
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1876 to 1900 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • John Aitken

    I object to the use of Manston as a Cargo Hub for the following reasons: - Noise/Damage - The centre of Ramsgate is around 4km (2.5miles) from the end of the airport runway and in a direct path for... Read more

  • John Chater

    I am strongly against re-opening the airport at Manston for the following reasons: 1. Ramsgate is very close to the airport and the town will be seriously blighted by the airports... Read more

  • John Davis

    I wish to register my interest, particularly with regard to environmental matters and infrastructure.

  • John Flood

    Dear Sirs, I have lived and worked (as a teacher) in central Ramsgate for over thirty years. My major concerns are noise and night flights and the effects of these on the lives and businesses of... Read more

  • Mandy Hawting on behalf of John Hawting

    Myself and my husband (details above) moved to Ramsgate in May 2018. Therefore we have no direct experience or knowledge as to what has already gone on at the Manston airport site in the past.... Read more

  • John Kemp

    I believe the re opening of Manston as an airport is vital to the area of east Kent, primarily for the recreation of jobs and the wealth of the area. East Kent generally has no real jobs, if the... Read more

  • John Mackins

    Yes I have read & understood the above text. I wish to see Manston airport, reopen as an airport.

  • Jon Nickoll

    The area comprising the Isle of Thanet is far too precious from an environmental, tourist and ecological perspective to be blighted by constant air traffic. Not to mention the lack of road... Read more

  • Jonathan Fowler

    I would like the following issues to be specifically examined during the determination of the Riveroak Strategic Partners’ DCO application. 1. The significant difference between the provision for... Read more

  • Joseph Dance

    I am writing in opposition to RIveroak Strategic Partnership's plans regarding a DCO to develop land at Manston. My objection is based on the following points: Night fights The applicant has... Read more

  • Julia Gavriel

    I object to the proposal for cargo flights. I believe that these will be both detrimental to the health of residents of Thanet and damaging to the local tourism industry. I have not seen anything that... Read more

  • Julian Bigg

    My representation of will be very similar to many who live in the Ramsgate area. We are not prepared to have our live destroyed by NIGHT FLIGHTS over our town with planes that are unfit for Heathrow... Read more

  • Julie Anderson

    I am very concerned about a 24 hour cargo airport at Manston. It will have a significant impact on the local population - sleeping patterns will be disrupted and pollution levels will increase. The... Read more

  • June Dark

    Please see attachment.

  • Karen Cunningham

    I moved to Ramsgate 3 years ago for the following reasons I did not want to live in a rural area having moved from London. Ramsgate is the perfect size. I still have anonymity but equally have the... Read more

  • Karen McGowan

    I moved to Ramsgate 3 years ago for the following reasons I did not want to live in a rural area having moved from London. Ramsgate is the perfect size. I still have anonymity but equally have the... Read more

  • Karen Scott

    OBJECTION I object to the re-opening of Manston Airport. Air Pollution will increase tenfold with Aviation fuel especially as the airport is in such close proximity of housing for many... Read more

  • Karim Zaman

    I am what is known as a DFL in Ramsgate. Down From London. As are my family, as we moved here after 15 years in London for all the reasons people do: fabulous houses, seaside life and great schools.... Read more

  • Kate Tedman

    I wish to make a submission on the basis that the benefits described by the applicant (e.g. high national demand for air freight, local job creation) appear to be exaggerated and at odds with both the... Read more

  • Katharine Willis-Crowley

    I have extreme concerns around a. noise pollution b. air pollution, if the plans to turn develop the carho hub go ahead. Ramsgate's health and wellbeing WILL suffer as a result of this development,... Read more

  • Kathryn Reilly

    It seems madness to keep Manston closed when there's a desperate need for a third runway for London. It would boost the local economy and answer this problem.

  • Katy Richardson

    I am worried about the noise, increased traffic and environmental consequences.

  • Kay pettman

    Me and my family are fully behind the reopening of Manston as an airport of any sort. It is a shame that something that could be such an asset to the area has been left to decline for so long.

  • Keith Barton

    Air quality and noise

  • Keith C Nicholls

    Please find below a brief outline of the submissions I wish to make , in relation to Riveroak Strategic Partners application for a Development Consent Order for Manston. 1: Manston as an airport... Read more