
Manston Airport

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Showing 801 to 825 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanne Mills

    Mansion Airport has an historic past and regenerating the airport will bring employment and opportunities to the Kent area. I feel also with leaving the EU this could be a very vital hub for the... Read more

  • Julie Roberts

    I do not agree with Manston being used as a cargo airport as this will effect residence & bird life.

  • Keith Ross

    My concern with having a 24hr operating Cargo Hub at Manston is the pollution and disturbance this would cause to the surrounding area. Both for the people that live in the area and the wildlife along... Read more

  • Ken Self

    Dear Sirs Not only would my family and myself be pleased to see Manston airport become fully operational again but we really think it would present great business and job opportunities for a very... Read more

  • Malcolm Fairman

    I want plans to save and then use Manston Airport as either an airport or cargo hub to go ahead on the grounds that it will be good for the local economy, it will provide jobs, both at the start and... Read more

  • Malcolm Reynolds

    I am so disappointed that a lot of the people opposed to the airport knew it was there when they moved to Thanet I was born in Ramsgate 1946, and I remember the good old days, when we could pop down... Read more

  • Michael Hart

    I wish to object to this on the grounds of noise due to night flights.

  • Michael Jupp

    Whilst accepting that Manston has had aircraft activity for a century, what is now proposed is a total gamechanger. In the past, as a commercial airport the flight frequency and size of aircraft was... Read more

  • Michael L Cox

    The employment this project will bring to Thanet is much needed now that Pfizer pulled out with the loss of 6600 skilled jobs. This is an area known for its high unemployment with little prospect... Read more

  • Nadine Corner

    I do not want the plans to re-open Manston Airport to go ahead. The reason being there is enough pollution in this world, in the air that we breathe, the food that we eat and the water we drink. ... Read more

  • Peter Bateson

    I am opposed to the granting of a DCO for Manston Airport. I and my family have lived for 9 years in Ramsgate, directly under the approach path to Manston, so I remember the noise and disruption of... Read more

  • Peter Curtis

    Maintaining this airport for the purpose it was built, is paramount to this area, and to provide a viable alternative and option , other than London. This is an historic airport, which needs to... Read more

  • Philip Shearsby

    My self and my wife have lived in ramsgate on direct fly path since 1985, we had planes fly over our house then but only in the day time which was ok as we had 2 young children 5 and 2 years... Read more

  • Emma Kenyon on behalf of Ramsgate home pilates

    I am writing on behalf of my local pilates group to object to the reopening of Manston Airport. Our Pilates group meets during the evenings and is a time for exercise and quiet contemplation. During... Read more

  • Stephanie Avery-Reynolds

    1) Noise pollution. Having lived within an area in London where night flights were a regular occurrence I can only feel anxious and frustrated that Ramsgate town, where I currently live, will become... Read more

  • Stephen Hawkins

    i beleive manston airport will be a major asset to thanet and surrounding area bringing work and trade and the need for fraight capacity to increase in the uk after brexit building houses in an area... Read more

  • Stephen Larking

    Manston has been a major airfield for over ninety years, historically it has provided a landing ground for aircraft in distress and civil and military use, to warrant the airfield as no longer viable... Read more

  • Susan Pite

    I wish to object to this. Night flights for freight will cause very considerable noise and disruption to people’s sleep. This evidence is based on the noise of historical freight planes over... Read more

  • Trevor Brill

    Having lived below the approach to Manston for thirty years plus, I have experienced the noise levels (very intrusive) and the smell of unburnt kerosene after an aircraft has passed. Recent studies... Read more

  • Allan Clifford

    The Planning Inspectorate RE Manston Airport I write to add my full support for the revival of this airport not only for the employment it will bring but also as a much-needed catalyst for inward... Read more

  • Andrew Langsmead

    To support fully the re opening of Manston airport. For the creation of a fully functioning airport, to creat local jobsfor the good of the very poor area , which just wsnts to build houses and hzve... Read more

  • Caroline Richardson

    Ramsgate has the country's only Royal Harbour and is a Cinque Port. There are around 450 listed buildings or sites and four conservation areas within the town. In 2017 Ramsgate became one of only... Read more

  • Carolyn May

    The reopening of Manston Airport will be deleterious to the Isle of Thanet as the infrastructure of access roads is inadequate tourism which is vital to the area will be threatened and reduced air... Read more

  • Claudia Maxtone-Graham

    1) I was told by a wartime Lancaster bomber pilot that he crash landed at Manston & was saved by a mile-long runway. 2) It seems a pity to lose this asset to the nation 3) There is access over... Read more

  • Daren Reed

    I am interested as a resident who lives within half a mile of the airport. I am interested in the noise levels of the aircraft using the airport? Also, what guarantees are there that jobs will go to... Read more