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To vote against a second runway at Gatwick due to the huge environmental impacts on our roads and infrastructure
14,000 new jobs? Gatwick Airport cannot fill the jobs available now. The UK is supposed to be cutting down on pollution. How is this helping that goal? There will be more vehicles. More aircraft. More...
Darllen mwy
IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT OF A SECOND RUNWAY AT GATWICK AIRPORT As the resident of a village on top of the North Downs located no more than about 10 direct miles from the airport, I would like to make...
Darllen mwy
Amongst many other points, here are a few: The increase in aircraft noise resulting from a greater number of overhead flights. The environmental impact of more frequent flights. The impact of the...
Darllen mwy
The plans for expansion with the new runway should not be allowed to go ahead. The Committee on Climate Change has said that no expansion in aviation should be allowed if we are to meet our climate...
Darllen mwy
I oppose the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. It will have a severe impact upon the infrastructure of this area. Roads and transport are already under severe strain without the disruption and...
Darllen mwy
The proposal at Gatwick airport will see a huge increase in the number of planes flying over the area of Hever and surrounding neighbourhoods. This will not only increase the environmental pollution...
Darllen mwy
I hope it happens. It will bring a lot of jobs to the area. More money. More likelihood of new residential areas. More money for the investment of Crawley, which MUST be invested in!
I wish to register my objection to the proposal for a new runway at Gatwick. The main impacts are more locally obviously noise and, from a more global perspective with 101,000 more flights a year,...
Darllen mwy
Too much noise so I personally do not think it should go ahead and bad for the environment
I feel there are enough flights over this area as it is. More flights would be unwelcome. There are already prolonged periods when the air traffic noise is very disturbing (especially in the summer...
Darllen mwy
Register my support for this project
The pressure on environment and local people will be too much without sufficient infrastructure: - new reservoirs for drinking water - sufficient renewable energy - quality cycle lanes in plentiful...
Darllen mwy
I am in full support of building this runway as I think it will generate a lot of revenue for the area, it will also reduce pollution by allowing people to travel less distances to catch planes to...
Darllen mwy
Impacts on land, farming capacity, air, habitats and local prosperity and detriment to quality of life
Concerned about the potential impact on the environment, towns and villages around the wider area that will see significantly increased traffic from increase in passengers, workers and during...
Darllen mwy
I fully support the position of the RHRA’s submitted comments (see below) and will add an additional significant concerns which is the obvious negative environmental impact this project will cause on...
Darllen mwy
Section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 requires all relevant authorities (including all public bodies, local authorities and statutory undertakers) in exercising or performing any...
Darllen mwy
Noise from overhead flights both day and night Road congestion on A25 through the village Potential pollution and harm to the environment Area of outstanding national beauty Water supplies Wildlife...
Darllen mwy
I object to expansion of Gatwick as it will increase emissions pollution and noise pollution.
I am in full agreement and support with this project
I think that it is well overdue. Having lived in the area most of my life, I have seen it grow and Gatwick needs to be bigger. It will be a huge boost to the economy and provide many more jobs. The...
Darllen mwy
The main issue is the disturbance and nuisance caused by aircraft flying overhead at around 3 to 4 thousand feet for prolonged periods. When this happens, in the otherwise quiet Kent countryside, it...
Darllen mwy
The noise and frequency of flights over our house is derogatory to our quality of life.
This project will have a positive impact on the local economy.
Increased flights over my house which already causes occasional sleep disturbance on a summer’s night. Roads further congested, Increased carbon emissions. Already water shortages in our area and...
Darllen mwy
I support gatwicks new runway!
I would like to comment on the full scale of impacts of the expansion.
Hello, I am writing to object to the proposed use of the Northern, safety run-way, as an extension of Gatwick operations. Gatwick already causes major noise intrusion to the residents of Speldhurst,...
Darllen mwy
Submission to Planning Inspectorate: Gatwick Airport Northern Runway DCO This submission is being made by London Southend Airport (LSA). Overall, LSA supports the notion of allowing UK airports to...
Darllen mwy
In an age where we know for certain that there will be pressure to reduce flight travel to limit climate and environmental damage we need to show real restraint. The need for a material increase in...
Darllen mwy
I already am woken constantly by planes, often traveling at under 5000ft in the early hours, night flying. Complaints to Gatwick make no difference, the response you get is a standard letter which...
Darllen mwy
I oppose the second runway construction at Gatwick airport. I live under the flight path. Granted the planes only take off over my house when the wind is coming from the east, but these planes are...
Darllen mwy
The main issue is that the Northern runway is not suitable for use as a second runway. Gatwick had their plans for a second runway rejected and trying to adapt the northern runway to become a fully...
Darllen mwy
Overhead take off and landings after 10pm and before 7am
The extra runway will negatively effect the health of the local people due to pollution. Asthma and other lung issues are already high in the area. Noise pollution disturbing the local residents of...
Darllen mwy
I strongly object to the Gatwick expansion on the following grounds: - Environmental: we should be seeking ways to reduce air travel not increase it - Noise: having been a resident of Reigate for over...
Darllen mwy
I live and work close to Gatwick so my concerns are around initially the extensive building works as this will affect my working and personal life but also the lack of infrastructure improvements this...
Darllen mwy
Has Covid not taught us anything. There is nothing good about another two runways. We live on the edge of the flight path yet it is busier and noisier already, what about pollution. The roads...
Darllen mwy
I strongly oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway. It will significantly increase airport noise, pollution and...
Darllen mwy
Completely against the expansion. There will be only negative impacts and nothing gained. Living under a flight path is miserable and yet I look out to open countryside from our windows. If it wasn’t...
Darllen mwy
I approve of this project
I have a number of concerns about the proposed runway expansion at Gatwick Airport. While I can understand the economic upside, the impact to residents and the broader community has the potential to...
Darllen mwy
I live on the Gatwick perimeter road, parallel to the runways. The existing noise and emissions are already impacting on our lives, sleep, health, ability to open windows etc; this will double with a...
Darllen mwy
I am against the new runway proposal. My home life is already impacted by excessive noise from air traffic as I am in the flight path and additional air traffic would be a nuisance.
Noise concern
I object to Gatwick's continued plans for development at this current time. This is because I/we have been drastically affected by increased aviation noise being right under the flight path which was...
Darllen mwy
1. The project will result in unacceptable levels of noise pollution around the Penshurst area. 2. The project will release polluting material into an area which is currently an AONB 3. The traffic...
Darllen mwy
Concerns about -increasing noise and from additional traffic, - additional traffic on local 'rat route' country lanes north of Gatwick, - and new circuit patterns over Buckland/North Downs -...
Darllen mwy
I am lying in bed listening to the current aircraft noise, listening to the birds. The south east corner of England is already an extremely busy area, over populated. Bringing a new runway will have a...
Darllen mwy