
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 701 to 800 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells Bicycle Users Group (Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells Bicycle Users Group)

    Since its foundation in 1994 National Highways (formerly Highways England and before that the ‘Highways Agency’) has been widening roads, building new roads, constructing bypasses, and building... Read more

  • Trevor Andrew March

    I feel I need to be kept up to date as I will be severely disrupted if the lower Thames Crossing should be granted permission,as I have lived in East Tilbury my whole life &have currently lived in my... Read more

  • Adam Holloway MP

    The Lower Thames Crossing (“LTC”) was originally conceived as a scheme to alleviate congestion at the Dartford Crossing. In this aspiration it will be a failure. Cars and freight will always gravitate... Read more

  • Amy Cole

    I am AGAINST the crossing for the following reasons: - the increase in air pollution… we are already one of the most polluted areas in the country. There has been no evidence shown how the pollution... Read more

  • Andrew Briffett

    I have concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats, including... Read more

  • Ann Batson

    it is vital that ALL environmental issues are addresed

  • Anne Pease

    I have serious concerns about the carbon emissions that will be emitted. My main concern is how this will affect children and how this will impact their health in the future. Allied to this is loss of... Read more

  • Bob Baker

    Impact on local environment around Marling Cross. Impact on traffic movement in the same area. Safety in the proposed tunnels.

  • Brenda Andrews

    I am concerned that there will be damage and fragmentation of habitats for wildlife and want to see ancient woodlands protected. The construction of HS2 highlighted the disregard shown for mature... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of C H L Mott & M Mott (C H L Mott & M Mott )

    Our client, C H L Mott & M Mott (the farming partnership of the Mott Family) object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on... Read more

  • Christine Barnes

    (Redacted) I would like to express to you that these planned works have caused me great worry and uncertainty due to the potential damage that could be caused to my fragile property. I am hesitant to... Read more

  • Cuxton Parish Council (Cuxton Parish Council)

    Cuxton Parish Council have participated in the consultation events even though Cuxton lies outside the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) Project area. However, its proximity to the A2 and M2 will mean it... Read more

  • David Bowling

    i am a resident i have worries about 1. house prices in my area 2.incursion on the green belt 3. air quality and the impact on health of youngsters and people already with life limiting issues 4.light... Read more

  • Denise Mulchrone

    I am very concerned by the LTC Proposal for a number of reasons. I grew up in Kent and have lived and worked in Essex. I now live in Bedford but spend 50% of my time in Chalk caring for my mother. I... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of E and K Benton Limited (E and K Benton Limited)

    Our client, E and K Benton Limited, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing (‘LTC’) proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland, blight on existing property and, in the absence of a... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of E W Ballard Holdings Limited (E W Ballard Holdings Limited)

    Our client, E W Ballard Holdings Limited, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business, blight on... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Ltd (Holland Land & Property Ltd) on behalf of EA Strategic Land LLP (EA Strategic Land LLP)

    EA Strategic Land LLP has an interest in land to the north-east of South Ockendon (within Thurrock Borough) and is currently working with neighbouring landowners and local stakeholders to bring... Read more

  • Gail Chard

    I wish to oppose the new crossing because it will put myself and othet residents in the middle of 2 motorways and at least 3 busy 'A' roads which currently are polluting our air

  • Gordon Goldsmith

    Hope the government runs out of money for this project and opt for a cheaper option, this is the most expensive option and still won't end congestion at the present crossings, they need to look at... Read more

  • Ian Pirie

    The proposal will cut a piece of land from Thames Chase forest (the Pike Lane site). I am a regular user of this site. There will be a new road creating more noise. I object to the removal of... Read more

  • Irene Hoysted

    I am worried about the level of air pollution that will be raised in the local area. I am also concerned about the increase in the level of local traffic that will affect local lanes and roads.


    20th February 2023 To whomever it concerns, We would like to notify you that the company formerly known as NextGenAccess Ltd (NGA) is now known as ITS Technology Group Ltd. Due to an acquisition in... Read more

  • James Keith William GARDINER

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Jan Davis

    We are in a cost of living and climate crisis. This project will waste over £10bn on a scheme that will not meet the government's Net Zero Strategy (NZS) to reach net zero by 2050. The NZS and the... Read more

  • Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce (Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce)

    The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce fully supports all the aspects of the Lower Thames Crossing.

