbridge Solar Limited (Tillbridge Solar Limited)

    Tillbridge Solar Limited is proposing to build a project for the construction, operation (including maintenance) and decommissioning of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panel arrays and a... Read more

  • Tracy Wilkins

    Feel totally against the proposal . It’s a waste of good farming land and a waste of resources . These solar panels need to be placed on rooftops and not use up valuable land . We are being totally... Read more

  • Vivienne Lewis

    The land that these developers want to use to build these solar arrays should be being used for farming and/or growing food. The population of our small island is growing day on day, and we need the... Read more

  • Wendy Rose

    For me, the main issue is the removal of agricultural land from food production and transferring it for over a generation to solar panels

  • Anthony Edward Fields

    I believe the impact of large area's of solar panels on the landscape and countryside would be devastating to both farming, wildlife habitat and the surrounding vista. Agricultural land should be... Read more

  • Gillian Stonham

    Hello - this is the third of four solar farm applications that in total will cover 10,000 acres of Lincolnshire farming land. This will take an enormous amount of arable land out of food production.... Read more

  • Janet Davies

    I keep reading about how there is a huge movement to protect nature in most parts of the country. There are rewinding schemes,an encouragement not to mow grass in May,schemes to protect wildlife, NHS... Read more

  • Lynda D Martin

    My husband and I went to Edwinstowe in the week and passed an area that used to be part of the colliery. The land alongside the road had been covered with solar panels, I might add not as large as the... Read more

  • Margaret Fields

    This application from West Burton Solar Ltd needs to be considered alongside the other proposed solar farms including Cottam, Gate Burton and Tillbridge. Together the proposals intend to take up c... Read more

  • Sue Smith

    Objection in principle

  • Andrew Lord

    This project should not be considered in isolation. There are a number of similar projects being planned in the immediate vicinity. They should all be taken into account at the same time.

  • James Gallagher

    My primary concern is that there are multiple applications being made for solar farms in Lincolnshire and each is being considered independently of others. This is unacceptable and there should be a... Read more

  • Richard Whiting

    this project will decimate the local countryside far too many panels of extreme size. the area is prime food producing land the batteries are close to the village and are a danger to life place the... Read more

  • Sallyann Constable

    This project is proposed to cover 2000 acres of grade 3b farmland that is listed as good on the Defra website, do you think that it is right to lose such a valuable food producing area to an... Read more

  • Stephen Charles Constable

    This is one proposal for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project of four in the local area, applied for separately in an attempt by the developer to shield the sheer size of the project,... Read more

  • Stephen Hollinworth

    The project will lead to the loss of valuable farmland. This project along with the huge number of other solar projects planned for the area will lead to the loss of landscape and public amenity.

  • David Allerston

    I feel that the size and density of this project (in addition to other, similar local projects) will irrevocably and negatively dominate the local landscape, take good agricultural land out of use and... Read more

  • Diane Ayres

    I’m concerned that this proposal is on farmland and the detrimental effect this will have on our precious wildlife. There must be brownfield sites that could be used for solar panels instead of... Read more

  • Elizabeth Allan

    Lost of food producing land, solar production isn’t viable in this country, (wind and hydropower produce better returns) power generated cannot be stored for when it’s required, eg evenings and... Read more

  • Nicholas Hill

    I have been granted planning permission (west Lindsey application number 145882)for 2 agricultural buildings and a yard for my new agricultural business I had great support for my application and the... Read more

  • Rodger Brownlow

    Cable crossing my land. Concern about disrupting wet marshland

  • Stephen Spence

    Use of productive, arable, food producing land for erecting solar panels. Excessive concentration of solar panels in one specific area. Isolation of wildlife habitat by enclosing land containing solar... Read more

  • John Rouse

    As well as the environmental impact, and the impact on the appearance, the increase in traffic in the area will overload the local infrastructure. Nothing is being offered to those impacted as... Read more

  • Mr Keith Dunkinson

    The project and it's sister projects are not wanted by the vast majority of local people I have spoken to and myself. They are an unwelcome change to arable land, unsightly and don't seem an efficient... Read more

  • Saxilby Public Recreation Ground Charity Charity No 521978 (Saxilby Public Recreation Ground Charity Charity No 521978)

    As a local charity, should the project go ahead we will be interested in any funding opportunities arising from it.

  • Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council (Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council)

    Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council – Position Statement Solar Farm Proposal This position statement sets out Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council and wider community view on the principle of large... Read more

  • Karen Salter

    This effects my mental wellness, these solar panels would be straight in front of my lounge window less than fifteen feet away ! The noise will be unbearable I saved for many years to purchase my... Read more

  • North Kesteven District Council (North Kesteven District Council)

    The District Council wishes to provide comments in relation to Chapter 19: Soils and Agriculture of the ES, noting that the detailed ALC survey of the agricultural soil survey area found agricultural... Read more

  • Raymond Parnell

    I wish to voice my objection to the proposal on the grounds of the unsustainable desecration of arable land which this project, and others like it, are bringing to the British countryside.

  • Alison Wood

    I wish to register the following comments and objections to this scheme: The West Burton proposal is just 1 0f 4 Solar Nationally significant Infrastructure Projects within a very small rural area.... Read more

  • Brampton Village Parish Meeting (Brampton Village Parish Meeting)

    From the residents of Brampton Village, the majority view is clear. We are against the siting of 2000, 4.5m solar panels close to this small, rural village, together with battery storage buildings in... Read more

  • David Lunt

    This solar farm is one of several that have been applied for in our region. These will have a significant impact on our quality of life as well as the value of our properties. They will industrialise... Read more

  • Geoffrey Turner

    I am vehemently against the siting of 2000, 4.5m solar panels close to this small, rural village, together with battery storage buildings in Marton, for clear, rational reasons. 1. The sheer scale of... Read more

  • Lynne Warner

    I feel the use of farmland has not been considered & that the impact on food production may not be immediate but it will have an adverse impact in years to come. Farmers are in a win win situation as... Read more

  • Robin Randle Charleston

    As a local resident, I am dismayed by the sheer scale of this project: it risks changing i.e. disfiguring the Lincolnshire landscape for a generation, whilst yielding benefits that may quickly be... Read more

  • Samuel Rawding

    Please don't allow this project to go ahead and destroy perfectly good farm land. The damage this over sized project will do for the next 40 years is mind blowing. The location is inappropriate and... Read more

  • Simon Skelton

    West Burton Solar Project (WBSP) is just one of four giant solar proposals in West Lindsey and all within a 6 mile radius. It is therefore quite obvious that this is a 2000MW (peak) solar project... Read more

  • Elaine Stiles

    1) We need all available land to ensure that we are as self sufficient as possible in food production in this country. With Global uncertainty (Ukraine war) and environments aspects (North Africa and... Read more

  • George William Wood Capes

    Land is finite and farming land in particular should be used for providing food security .Solar Panels can and should be placed elsewhere.

  • Lorraine Leese

    My comments and objections are outlined below: 1. This is just one of 4 NSIP projects within the same area of Lincolnshire, covering over 10000 acres of arable land, and would be the largest in... Read more

  • Nigel John Sneath

    That all of the proposals, ie Cottam , West Burton , Tillbridge ,be looked as one rather than split into individual applications due to the enormous consequences of the schemes. This is one of four... Read more

  • Robert Leese

    My comments and objections are outlined below: 1. This is just one of 4 NSIP projects within the same area of Lincolnshire, covering over 10000 acres of arable land, and would be the largest in... Read more

  • Sarah Fahy

    Our country lacks biodiversity and security in food production. Using good agricultural land for solar is misplaced and will make these issues worse. We should site Solar on buildings. The technology... Read more

  • Simon Nicholas Stanton Stiles

    1) My main objection to this proposal is that it is disingenuous and is attempting to avoid proper planning consideration by not recognising that this application is only one of 4 in the neighbouring... Read more

  • Kexby Parish Council (Kexby Parish Council)


  • Ronald Gore

    l am writing express my opposition to the proposed large scale Solar Farm developments in our immediate vicinity comprising Cottam Solar Project, West Burton Solar Project, (both proposed by Island... Read more

  • Alasdair Duncan Munro

    This scheme, the nearest part of which is proposed to be approx 1/2 mile from my home, will destroy the visual aspects of the countryside in which I take daily walks. It will generate very significant... Read more