
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1901 to 1925 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Kent County Council (Kent County Council)

    Following the decision made by the Secretary of State on 14 August 2018 to accept the application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners for examination, Kent County Council requests to be registered as... Read more

  • Jamie Macnamara on behalf of Kent Facilities Limited

    PINS Reference: TR020002 Relevant representation of Kent Facilities Limited (“KFL”) in relation to the DCO application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd (“RSP”). 1. Introduction 1.1. KFL... Read more

  • Kent Needs Manston Airport (Kent Needs Manston Airport)

    Kent Needs Manston Airport [KNMA] are a grassroots group based in Thanet, founded by local business people in Cliffsend, Ramsgate during September 2015. KNMA now include members from surrounding areas... Read more

  • Kent Wildlife Trust (Kent Wildlife Trust)

    Manston Airport - Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project - Development Consent Order application Relevant Representation by Kent Wildlife Trust Kent Wildlife Trust appreciate the... Read more

  • Kim Edgington

    Please register me as an interested party who is against the proposed plans by RSP to DCO the Manston airport site. Flawed Business Plan: PINS should be thoroughly examining RSP’s business plan.... Read more

  • Kirstie Awan

    As a thanet resident since birth Manston as an airport has always been a part of thanet, re-opening manston as an airport will give a large number of jobs locally and bring more business to the area... Read more

  • Kirsty Peterkin

    I am writing with reference to the application to make Manston airport to receive night flights. The noise and pollution from this will make Thanet unsafe first vulnerable people young and... Read more

  • Lee Woolcott-Ellis

    I am 54 years of age and I have always lived in Thanet, the past 19 years I have lived in St. Lawrence, Ramsgate. My house is directly under what was the former ‘flight path’ and I remember the noise... Read more

  • Les Brown

    Manston airport is a critical asset to not only the local residents that seek an opportunity for employment but the country as a whole. Capacity for accomodating aircraft, be it for cargo alone or... Read more

  • Lesley Jones

    I object to reopening the airport. I believe it will be detrimental to those who live under the flightpath and will not bring the benefits proposed (jobs). Also the company leading on this do not... Read more

  • Linda Mockett

    I live directly under the flight path. I am [Redacted] and since the closure of the airport my breathing has become much better and I no longer need my [Redacted] as much as I did. Air craft fuel... Read more

  • Lisa Jordan

    I wish to register as an interested party against the plans put forward by Riveroak in the DCO. I am against the proposal for the following reasons: The application does not represent that of... Read more

  • Lizzie Deegan

    I moved to Ramsgate with my husband in 2015 and am devastated to learn that proposals to re open Manston Airport as a cargo haulage hub, include numerous night flights. Having moved from west London,... Read more

  • London East Kent Coast Airport (Manston) Limited (London East Kent Coast Airport (Manston) Limited)

    5th October 2018 Registration as Interested Party, by Winbourne Martin French (with London East Kent Coast Airport (Manston) Limited) pursuant to Advice Notes Eight and Nine in particular... Read more

  • Louise Brafman

    Thanet is just about dragging itself up from having sunk to the lowest level it could reach. Margate, with the Turner Centre and the ensuing tourism this has attracted which has then spread out to... Read more

  • Lyanne Nicholl

    I have real concerns about the environmental impact of the changes to Manston airport, as well as noise issues.

  • Lynne Ashbee

    I would like to make representation for the reopening of Manston Airport based on a critical need of decent employment for the residents of Thanet. It is essential for the future prosperity of the... Read more

  • M. Rayner

    We are the people in Thanet that want and need a thriving airport HERE asap, thank you

  • Maggie Bateson

    Hello my name is Maggie and I am [Redacted], and have been living in Ramsgate for most of my life. I don't want Manston Airport to be opened again as it will cause us lack of sleep, and our town will... Read more

  • Marcel Peen

    My name is Marcel Peen and I am writing to register my objection to the Manston airport cargo night flights application. I am a physiotherapist and I work part-time from home and the disruption due to... Read more

  • Maree Choie

    I am concerned about the proposed plans for Manston Airport. I have a young child and a husband with a history of respiratory problems. The compromise to air quality and increase in noise pollution... Read more

  • Margaret E Nicholls

    The submissions I wish to make , in relation to Riveroak Strategic Partners application for a Development Consent Order for Manston, are as follows. 1: Airport will bring employment , to an area of... Read more

  • Margaret Walker

    I believe Manston should be reopened as a regional airport. This will provide many jobs in an area which really needs them. It would/cou l d a l so remove the pressure on Gatwick which is so very... Read more

  • Maria Reynolds

    t is struggling to meet the demands of its local community Add to this an airport with excessive noise and the impact on health could be catastrophic I love where I live, I love the life my children... Read more

  • Marie Geurts

    I would like to see Manston as an airport it has a long runway ifeal for lots of opportunities for pilot training,cargo and passenger flights.