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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 EN020022: AQUIND Interconnector Deadline 7a: 28/01/21 Kirsten McFarlane ref: AQUI-013 Interested Party status, Nov 2020....
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to protest over the Aquind companies bid to gain rights over two woodlands in Lovedean. I am...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Winchester City Council was one of the parties who raised the implications of ash dieback on the landscape features that are...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 I am writting to say that i wish to make a representation at the appropriate time. This will include matters over the use of...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 The Applicant is seeking a development consent order within Order Limits identified by red line showing their maximum extent....
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 With reference to Aquind's 2nd Change Request (AS-052), for the compulsory acquisition of additional areas of ancient woodland...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 The additional land purchase is unnecessary as other trees will fill some of the spaces created by dead ash. In addition, if...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 The Aquind project leaders have shown ineptitude in their planning of the proposed route for high voltage cables and optic...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Dear Sir/Madam AQUIND Interconnector – notice of compulsory acquisition for additional land AQUIND letter Reference:...
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Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 AQUIND Interconnector Development Consent Order – Planning Inspectorate Case Ref.: EN020022 Request for changes to the Order...
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Dear Sirs, In line with the Examining Authority's request for deadline 6a of the examination, please find the representation on behalf of Portsmouth City Council in summary form set out below: PCC...
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Tudor Sailing Club wish to strongly object to the proposed use of the southern end of our compound (outlined in red on drawing 62100616-WSP-POST-TC14 rev 01) for laydown and car parking. This area of...
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I am do not wish to live near to high power electro-magnetic emissions. I believe the disruption to traffic during such a construction on one of only three roads in and out of the city will be...
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For the attention of the consultation manager: I am trying to write to object to the Aquind project bringing electricity from France to England. First, I am opposed to this whole idea, as I believe we...
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As a local resident, I am concerned about the environmental impact and the potential impact on property prices in the Eastney area, I have seen the promotional material for the scheme, but would like...
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Why disrupt the whole of Portsmouth, causing traffic chaos in an already chaotic city. Put it through the harbour.
My fear is that a) the impact of such a large, tall structure close to a National Park will detract from the beauty of the natural surroundings and distort the tranquility of the area - including an...
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I am writing to you concerning the proposed route of the Aquind Interconnector. I object to the need to dig up some of our most wild and valued leisure spaces, thus preventing access to these rare...
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David Lock Associates (DLA) have been commissioned Atlas Hotels, owner and operator, of Holiday Inn Express Portsmouth – North. In general terms Atlas Hotels are supportive of the AQUIND...
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OBJECTION. 1. Our original contact with Aquind suggested that the site area would be about 3 Acres with a storage shed for batteries fed by one cable. this has now grown to 30 Acres with 70' high...
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The Converter Station location is in unspoilt countryside miles from the coast. It will turn the local area into an industrial site. The final leg of construction traffic is through housing estates...
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The amount of disruption this will cause in my opinion outweighs the benefits. Portsmouth is a very condensed city and any work has major disruption to an already congested city. Full investigation...
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As a local resident who's family's daily quality of life will be significantly effected detrimentally, I would like to register my interest in this project. This is the first time that I have been...
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The proposed route will have a far bigger detrimental impact than a positive one due to the impact in certain areas - particularly the start of the route and then moving on to the already heavily...
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I would like to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Aquind Interconnector. The proposed route in Portsmouth will cause disruption to the local residents in terms of traffic...
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Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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I am a Portsmouth City Councillor for Eastney and Craneswater ward and as such represent the area when the interconnector cable is planned to come ashore and begin its on land route. I oppose the...
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I wish to register as an Interested Party as the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment at Winchester City Council: all NSIP’s fall within my remit. Winchester City Council has submitted a detailed...
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- The cables are proposed to be installed too close to people's homes, so as they emit radiation they will be a big health risk to the inhabitants of Portsmouth and other areas. - Portsmouth is...
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As a ward councillor for the proposed section through Milton Common and part of the Eastern Road, I object to the proposals as they will damage an area adjacent to a SSSI as well as the valuable...
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Concerned about the proposed route which appears to follow main roads and the disruption it will cause, especially when there appears to be less disruptive routes.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has been notified by the AQUIND Interconnector Project that the above application for a Development Consent Order has been submitted to and accepted by The Planning...
