
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 826 to 850 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Edwards on behalf of Florence Helen Edwards

    DO ANY OF THE MP'S OR OWNER'S OF THE COMPANY THAT WANT MANSTON AIRPORT LIVE UNDER THE FLIGHT PATH ? I BET THEY DON'T AND NEVER WILL. I have asked my daughter Sue to send this for because I feel so... Read more

  • Gary Lewis

    [Redacted] a director of Riveroak states in his biography that has over thirty years in aviation and travel. He fails to mention that during this period he was a director 30 travel related companies ... Read more

  • Hugh Cripps

    1.Airfreight movements within the UK are declining from 108000 in the year 2000 to 52000 in 2016 and are assumed by the Dept of Transport to continue at this level for the foreseeable future. Even if... Read more

  • Ian Warner

    I reserve the right to make further representations following scrutiny of the application.

  • Janet Avery

    MANSTON OPENING AS A CARGO AIRPORT WILL BE A TRAGEDY FOR RAMSGATE. Cargo planes 24/7 . Lorries carrying cargo. Homes will be ruined. Would the company reinforce rooves and install triple glazing ? I... Read more

  • Janet Brown

    Night flights have been shown to have an extremely negative impact on people's health who live in the vicinity of night flight paths. It is for this reason that I strongly object to a cargo airport... Read more

  • Jiill Gardner

    Ramsgate is an historic tourist town which would be blighted by round the clock cargo planes flying over Ramsgate. With the already declining town centre it would only add to the woes and... Read more

  • Joanna drake

    My property at [Redacted] will become a dud of a place to rent and live if there are 24/7 planes flying by. My seaview flat was bought with the intention. Of it being a peaceful and relaxing... Read more

  • John Millar

    As a local resident of Thanet, who lives under the flightpath of Manston Airport, I would like to fully support the plans to re-open Manston Airport for aviation. I have lived in Thanet all of my... Read more

  • Ken Hardiman

    On a personal level I think that the opportunities in the past to make Thanet a better place to attract business to the area and optimise our infrastructure to enable better employment opportunities.... Read more

  • Michael Thompson

    Dear Sirs, In March 2016, Reynardine Software set up a website for persons to place a pin on a map indicating their location and a brief comment of their support for the return of Manston... Read more

  • Michael Wheatley-Ward

    In my youth I lived near Heathrow Airport and saw it grow to a major employer in the West of London. I moved to Ramsgate 24 years ago and have seen the area decline despite positive moves to counter... Read more

  • Mr Webb

    I would like to raise the following points in relation to the DCO and support the application to make Manston an airport again. Thanet does not need more housing, there are not services in place to... Read more

  • Mrs. K. E. Shewen

    Dear sir / madam I am writing to object to application RSP has made to reopen Manston airport on the following grounds Particulate pollution Contrary to RSP’s claim there is scientific... Read more

  • Pew Property (rental) Ltd (Pew Property (rental) Ltd)

    Business Plan In RSP’s justification for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) they state they intend to provide an airport which, by year 20, will achieve 17170 Air traffic... Read more

  • Philip Tuohy

    See attached

  • Roger Best

    There is an absolute need for additional runway capacity in the U.K. and Manston airport is perfectly placed geographically to provide that extra capacity. The runway can accommodate all known... Read more

  • S. Lengthorn

    Manston could represent the future for Thanet, by providing employment and prosperity for years to come. This in turn would mean opportunities to reduce the unemployment levels of the area, and give... Read more

  • Sarah Bowman

    I have lived at my current address since 2007 when the airport was operating. Operations were sparodic but when flights were happening, places flew directly over our house. My representation will... Read more

  • Southern Gas Networks PLC (Southern Gas Networks PLC)

    Dear Sirs The Re-Opening of Manston Airport, Kent Application for a Development Consent Order We write, on behalf of Southern Gas Networks PLC (“Southern Gas”), in response to the application... Read more

  • Sue lumpkin

    Thanet needs to have an airport. I used this airport twice when going on holiday and also a day trip to Dublin. It could take the strain off the overcrowded London airspace and is the logical place to... Read more

  • Susan Edwards

    PLEASE HELP, YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE. I cannot express strongly enough,how much opening Manston airport to night cargo flights is going to affect and ruin the lives of the people who live closest to... Read more

  • Tracey Sharpe

    I am opposed to the mansion air port site being used as a cargo airport

  • Susan Edwards on behalf of Walter Hilditch edwards

    I am 90 years old. I am not good with words, I am telling my daughter Sue what I would like to say. I don't know how long I have left on this earth, but I would like to be able to enjoy the time I... Read more

  • Adrian Mason

    That the proposed development will cause disruption to the lives of thousands of people resident in the areas below the flight path. The implementation of night flights will cause health problems to... Read more