  • Kieran Dyer

    Given the current cost of living crisis, monetary decay of funding across public schemes, sectors and investments. It begs the question, how can a project, estimated to cost in the region of £10bn –... Read more

  • Leo Borwick

    I am opposed to further major expansion of the road network at a time of climate emergency.

  • Linda Jones

    The effect on the environment. Disruption of day to day activities. Pollution

  • Lindsey Squire

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Lisa Payne

    1)the increased amount of traffic that the proposed scheme will generate leading to increased air and noise pollution. The increase in the carbon emissions breach safe regulations . 2) the destruction... Read more

  • Lynda Townend

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • MAG (MAG )

    London Stansted is the third busiest airport in London and the fourth busiest in the UK. Prior to the pandemic it served 28 million passengers a year and has now recovered over 90 per cent of those... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of Margaret Ockendon (Margaret Ockendon)

    Our client, Margaret Ockendon, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business, blight on existing property... Read more

  • Marj Powner

    I expect to see a detailed assessment of the impact of carbon emissions from this scheme and an understanding of the alternative (more sustainable options) explored to meet the scheme objectives. The... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of Matthew William Ockendon (Matthew William Ockendon)

    Our client, Matthew William Ockendon, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business, blight on existing... Read more

  • Mel Flaxman

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of Melville Hamilton Lowe Mott (Melville Hamilton Lowe Mott)

    Our client, Melville Mott, owner of land and property at Goshems Farm, East Tilbury, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant... Read more

  • Mike Stringer

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of Mrs Antoinette Schatzmann (Mrs Antoinette Schatzmann)

    Our client, Antoinette Schatzmann, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing (‘LTC’) proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland, blight on existing property and, in the absence of a... Read more

  • Mrs Lynne Fish

    I strongly object to this scheme as it is not good value for money, it would not solve the problems of the Dartford Tunnel but will induce traffic, has no adequate connections for public transport,... Read more

  • Ms M J Jenkins

    I am very concerned about this scheme's anticipated negative impact on biodiversity and landscape, and its potential to generate pollution and increase CO2 emissions. The Thames Estuary & Marshes is... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of Mulberry Strategic Land Limited (Mulberry Strategic Land Limited)

    Mulberry Strategic Land Ltd has a significant interest in land at East Tilbury and Linford (within Thurrock Borough) and is currently working with neighbouring landowners and local stakeholders to... Read more

  • Naomi Eckersley

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • NHS Kent and Medway (NHS Kent and Medway)

    NHS Kent and Medway wishes to work with the Lower Thames Crossing team to minimise the identified impacts on the environment and human health created by the development of the new road including... Read more

  • Nick Macnab

    Dear Sir/Madam I am deeply concerened that the lower Thames crossing will lead to the destruction of habitats in Essex. Fragmentation and shrinking habitat is aready leading to the loss of... Read more

  • Patricia Wykes

    As I live in an area which is going to suffer greatly if this tunnel goes ahead, I appreciate being able to complete this form and therefore put forward my reason and additional reasons for being... Read more

  • R Lingham

    I visited the recent display at Cascades' Gravesend. Personnel were quite helpful, but I wish to comment on wider issues. Whilst the proposal has been modified in respect of the area immediately... Read more

  • Raymond Hill

    I wish to register my objection to the Lower Thames Crossing Scheme. I consider the proposal to be inappropriate during the climate emergency and that the money would be far better spent on improving... Read more

  • Rebecca Fricker

    As a resident of Essex, I have serious concerns about the impact the Lower Thames Crossing will have on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including those identified by wildlife protection groups such... Read more

  • Rita Bateman

    Total apposing the plan

  • Rob Sibley

    The proposed river crossing is extraordinarily expensive and the wrong solution for traffic congestion at the existing Dartford crossing. Congestion at the Dartford crossing principally occurs for... Read more

  • Rupert Pitt

    I visit a relative in Tilbury. i quote these objections from the Thames Crossing Action Group. I hope to supply more of my comments in more detail. I thank you for the interest you have shown in my... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of Sally Trussler (Sally Trussler)

    Our client, Sally Trussler, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business, blight on existing property and... Read more

  • Samantha Quill

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Samantha Zoe Constance Brant

    Essex & Southend NEED MORE green spaces, that are allowed to be natural, coastlines that are NOT damaged by us to further decline the other life that lives, and has the RIGHT to live on this planet.... Read more

  • Shirley A McCarthy

    The proposed Lower Thames Crossing would not deliver the congestion reduction but would increase, in both quantity and distribution, the pollution problems it claims to reduce.