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East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) is a host Authority for part of the project (access and track to the converter building from Broadway Lane) but also has an interest in works relating to the...
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At our Trustee Committee meeting this evening we unanimously agreed that I should write to you in support of the many local residents who will be adversely affected by this ridiculous proposal. In...
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This will cause traffic chaos in a part of the city where there is just 1 road on and off the island. The congestion will disrupt daily life and add to pollution levels in a city where we have already...
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Dear Sirs, We have sent further details of our relevant representation in a letter as sent by email (to aquind@planning However, to summarise our position, we do not have any...
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I object to the proposed Aquind Interconnector on the following grounds: * Lack of communication, over the last 2 years. * Delay in issuing the proposed route (date on map 7/11/2019 date of issue...
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I am against this proposal, Portsmouth is one of the most densely populated city's in England so to even consider excavating all the way through Portsmouth is beyond belief.
We are Land Agents instructed to act on behalf of Land Owners affected by the proposed scheme. We act for Peter and Geoffery Carpenter at [], Michael and Sandra Jefferies at [], Robin Jefferies at []...
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What a ridiculous plan this is. A cable is run on the seabed from France but then instead of hitting land at the last moment so as to cause as little disruption as possible it comes up in Portsmouth...
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1. Continuing concerns about the impact of cable laying on road traffic (mainly in Portsmouth but also surrounding areas) and households impacted. The density of traffic in Portsmouth means that even...
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As a resident of Milton and prolific user of the Eastern Road, the planned route of the scheme looks frightening. Portsmouth is already ridiculously crowded, both with human beings and motor vehicles....
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I am concerned about the Aquind pipeline as a resident of Milton, Southsea. I feel this will be detrimental to wildlife in the area, especially the Brent Geese. I'm concerned regarding the...
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ref EN020022 Dear Sir, I would like to have a say in this matter as I live right in the middle of it. Going back a while now to the Aquind meeting at the old Demead School, a member of the public got...
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Dear Sir or madam, We object to the Aquind Connector because of the interference to the Eastern road. Portsmouth only has 3 roads in and out of the city and we need all three to remain open. Yours...
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Local Residents are extremely unhappy towards the application that has been put forward. There has been very little information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known been informed as...
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I object to the proposal because I consider it unnecessary and disruptive.
I am a councillor for an area covering the first part of the route through Eastney. These comments are both personal and reflective of comments made to me by members of the public. Many people are...
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The cable should not be installed through Portsmouth, it should be laid through Langstone Harbour and come ashore at the top of the harbour. Portsmouth is a very congested city and this work would...
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Dear Sir/Madam, Due to the word limit in this section, please refer to the email sent on the 19 February 2020 to the following email address, for the Marine...
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The proposed route in Portsmouth is unnecessary and creates a public nuisance. An alternative and viable route using the former Hayling Island Railway link to Havant and on to Lovedean is available...
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Dear Sirs, Natural England is the statutory adviser to government on nature conservation in England and promotes the conservation of England's wildlife and natural features. We wish to be registered...
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Network Rail Infrastructure Limited ("Network Rail") is a statutory undertaker and owns, operates and maintains the majority of the rail infrastructure of Great Britain. The Book of Reference...
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I object to this planning proposal, and I am extremely concerned that the local council was given no say in this.
I wish to register my objection to the AQUIND Interconnector project because of the adverse effect it will have on Eastney foreshore and the wildlife of shore and adjacent marsh land, Milton common...
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Relevant Representation of Portsmouth City Council in relation to the Application for a Development Consent Order made by Aquind Limited in respect of a proposed development - Aquind Interconnector...
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I am very much objecting to the Aquind interconnector. i am a local resident and strongly feel. this information has not been shared with me as a local resident. I know nothing about it...I also...
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I wish to object to the Aquind Interconnector plans to come ashore in Portsmouth and its route through Portsmouth. I understand it will not only involve digging up valuable parking space and cutting...
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I object to this plan as its installation will be so disruptive to the City and environs. I query its value to us when there is headway and opportunity to create energy from natural sources.
This will disrupt the whole city and destroy the small amount of green space that we have.
We wish to object to this application for the following reasons. There has been a complete lack of information over the last 2 years which has meant that the proposed route of the cable was not made...
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I am registering my objection to the proposed route. I am a City Councillor representing Drayton and Farlington. The consultation approach adopted by Aquind has been worrying to residents who’ve had...
