
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1926 to 1950 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark McGowan

    I moved to Ramsgate 3 years ago for the following reasons I did not want to live in a rural area having moved from London. Ramsgate is the perfect size. I still have anonymity but equally have the... Read more

  • Martin Gilham

    Vital gateway to SE England; countless job opportunities; optional overflow for LGW and LHR; noise will be minimal due to scheduling and engine noise reduction measures; housing etc could not be... Read more

  • Martin Knight

    I have major concerns regarding the impact that the air and noise pollution will impact on my health, that the high volume and frequency of flights will have on my lifestyle, particularly my ability... Read more

  • Sue Bailey on behalf of Mary Bennell

    I am in support of the return of an airport at Manston because: This will provide employment in an area that desperately needs more jobs for people and increase the prosperity in an area which has... Read more

  • Matt Corker

    Whilst I understand that there is potential for a cargo airport to provide more employment in the area, I do not feel that there is enough evidence to support this claim in the context that Thanet is... Read more

  • Matthew Connell

    To whom it may concern I feel I need to contact you to express my passion and concern over the future of Manston airport.Manston Airport could be a great asset to Thanet and the rest of the uk... Read more

  • Matthew Delaney

    I am in complete support of the reopening of the airport

  • Matthew Griffiths

    I would like to make the following representations and would welcome the opportunity to both expand on these matters and provide supporting evidence. I would assert that any decision made without... Read more

  • Matthew Scott

    Amongst my many reasons to oppose this proposal, my three main concerns are: 1. LACK OF ADEQUATE CONSULTATION WITH THOSE AFFECTED Being a resident directly affected by these proposals, I feel that... Read more

  • Melanie Khan

    material is being disseminated that RSP have already received a positive decision and £5 million plus to support their proposal. As this would be unethical and unconstitutional prior to the closing of... Read more

  • Melissa Hodder

    My representation is that of a lifetime resident of Ramsgate and mother of 3 young children. I am categorically against the DCO proposed by RSP and am very concerned about the prospect of the very... Read more

  • Michael Bannon

    As a Ramsgate resident on the proposed flight path I am against the disturbance cargo night flights will have on noise and particulate pollution. I am concerned about the effect on my son's... Read more

  • Michael Hawkins

    Development of Manston as a mainly cargo airport given its location in East Kent will bring an increase in heavy road traffic further clogging the the already congested M2 and M20 motorways. Traffic... Read more

  • Tracey McEvoy on behalf of Michael John McEvoy

    I object to the plans to create a cargo airport at Manston for the following reasons: One of the reasons I chose to live in Ramsgate is that Thanet is a growing creative hub for the South East. I... Read more

  • Michael Pearce

    I wish to object to the application, because I believe the project falls far short of being of national strategic importance. The airport has been closed for more than four years, with no... Read more

  • Michael Sole

    I would like to see Manston opened again as an airport as I feel it would bring much needed air safety to our shores and would also provide local jobs. It would also help to take some of the... Read more

  • Michele Turriani

    My wife and I moved to Ramsgate four years ago to escape the dangerous levels of noise and air pollution we were experiencing living in close proximity of London City Airport. We had initially... Read more

  • Mike Straw

    I object as a resident to this development because the following inter-related points. 1. The development is not needed and nor is it a Nationally Significant Project - the applicants are using... Read more

  • Miss Pamela Smith

    Please see attached

  • Mr Ben Jones

    Thank you for your time in listening to my response to the Manston DOC application. I strongly oppose this application. I have grave concerns of the impact on the residents of Thanet that a cargo... Read more

  • Mr David Batten

    A. BENEFITS OF AN AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT AS OPPOSED TO HOUSING Thanet needs employment opportunities. It lost 4,000 jobs when Pfizer moved, and although tourism is gradually increasing, will never... Read more

  • Mr Paul Gall-Johnson

    I am writing as someone who Lives/works in Ramsgate and intends to start a family here. I’m strongly opposed to the DCO. All extracts are taken from Extracts from Thanet’s local plan... Read more

  • Mr W Rennie

    INADEQUATE CONSULTATION - There has been no direct communication and proper consultation from RSP to many home owners, such as myself, who are under the existing flight path in Ramsgate, about their... Read more

  • Mrs A Batcheler

    I live with my husband and our three young children in Ramsgate. I would like to object to the proposal for a cargo hub at Manston for the following reasons. 1. I believe that this would have a... Read more

  • Mrs Daphne Bird

    I am very keen to see Manston Airport re-opening: it has been successful in the past, and could be again: providing work for many people. It could have so many benefits, as in previous years. Bring it... Read more