
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 826 to 850 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Jayne Angharad Sharratt

    Gatwick Airport should not be expanded because we need fewer flights to reduce carbon emissions and protect our environment and climate. My main concern is about climate change - I'm the Cabinet... Read more

  • John Murray

    Aviation is a key contributor to climate change, including the impact of disturbance to the upper atmosphere. After experiencing another hottest year, we urgently need to reduce air travel. An... Read more

  • Jon Gordon

    The facility’s around Gatwick cannot cope with an increasing amount of flights.

  • Jonathan Burnell Roper

    My main objection to the proposal is the noise increase which will inevitably flow from its implementation. A full response will be submitted in due course.

  • Kathryn Lucy Peters

    I oppose this development. Currently the aircraft noise from daytime planes and night flights is absolutely horrendous and affecting my quality of life at home and this development will only increase... Read more

  • Kerry deCarteret

    The main issues are that : we live in an AONB (area of outstanding natural beauty) as we are on the edge of St Leonards Forest. It is an idyllic area and could be blighted with aircraft noise and... Read more

  • Lionel Baker

    IT IS A CASE OF PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AGAINST THE GREED OF GATWICK. THE ENVIRONMENT MUST BE THE WINNER !!!!! I object very strongly about expanding the runways at Gatwick. It will just be the... Read more

  • Malcolm Eastwood

    My concerns are that this proposal is actually for a new runway not to simply open up an existing emergency facility. This is misleading. If approved this will allow more than 100,000 additional... Read more

  • Marion Haim

    The proposed massive changes at Gatwick Airport will have an enormous negatuve impact on the community in surrounding areas. It is now obvious that Global warming is under way. This is October 2023... Read more

  • Martha Nye

    It shouldn't be expanded. It's already very close to residential areas, small towns are around it, the noise is already bothersome and it will cause even more harm to wildlife. We should not be... Read more

  • Martyn Peters

    I oppose this development. Currently the aircraft noise from daytime planes and night flights is absolutely horrendous and affecting my quality of life at home and this development will only increase... Read more

  • Nicci Levy

    It will not be positive for the environment. It will mean more air traffic over our village, more noise, more pollution. It will devalue our village and the properties within it.

  • Patricia Loughnane

    Another runway will cause more air and noise pollution. It will mean more traffic, already congested roads, ,more passengers on the local buses and trains. Gatwick is already struggling with cancelled... Read more

  • Paul William Bray

    I oppose the proposal for a northern runway at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons: It will create a substantial increase in aircraft noise as several flightpaths are directly over our house;... Read more

  • Peter Fairhall

    Increase in noise Increase in traffic Extra pollution

  • Richard Tyson-Davies

    The local infrastructure will not be able to cope with the increases in activity caused by the increase in flight numbers. Specifically, the lack of a major east/west road will bring chaos and... Read more

  • Robert Palgrave

    The proposal to expand the airport and to increase the number of flights will increase greenhouse gas emissions both from flights and from the attendant increase in surface transport movement serving... Read more

  • Rosalind Jupp

    I live in a village environment, where there are lots of events and village camaraderie. There is a large 'older' community and we need to attract young families and professional people if the village... Read more

  • Stephen Dell

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an... Read more

  • Stuart Tomlinson

    In a recent Guardian newspaper article, they report that millions of people have already died globally due to climate change. Millions more have been displaced. In another Guardian article, they... Read more

  • Susan Elizabeth Morse

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for an additional runway because it is new and not a development of an existing runway. This does not comply with the Government’s Aviation Strategy. The... Read more

  • Susan Richardson

    The proposal will lead to a huge increase in air traffic in an area already suffering from aircraft noise

  • Tania McTigue

    Noise and Pollution

  • Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP (Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP) on behalf of The Home Office (The Home Office)

    This is a Relevant Representation on behalf of the Home Office (UK Visas and Immigration), provided in respect of the Applicant's application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) which seeks powers... Read more

  • Timothy John Musker

    -It is not new runway, not the development of an existing runway. -increased aircraft noise from additional flights, along with air polution. -Infrastructure (road and rail) cannot cope with... Read more