
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 2151 to 2175 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanna Morgan

    Irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and its archaeology Disturbance of rare bird species eg Stone Curlew and Great Bustard

  • John Payne

    I object to the closure of the Drove because it makes the Stonehenge landscape inaccessable for the disabled and infirm, especially important during the main festivals of the pagan calender. I object... Read more

  • John Pettitt

    The proposed work will cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site.

  • John Porterr

    Nothing at the moment. I am just registering.

  • John Raymond Lawton

    I am concerned over irreparable damage to the site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. The UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Jon Eldude

    I am a druid as well as a spiritual person and my belief is grounded in my and humanity's connection with mother earth or Gaia which is one organism which we can not exist without. gaia has been... Read more

  • Jonathan Abbott

    I object to the enormous damage that will be done to a unique and important historical site.

  • Jonathan Allen

    This construction work will cause significant damage to the archeology and context of this important World Heritage Site (WHS). UNESCO have already advised that this construction scheme should not... Read more

  • Jonathan Milton

    Stone henge is a unique and ancient monument, unparalleled in significance, and its protection deserves greater priority than whether traffic flows smoothly on the nearby A303. When I drive to Devon... Read more

  • Jonathan Morris

    The documents used to provide evidence for the submission appear to contain discrepancies whose effect is to reduce the benefit of the project and potentially make it fall outside National Policy... Read more

  • Josiah Aden

    I am only a history student a US college, but it pains me that anything, anywhere, of historical value - much less Stonehenge - could be damaged irreparably for the sake of ease or progress. Let... Read more

  • Joy Harvey

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Joy Youngman

    i object to a tunnel being built under Stonhenge This is an ancient important site and the tunnel will chnage its energy and weaken the earth

  • Judith De St Croix

    I a appalled that the UK Goverment can even contemplate this road and tunnel proposal which will adversely effect the iconic Stonehenge landscape. What kind of message does this send out about Britain... Read more

  • Judith Selman

    The current plan has too many disadvantages (disturbing archeological sites and wildlife, too noisy, making it only possible to see the stones if you pay) Other realistic options should be developed... Read more

  • Julie Boreham

    As an Archaeologist and a concerned member of the public, I see 'no case' that would justify the permanent alteration and damage to the nationally and internationally iconic and heritage rich... Read more

  • K Smooch

    I'm objecting because I disagree with the inevitable irreversible damage which would occur to the land in the area. It's a unique setting of immense archaeological value and a hugely important part... Read more

  • Karl Mast

    I am very concerned about the destruction of yet undiscovered archaeology within this very special landscape.

  • Kate Annette

    This is one of the most important sites in our country and the world. We should be doing all we can to protect it not try and destroy it. We are merely custodians and we must not fail in our duty.

  • Kate Babington

    The monument that is Stonehenge is unique. There's nothing like it in the rest of the world. I understand that the section of A303 running past it is always a bottleneck, and that is inconvenient.... Read more

  • Kate Callaghan

    Stonehenge is an ancient site and loss of this from public view from the existing road excludes all those who do not have the resources to pay to see it. The road itself is a part of the existing... Read more

  • Katheryn Thompson

    I am extremely concerned about the proposed expressway, given the importance of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site to the history and culture of the United Kingdom. UNESCO's international advisers... Read more

  • Keith Bradbury

    I object strongly to the building of the building of a Stonehenge tunnel. There are viable, cheaper to build, alternative road improvement routes available that would not cause irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Kelly Jamieson

    Stone henge is a sacred site and should be left alone, not to mention disruptions to.local businesses & wildlife

  • Kerry McGee

    It is a historical site, with so much more to learn. Do no destroy it.