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of The Antoinette Schatzmann Discretionary Trust (The Antoinette Schatzmann Discretionary Trust )

    Our client, The Antoinette Schatzmann Discretionary Trust, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing (‘LTC’) proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland, blight on existing property and, in... Read more

  • The Faversham Society (The Faversham Society)

    Given the doubts recently expressed by the professional engineering institutions together with several transport economists about the appraisal method used to justify the scheme, to proceed with... Read more

  • Holland Land and Property Ltd (Holland Land and Property Ltd) on behalf of The Linford Land Group (The Linford Land Group)

    Our client, The Linford Land Group (the consortium of Ockendon family members who own land at Linford) object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals as currently proposed which would result in a loss... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of The Owners of Norrskken, Station Road, East Tilbury (The Owners of Norrskken, Station Road, East Tilbury)

    Our client, David Mott and Karin Misra, object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business viability, blight on... Read more

  • Amanda Dockrill

    I have lived in Linford for nearly 40 years. I moved here ro be in a rural area but within a community. I walk as a hobby within my local area and love the wildlife, and the fairly peaceful... Read more

  • Andre Hewitt

    As a member of Essex Wildlife Trust I have concerns about the plans for the Lower Thames Crossing for the following reasons: • Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. •... Read more

  • Andrew Baker

    Waste of tax payers money - creating more traffic chaos and destruction.

  • Andrew Davies

    I have taken an interest in the project from early days and would love to see it completed and enjoy using it. I say this as someone who has lost hours in heavy north-bound traffic on the Dartford... Read more

  • Antony Hughes

    I have grave concerns about the proposed LTC and its ability to ease the congestion at the existing Dartford crossing, current figures show it will not ease the existing crossing traffic levels enough... Read more

  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of Bellway Homes Limited (Bellway Homes Limited)

    Relevant Representations on behalf of Bellway Homes Ltd with regards to Land North of South Ockendon: Further to the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) Consultations, which our client Bellway Homes Ltd has... Read more

  • Bertie Ramsden

    I believe the project is not in the interest of the local community which has registered its strong objection. The project is not needed and does not meet cost benefit criteria.

  • Brian Young

    The effect on the local area and the negative effect the crossing will have on local house prices. Also the health of population with more cars and lorries crossing the Thames

  • Bumblebee Conservation Trust (Bumblebee Conservation Trust)

    Bumblebee Conservation Trust would like to remain as an interested party in the Lower Thames Crossing development. The areas currently proposed to be affected by the development form part of a vital... Read more

  • Lambert and Foster Ltd (Lambert and Foster Ltd) on behalf of David Attwood (David Attwood)

    Representations submitted on behalf of David Attwood – Farm Business Impact ? The loss of land at Harp Farm for compensatory habitat creation, approximately 81.9 hectares, challenges the financial... Read more

  • David Burbridge

    As a visitor to the area I am interested in the impacts to Ancient Woodland and the Thames marsh areas, transparency of impacts and work being done to minimise impacts to existing habitat, but also... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership) on behalf of David Malcolm South (David Malcolm South)

    • Statement of Reasons 4.1 under Annex B Schedule of Negotiations No 235, identifies the engagement between the parties up to the point of submission of the DCO application and its subsequent... Read more

  • Essex Police (Essex Police)

    The representations of Essex Police seek to secure appropriate mitigation and management measures, either via requirements of the DCO or a planning obligation to address the likely impacts arising... Read more

  • Higham Parish Council (Higham Parish Council)

    As a Statutory Consultee, Higham Parish Council have agreed a SoCG with NH, submitted as part of their application and to which reference should be made for our ground of objection. As requested, we... Read more

  • J.Shippam

    Waste of precious agricultural land; waste of building materials and their considerable carbon emissions. Increased pollution from induced traffic increase. Failure to pursue and promote alternative... Read more

  • John Purkiss

    1. Noise during construction and if and when the LTC goes through. 2. Pollution including PM2.5s and light pollution. 3. As East Tilbury has a prevailing westerly wind the air quality for residents... Read more

  • Joseph Downie

    My main interest is around the issue of a failed road expansion policy which simply generates more traffic, and more emissions... Building new roads doesn't meet demand, it generates new demand, by... Read more

