
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1851 to 1875 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Grange Road Residents (Grange Road Residents)

    I represent a group of residents in close proximity to the runway at Manston airport. We are within the Nethercourt Ward, the closest Ramsgate Ward to the airport and we range from new comers to the... Read more

  • Gregory Nocentini

    I feel very strongly, and in support of this application, and these are the main points I intend to make in relation to this application. I am currently employed in the airline industry, working... Read more

  • Guildford Lawn Residents Against DCO Group (Guildford Lawn Residents Against DCO Group)

    Please register Guildford Lawn Residents Against DCO Group as an interested party who is against the proposed plans by RSP to DCO the Manston airport site. The Planning Inspectorate needs to fully... Read more

  • Guillermo Escofet Allen

    My wife and I form part of the big influx of artists, entrepreneurs and professionals who have moved to Ramsgate in recent years, injecting new life into one of the most deprived and forgotten corners... Read more

  • Hayley Corker

    As a grant manager for a local grant making trust I believe that a cargo airport would be detrimental to the economies of both Ramsgate and Herne Bay, lying under the flight path of Manston airport.... Read more

  • Heather Nunn

    The application has under-estimated the impact on the local community and shown little evidence that the plans can be supported financially, especially with regard to the expense involved in... Read more

  • Helen Dean

    Mrs H Dean [redacted] I have lived on the Nethercourt Estate for over 30 years and my house is in direct line with the runway and in the past planes came so low they caused doors and windows to... Read more

  • Highways England (Highways England)

    Highways England wishes to register as an interested party in respect of the application by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd for a Development Consent Order for the upgrade and reopening of Manston... Read more

  • Christabel Bradley on behalf of Homeowners Against Manston Cargo Hub

    I started the Facebook group Homeowners Against Manston Cargo Hub in September, as a response to the great and growing concern in Ramsgate at RSP's proposal to open a 24/7 cargo hub at Manston.... Read more

  • Humberto Pena Sanjurjo

    I am a Ramsgate resident, father of 2 small children and owner of a local business. I am concerned about the ecological impact and the negative effect that the airport will have on the environment... Read more

  • Ian Atkinson

    • Decreased quality of life for residents in the flight path forcing people to leave the area. • Increased traffic will hit commuters and local businesses. • Curb on the upward trend of Ramsgate... Read more

  • Ian Sequeira

    I am against this proposal. There have been other unsuccessful attempts at setting up an airport which have already wasted a great deal of money. An airport will have a detrimental affect on... Read more

  • J D I Baker

    I support the principle of the proposals, and I hope that the Airport will be reopened. It is a tragedy that the Airport has lain unused for so long, adding nothing to the local economy and wasting... Read more

  • James Brown

    Saving and using an existing runway built for large aeroplanes. Job creation in an area of high unemployment. Skilled job creation in an area which lacks in skilled employment. Regeneration of... Read more

  • James Thomas

    To Whome it may concern, I totally support the reopening of Manston airport as a freight cargo hub and possibility of passenger traffic at a later date, I work in the travel industry and see first... Read more

  • Janice Beukes

    I live under the Flight path in Ramsgate and within a 7 minute drive of the airport. I have used the airport right from the start of passenger flights to Jersey Channel Islands years ago as well as... Read more

  • Jasper Sharp

    I object strongly to the proposal to bring back commercial aviation to the Manston airport site. I work from home and I know from bitter experience living under a flight path in London that the noise... Read more

  • Jean Collier

    Manston Airport is vital for Thanet as unemployment is at an all time high. It will generate much needed jobs for the area. Other businesses will also benefit from the airport being reopened.

  • Jean Samson

    Yes would love to see the AIRPORT running again . NOT a load more housing the roads will be gridlocked think about it . All those thousands of houses ONE if not NOT 2 cars to one house how are me... Read more

  • Jenny Solley

    I was born in Ramsgate in 1950, I have grown up with the wonder of planes flying overhead, the sky is far too quiet these days without them. I want Manston Airport back and it has has a good chance,... Read more

  • Jessica Kelly

    We need Manston Airport re opened and up and running again , the aviation job vacancies are much needed for future generations and the people who lost their jobs when Manston Airport was closed. I... Read more

  • Jill Pulman

    The scheme fails the local residential community. The noise and fumes will impact on all people but in particular the old and the young The claim that it will provide jobs is spurious. Non skilled,... Read more

  • Sean Farrell on behalf of Jillian Farrell

    I am a Ramsgate resident and would be under the proposed flight path. RSP’s document says there would be a significant negative impact on quality of life in Ramsgate if its plan goes ahead.... Read more

  • Jm burley

    Why I want manston for aviation Manston airport has been as such for 100 years so why change a perfect site Manston airport will create jobs for locals and beyond its good for... Read more

  • Joanne Dale

    I moved to Ramsgate in November 2017. I moved to get away from the noise and pollution of London and have found the fresh air, peace and having a closer relationship with nature to be beneficial to my... Read more