
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 325 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Jacqueline Paler

    the intrusion into countryside facilities by basically an industrial/commercial site

  • Stephanie Brown

    Destroying farmland and wildlife habits.

  • Angie Yorke

    Loss of farming land,Construction pollution and road alterations affecting my home.

  • Colin Wilburn

    I have lived and worked on the land in this area all my life. As now a [REDACTED] year old, with children and grandchildren, I have seen this area change alot. When I was a child I lived with my... Read more

  • Janet Harper

    The proposed application for the Solar Panel is totally inappropriate for this beautiful area. The size of it is far too large and will create massive disruption to our lives for many years to come.... Read more

  • Moray Cameron Maitland

    Loss of valuable agricultural land. Much increased traffic on the country roads near our village. Loss of habitats for wildlife, in particular barn owls and hares.

  • Mrs Jane Hyde

    I have just been sorting out my holidays in the East Yorkshire which I go to 2 or 3 times a year to my horror i have seen that there is a solar farm planned in the area of which I love to stay I love... Read more

  • Ouse & Derwent Internal Drainage Board (Ouse & Derwent Internal Drainage Board)

    Part of the Grid Connection Corridor is within the district for Ouse & Derwent Internal Drainage Board. Our district sits between the River Derwent and the River Ouse around Babthorpe and... Read more

  • Paula Tunbridge

    I am concerned about the impact that so many acres of solar panels will have on the surrounding local hamlets and villages. This will change the rural feel of the locality due to the infrastructure:... Read more

  • Reginald Stuart Judson

    Hi, do we have a traffic plan for the construction period? a large number of the local roads are posted as not suitable for HGV or have weight restrictions how is this being addressed? the... Read more

  • Sharon Smith

    Main issues and impacts that I consider for this proposed project are: With the size and scale of the development, the many, many homes/properties and the wildlife close to the sites that it will... Read more

  • Susan Lesley Beaumont

    I object to this plan. I have visited and stayed in the area many times, I was shocked to hear about the plan submitted for the East Yorkshire Solar Farm. I have always enjoyed the open space, which I... Read more

  • Chris Pawson

    Do not want solar projects around my village of Camblesforth

  • David Byas

    Having moved to the area 17 years ago the impact that such a project of this scale will have on the environment, the community and the natural rural beauty of the area will be significant, there is... Read more

  • Elizabeth Smith

    The construction will negatively affect my health. My husband’s health is at risk from battery fires near our home. The construction will destroy an incredible amount of wildlife. What about the loss... Read more

  • Evert Jan Ditzel

    I live in Howden and am a keen walker; I am very concerned about this massive solar panel farm, it will industrialise the lovely countryside north of Howden. I am in favour of solar energy and have... Read more

  • Lynda Heaton

    Turning open countryside into an industrial site affecting the quality of life of local residents. Wildlife will be devastated by changing their habitat. Roads are totally unsuitable for the... Read more

  • Mr Charles Barrie Hart on behalf of Mrs Christine Margaret Hart

    Please see attached.

  • Ramblers Association- East Yorkshire & Derwent Branch (Ramblers Association- East Yorkshire & Derwent Branch)

    I am area secretary of the local Ramblers Association, and I live in Howden and regularly lead walks for the Ramblers around the Howden area. I am very concerned about the vast size of this proposed... Read more

  • Sara Jackson

    I strongly object to the proposed solar farm for the following Cumulative Impact/ Quality of Life Noise Safety Flooding Wildlife Roads When we were first presented the plans for the proposed site it... Read more

  • Steven Midgley

    most of the sites are only accessable via narrow country roads which are not wide enough for two cars to pass without driving on the grass verge. the proposal to plant trees as a screen around the... Read more

  • Sue Mayman

    I first bought a property in rural Foggathorpe 30 years ago with a dream to move to a small village with an abundance of green fields, trees, hedgerows and stunning wildlife . Away from the hustle and... Read more

  • Tim Lister

    The scale of this project is going to fundamentally alter the local area. I can understand a field or 2 of solar panels being installed, but 3000 acres will make our rural area into an industrial... Read more

  • Amy Reid

    It would be built on good farming land. It’s very large size. Howden and the wider area have done their bit for power generation in Britain with Europes largest coal fired power station nearby (Drax)... Read more

  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council (East Riding of Yorkshire Council)

    The East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC), together with North Yorkshire Council are the host authority for the East Yorkshire Solar Farm Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The majority of... Read more