
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 2126 to 2150 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • James Trimmer

    I support, in general terms, the scheme as submitted. The issue of congestion on this major trunk road in the vicinity of the World Heritage Site has long vexed decision makers and whilst the... Read more

  • James Wallis

    This will cause irreparable damage to a site of national and global importance. We don't know what's under this site and should respect it's history and those for whom it still has spiritual... Read more

  • James Wheildon

    Over several millenia and certainly the last century millions of people have passed by Stonehenge and held in awe at its mystique and pondered it's significance. It is one of the most enchanting views... Read more

  • Jamie Muir

    My feeling is that the tunnel is too short & compromises the criteria of a World Heritage Site. This weakens our authority when it comes to commenting on the infringements of other countries. We... Read more

  • Jan Ashdown

    I object because this is a world heritage site of unequal historical interest as is the land around it. Plus the wildlife and nature in the area would be affected. As a UK tax payer I also object to... Read more

  • Jane Davies

    I am very concerned a bout the effect this will have on the archaeological impact on the area.

  • Janet Barfield

    I cannot believe that such a significant Historic site, not only in Britain but to the whole world, is subject to yet another missguided and shortsighted attempt to address road congestion. Have... Read more

  • Janice Phillips

    I am a retired teacher with family in Cornwall so I've used the 303 regularly for many years. I am not a Druid,hippie,traveller or pagan but have found Stonehenge to be a very welcome sight on my... Read more

  • Jasmin Hosier

    For generations my family have farmed the land destined for the western portal and its associated 1 km cutting for the A303. I have been brought up knowing my guardian responsibilities towards the... Read more

  • Jason Mosley

    I object to the tunnel project, which threatens a UNESCO World Heritage Site of immense significant for British cultural heritage. There is no comparable site in Britain. Even if construction is... Read more

  • Jayne Brearley

    I feel if this went ahead it would severely damage the water table and wild life surrounding Stone henge, it’s a sacred site of great heritage of our ancestors which need protection from money making... Read more

  • Jayne Davis

    Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form Irreparable damage to the WHS, its... Read more

  • Jean Seddon

    The plan would cause untold damage to this most important national monument and the surrounding area. UNESCO are opposed to the proposal as it stands. Blick Head could be irreparably damaged. There... Read more

  • Jem Edward

    Stonehendge is world heritage site. To build a tunnel underneath it is expensive and pointless. There is ample space to provide the widening of other existing roads. The world heritage status is... Read more

  • Jennifer

    Want to maintain Stonehenge as a tourist/ special interest area and not a motorway bye pass please do not proceed with development.

  • Jeremy Aronstam

    I wish to oppose major structural changes to the landscape of Stonehenge, I feel very strongly about this.

  • Jeremy Dittmer

    I am strongly opposed to this scheme which I believe will cause unacceptable damage to Blick Mead in particular and the greater Stonehenge landscape WHS in general.

  • Jeremy Renals

    Our archaeological heritage is precious and unique. I support plans for a better road, but not one which has such wanton disregard for the unseen treasures in this remarkable area; once they are... Read more

  • Jeremy Wiltshire

    I object to this proposal in the strongest terms as it is not needed, is a huge waste of public money, and will destroy an extremely important part of our national heritage and a World Heritage Site

  • Jessica Butt

    Irreparable damage and destruction to an internationally important heritage site and entire landscape with no equal or comparable area anywhere in the world. Significant destruction of natural... Read more

  • Jill Gough

    While understanding the desire to stop the intrusion of traffic noise and pollution into the site of Stonehenge, I object to the plans currently proposed. We have a responsibility to protect the... Read more

  • Jo Kneale

    I am concerned with the building of a tunnel.under such a precious and historical site. I am concerned with the environmental impact of it on the local area. I wish to be registered as an interested... Read more

  • Joan Harris

    Stonehenge is noir just the stones, marvellous though they are. It is the whole surrounding landscape. Discoveries are still being made, and it is extremely likely that as our understanding grows,... Read more

  • Joanna Bell

    Objection to the proposed planning application.

  • Joanna Derrick

    Blick Mead & locale: unique archaeological value. Numerous 'firsts' attributed to site; first contact btw. Mesolithic hunters and Neolithic farmers, thus evidencing huge significance to siting of... Read more