
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Christina Koutsavakis

    more noise and more pollutions

  • Christopher Fields

    I work for Gatwick Airport Ltd and see the tremendous opportunity this has to grow jobs and income for the local economy as well as bringing more competition to the aviation market.

  • David Cregeen

    This seems like a pragmatic way to provide a required increase in airport capacity without significantly increasing the airport's footprint and with consideration to local road infrastructure. However... Read more

  • Ian Harrison

    Massively for Gatwick utilising its current runway and for moving its centre line to accommodate more passengers and aircraft to use it. It will be hugely profitable for not only Gatwick Airport but... Read more

  • John Sutton


  • National Air Traffic Services Ltd (National Air Traffic Services Ltd)

    NATS En-Route wishes to register as an Interested Party. It will submit a formal representation in due time.

  • Paul Costello

    Residential property owners of (redacted) which is located adjacent to the northern perimeter road. As this property is one of the closest if not the closest residential property to the north terminal... Read more

  • Rai Bhanot

    Born and raised in (redacted), I have witnessed first-hand the detrimental impact of the pandemic on both the local economy and the environment surrounding Gatwick. For nearly 15 years, I dedicated... Read more

  • RGC - Regency Grove Communications Ltd (RGC - Regency Grove Communications Ltd)

    This project is a must for our area, it will establish the airport as a major hub and bring much needed jobs and money to the local economy. This project needs to go ahead for the future heath of the... Read more

  • Richard Mathers

    The proposal for Gatwick Airport to move to a duel runway operation will have a negative impact on the local area, and contradicts the governments aim to reduse the UK's carbon footprint. Duel runway... Read more

  • Richard Samways

    The South East needs more runway capacity. Even though I live on the fringe of the Northern flight path, I still consider the overall benefit outweighs any noise issues. Gatwick have kept their... Read more

  • Tamas Jurca on behalf of Alexander House Hotel and Utopia Spa (Alexander House Hotel and Utopia Spa)

    For an extensive period, Gatwick has steadfastly functioned as a substantial pillar of national infrastructure, fostering the prosperity of our members and the diverse entities we stand for in the... Read more

  • Clifford Michael DeClozets

    I think it is a good thing to utilise our emergency runway and will be good for the airport and the local environment by not building a completely new runway

  • Kerry Anne Harris

    The 2nd runway will have a direct impact on our day to day living. A lot more noise and air pollution and a reduction in the value of our property.

  • Linda Jane Glynn

    Gatwick airport is big enough. One can’t help but think that Gatwick sets out to deceive when documents put out for public consultation are unclear, blurry, so making it difficult to know how exactly... Read more

  • Adam George Wilson

    More flights will have an adverse effect on air pollution and noise pollution. There will be more traffic on the local minor roads as well as main roads. More jobs mean more houses for workers in an... Read more

  • Allan Bowell

    There is a very real threat from climate extremes exacerbated by the increase in air traffic. The expansion of airports is a sign that the economy is seen to be more important than this threat. I am... Read more

  • Andrew Cook

    We do not need even more aircraft over the quiet Sussex countryside. Its already very busy day and night..also if we are to get to net zero we need less aircraft not more I oppose this Gatwick Airport... Read more

  • Ayuba Samaila

    I belive the expansion of Gatwick Airport is needed and will significantly benefit the local economy. However, I would like to better understand how the impact of emissions would be mitigated during... Read more

  • Barbara Hatch

    Aircraft noise is already incredibly intrusive, having a major impact on time spent outside. Sometimes planes go over, low, every 4-5 minutes, making simply sitting in the garden unbearable. The... Read more

  • Brendan Watson

    I object on the grounds of poor air quality and noise. These planes are flying too low and the noise is unbearable. What happen to climate change

  • Bridget Paterson

    Planes taking off from Gatwick have been more obtrusive this year than previously, particularly from about 5.30am until 8.0, and again late evenings, sometimes until at least 12.30am. It’s bad enough... Read more

  • Christopher Morris

    I oppose the development consent order because of the resulting impact on climate change, increase in pollution, decline in air quality, increase in aircraft noise especially overnight, lack of... Read more

  • Claire Robinson

    I oppose the Development Consent Order to rebuild the Gatwick emergency runway as a 2nd runway. This is because it will mean an increase in aircraft noise, especially at night. Gatwick flights taking... Read more

  • Daniel Arthur Alexander Jenkins

    Increased overflying of my home - sleep interruption. Noise pollution. Strain on airport infrastructure - roads, rail. Air pollution with increased traffic.