
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Lyn Watson

    I wish to show my concern about the proposed second runway at Gatwick. I don’t feel the need for a second runway as we are suppose to be protecting the environment. Not encouraging more people to fly.... Read more

  • Martin Curtis Newlan

    My home is under the northern edge of the holding pattern for Gatwick and the aircraft noise is already intrusive at current levels of operation. I am very concerned about the considerable increase in... Read more

  • Martin Watson

    My partner & I live in Wisborough Green approx. half mile south of village centre & ever since coming here the vast majority of planes seem to use our house as there visual reference point for turning... Read more

  • Michele Colling

    Increase of air, noise and flood pollution, jeta1 smell is already unbearable some days, already flooded once since moving here as gatwick authorised opening 100% of their sluss gates to prevent north... Read more

  • Mole Valley Chamber of Commerce (Mole Valley Chamber of Commerce)

    Mole Valley Chamber is supportive of the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Proposal because we feel it is important to the business community & to the footfall of the area which helps our economy.

  • Mr Colin Jeffery Green

    Having lived in the Gatwick area all my life I know that aircraft noise is more intrusive when it involves aircraft taking off over my village. The current one runway arrangement means that this... Read more

  • Neil Andrew McLachlan

    Gatwick airport are misrepresenting an emergency runway as a '2nd runway' in an attempt to overturn a previous decision to locate an extra runway for London at Heathrow. The project or application... Read more

  • Nick Lloyd-Davies

    My objection is two-fold. Firstly, the increased noise levels and frequency of departing and arriving planes will be an unacceptable blight for many thousands of residents, including us in... Read more

  • Nikki Halsey

    I feel this is an inappropriate action, it will have detrimental effects on our environment, health of local people, the infrastructure locally.

  • Oliver Rimmer

    The proposal is entirely inappropriate given the known role played by air traffic in climate change. Air travel must be reduced and limited. Gatwick, as it currently operates, will have sufficient... Read more

  • Paul Roe

    The proposed project is/will: - vital to the long term economic viability of the Gatwick hinterland. - secure the livelihoods of a large number of employees both directly and indirectly. - increase... Read more

  • Paul Smith

    Impacts - improved puntuality of flights departing and arriving at London Gatwick. As a user of tje airport myself and family are constantly drlayed by queuing of departing aircraft and limited... Read more

  • Robin Whitwell

    Whilst I am supportive of the job creation I do hold a number of significant concerns about the proposals by Gatwick Airport Limited. Noise pollution concerns overnight Infrastructure concerns and... Read more

  • Rod Mearing

    I cannot support the suggested expansion of Gatwick. While the expansion will undoubtedly provide jobs, the benefits of this are likely to be short lived as every company seems to be looking for ways... Read more

  • Ronald South

    Der Sirs, With regard to the proposal to expand the airport to facilitate more flights they have not taken into account the additional noise from the jet engines which we are already suffering from.... Read more

  • Sarah Smith

    It’s the noise and air pollution that worry me. I moved to Rudgwick in lockdown when all planes were grounded. Then it reopened! The noise is unbearable, all day and all night. Planes every minute... Read more

  • Sheena Wiffen

    I am absolutely sick of being woken up with night flights going in and out of Gatwick. There should be a 12-6am curfew. Sleep is so important for well being.

  • Talbot Douglas Ledingham

    Having worked at Gatwick for many years, (now retired) I have seen the impact the airport has on employment in the local area and beyond. I live almost under one of the flight paths into/ out of... Read more

  • Theresa White

    The Environmental impact of such an increase in passenger numbers to the local area will be devastating and not in line with current green carbon reduction policies . I dispute that extra flights are... Read more

  • William Marsden

    Concern for, noise and air pollution, living by Gatwick Airport the smell of jet A1 fuel is extremely overpowering, even before expansion.

  • Zoe Odette Collins

    Concerned about the increased levels of noise pollution.

  • Alan Lambert

    Air traffic over Ewhurst is already extensive and causes significant noise pollution. I am concerned that with two runways operational this will become unbearable for residents.

  • Chris Le Tissier

    Gatwick needs another runway as the present one is overloaded leading to regular holding time prior to landing and the lengthy queues to take off. Both of which lead to more polluting gases being... Read more

  • Claudia Talsma

    I live nearby. I can see and here the planes daily. The noise pollution, light pollution and general pollution not just from the planes but also the cars that just block all the roads already. Its... Read more

  • Clive Lavington

    Gatwick Airport introduced a flight path a few years back that allowed planes to turn a tight right when taking off in an easterly direction putting full throttle climbing planes directly over... Read more