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SWS is the statutory sewerage undertaker for the area of the proposed development. SWS has apparatus and interests in land which is the subject of the proposed application. Me may provide a...
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Concerned as there will be impact on roads, the area and possibly my property.
This Relevant Representation is submitted on behalf of the Owners of Land at [], being Julie Elliott, Robin Elliott, Richard Elliott and Phillip Elliott who wish to be registered as an organisation...
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This Relevant Representation is submitted on behalf of the Owners of Land at [], Joseph Tee, Kathryn Moore & John Moore, who wish to be registered as an organisation Interested Party for the...
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I am concerned about the disruption to traffic on the Eastern Road.
I object to these plans as I am aware of possible health risks and the disruption for the local community.
Winchester City Council Relevant Representation Aquind Interconnector Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN020022 Summary of main aspects: The main site for the Converter Station, part of the access...
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Portsmouth is already congested with traffic problems and heavily populated, in fact I understand it to be the most populated city outside of London. Conbined with the fact that we're an island, it's...
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I wish to object to the Aquind Interconnector and will be submitting a more detailed written representation. My main points will include the chaos its work will cause to Portsmouth
I live on [Redacted]. To the back there is a small nature reserve. Ripping into this will be devastating to the people and wildlife that live here. Further down ripping into a close community narrow...
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Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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That the route will cause unnecessary disruption That the impact on wildlife will be irreparable That the destruction of habitats is unnecessary That there are better and less disruptive options
The proposed project is not wanted by the people or City of Portsmouth. It will cause major disruption to a major artery, the Eastern Road, one of only three routes into the city. Portsmouth is an...
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This will cause major traffic issue and effect local wildlife
Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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It makes no sense to land the supply in the southern end of Portsea Island. It only makes sense to land it at the northern end of Langstone harbour.
Outline for representation Route a) potential gridlock in and out of Portsmouth b) request rationale for proposed route to previous submission and location of interconnector The % of the UK country...
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There is no need to import energy from another country, alternatives such as wind power should be investigated. Much damage will be done to the local wildlife and environment. Landfall could be at the...
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Portsmouth is the most highly populated island city in Britain. This means that the digging up of one of the 3 roads in and out of the city will cause major disruption. There are many less populated...
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Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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The UK has little difficulty in generating sufficient energy for its needs. Further until the UK government has fully investigated renewable energy within the UK, developing market opportunities that...
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The intention by Aquind to lay this cable in the route outlined will cause unacceptable disruption to many Portsmouth residents, allotment owners, dog walkers as well as causing irreparable damage to...
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I think there are valid points to raise in line with the economic growth and the potential to affect our revenue growth throughout what will be months of disruption. Whilst We fully accept that this...
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Objections to Aquind plan to place interconnector at Eastney and run through Milton, Baffins and along the Eastern Rd.
I object most strongly to the proposal. Digging up roads and communities when Langstone Harbour is available is wrong
I am shortly going to be moving into Meon Rd. Public consultation for this project has been extremely poor. There are questions over the access to information via the USB sticks that were all were not...
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This is a single representation from Hampshire County Council (the Council) which summarises the current position of the Authority. The response progresses discussions which have taken place to date...
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Following the Planning Inspectorate’s acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for Aquind Interconnector, Havant Borough Council (HBC) is a host Borough requests to be...
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I wish to object to the Aquind Interconnector for various reasons and have a written objection to submit. Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The...
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Dear Sir/Madam Highways England wishes to register as an interested party in respect of the application by Aquind Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Aquind Interconnector....
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I object to the Aquind application and will submit a full written objection at the relevant time. I am a resident living in the effected area of this application. My main but not whole objections at...
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We have reviewed the information provided in relation to the Aquind Interconnector Proposal (Planning Inspectorate Reference EN020022). At this time, we propose that a HOLDING OBJECTION is made until...
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I am against this proposal on the grounds of the pollution , the upheaval, and destruction of the last green area in Portsmouth..
Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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Residents feel distrust and anger towards the application that has been put forward. The complete lack of information over the last 2 years has meant that we have not known what the proposed route of...
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This development will cause untold nuisance for residents especially regard to traffic on one of the busiest roads in one of the UK's most densely populated cities. I can see no benefit to local...
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Why should we allow this power line to run through our city and have no say or recompense over it?