  • Kelly Tolhurst MP (Kelly Tolhurst MP)

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to put forward my views as an interested party and as Member of Parliament for Rochester and Strood. While I recognise the pressures on the current Thames Crossing and the... Read more

  • Kent Downs AONB Unit (Kent Downs AONB Unit)

    The Kent Downs AONB Unit will submit its relevant representation by email before the deadline of 24/02/2023. Below is a summary of the the main points raised: The proposed scheme would result in... Read more

  • Leigh Hughes

    I am strongly opposed to the LTC it doesn’t meet the schemes objectives and will not solve the problems at the Dartford Crossing. The cost of this project has escalated out of control, it is now... Read more

  • Linda Helsey

    There are not many areas within Essex which remain free for our wildlife. My own town is considering building on greenbelt and open spaces. The Wildlife Trust have worked hard to establish habitates... Read more

  • London Gateway Port Limited (London Gateway Port Limited)

    Introduction and Background London Gateway Port Limited, LG Park Freehold Limited and LG Park Leasehold Limited (collectively hereinafter referred to as DPWLG) are the owners and operators of DP World... Read more

  • Lorraine Jackman

    Mental health Protection of wildlife Disruption of village Damage to village and surrounding areas Noise and air pollution

  • Louise Macpherson

    I am strongly against further environmentally destructive Road building. We are in a climate emergency and should be discouraging car use and improving public transport. The cost of this project... Read more

  • Mair Bain

    This scheme will not solve congestion as it will induce demand – increase in cross river traffic (around 50%). The scheme will increase carbon emissions by around 6.6 million tonnes. This does not... Read more

  • Marian Mestanek

    Wales has prevented the building of a new road with regard to the pollution, congestion and damage to the environment it would cause. The same reasons apply to the lower Thames crossing. It will cause... Read more

  • Mark Bavin

    I wish to make a representation with particular regard to the excessive amount of land take for environmental impact and compensation purposes in respect of this project. With each successive public... Read more

  • Mike Tristram

    My concerns with this scheme are: As a farmer and someone concerned about national food security, the impact on farmland is unacceptable. As an environmental land manager and someone concerned about... Read more

  • Peter Booth

    It is in the wrong place and the traffic systems on either side of the river have not been thought through properly. The route to the channel ports is through the A229 which is already back on to the... Read more

  • Raymond alan Murray

    my main concern is air quality for local residence like me. the pollutants and toxins discharged would have an adverse effect on peoples health. The environment minister must be made aware that there... Read more

  • Richard Jackman

    Noise pollution Air pollution House prices Disruption to village and surrounding areas Mental health Wildlife protection

  • Robert Rogers

    The project would: increase traffic growth leading to more carbon emissions, and combined with the construction emissions (see below), the total carbon emissions from the scheme would be at least 6.6... Read more

  • Robert Syrett

    I am concerned about the impact of the project on the local area in relation to increased noise and air pollution ; the effect this will have on health both physical and mental. I am concerned about... Read more

  • Sheila Pearce

    Concerns with - disturbing the environment, traffic, noise, pollution, lact of infrastu concerns with - pollution, traffic, noise, lights. views.

  • Simon Rose

    - Require massive budget from public funds (£10bn+) at time we can ill afford and this does not represent value for money - taking money away from sustainable travel. - Will impact woodland (inc... Read more

  • Slough Fort Preservation Trust (Slough Fort Preservation Trust)

    We are broadly supportive of the plans seeing the benefits. However, we want to be assured that there is good mitigation in respect of both natural and heritage assets that may suffer as a consequence... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Southern Gas Networks PLC (Southern Gas Networks PLC)

    WITHDRAWN on 31 July 2023 (EL Reference: AS-149). Dear Sirs National Highways (Promoter) Application for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Lower Thames Crossing project located east of... Read more

  • Sport England (Sport England)

    Sport England is the non-departmental public body responsible for delivering the Government’s community sporting and physical activity objectives. Sport England is also a statutory consultee on... Read more

  • Veronica Prince

    Would not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford Crossing Induced demand – increase in cross river traffic (around 50%) Lack of adequate connections, especially when there are incidents... Read more

  • Alec Nelson

    Main points: Environmental impact and mitigation, including relocation of endangered species Expected traffic estimates by class of vehicle. Consideration of things that could affect traffic volumes... Read more