
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1151 to 1200 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Robert Hugh Corrie Rees

    1. The project will result in unacceptable levels of noise pollution around the Penshurst area. 2. The project will release polluting material into an area which is currently an AONB 3. The traffic... Read more

  • Ruth Bridget Ferns

    Concerns about -increasing noise and from additional traffic, - additional traffic on local 'rat route' country lanes north of Gatwick, - and new circuit patterns over Buckland/North Downs -... Read more

  • Sarah Hiscocks

    I am lying in bed listening to the current aircraft noise, listening to the birds. The south east corner of England is already an extremely busy area, over populated. Bringing a new runway will have a... Read more

  • Sarah Kirk-Browne

    This expansion would create a huge increase in CO2 emissions and other negative environmental impacts. There are currently no proven technologies for reducing aviation emissions at scale, so promises... Read more

  • Sarah Webb

    Over this summer i have noticed an increase in noise from planes flying in / out of Gatwick. This may or may not be due to recent changes however, I'm sure that an additional runway will greatly... Read more

  • Stay Grounded UK Chapter (Stay Grounded UK Chapter)

    The increased emissions from these proposals would demonstrably increase the emissions profile of the airport, with no mitigation from any other UK airport shrinking its passenger numbers being... Read more

  • Stephanie Virgo

    Too many low level noise accords my house already without second runway at gatwick

  • Teresa Joyce

    I’m objecting to new runway at Gatwick, we have a big problem with our carbon footprint, it makes no sense to be changing people to travel in to London for air pollution, yet it’s okay to double... Read more

  • Annette Lee Carne (Annette Lee Carne) on behalf of The Carne/Hughes Household (The Carne/Hughes Household)

    Additional flights will impact UK’s capacity to reach carbon neutral targets. Additional flights will increase pressure on surrounding road infrastructure which is already struggling with current... Read more

  • Tracy Lepine

    Recent noticeable increase in air traffic over dorking and concern over further impact on quality of life and environmental impact. Recent visitor to gatwick and travelled by train to airport and... Read more

  • Trevor Hills

    On the grounds of safety, noise, social impact, environmental impact and air pollution.

  • Anne Upton (Anne Upton) on behalf of Upton Family (Upton Family)

    75,000 more passengers per year by 2030? What about the lack of suitable roads? The lack of train routes? What about the pollution? The report says the earliest the N Runway will be operational will... Read more

  • Wayne Barlow

    The current increase in flights are causing far too much noise already - another runway will make this even worse making the quality of life on the Heath unacceptable The ESG impacts to the local area... Read more

  • William Packham

    The area does not have the infrastructure to support the huge number of extra people that will come with a second runway, especially housing, roads and schools.

  • Alexander Fowler

    Noise pollution is a blight on the area. It affects mental health and enjoyment of home life and quality of sleep which suffers particularly in the summer. Jobs can be created in different ways, towns... Read more

  • Alison Young

    This project will increase air pollution and encourage the use of more fossil fuels. Until we can provide fossil fuel free air transport it is morally wrong to expand air travel . The impact on... Read more

  • Amberlouise Everitt

    Long term alteration of the earth’s climate and the rapid changes we are seeing now are from human activities, consumption of natural resources and burning of fossil fuels. Planes burn fossil fuels.... Read more

  • Antonia Godber

    I urge you to reconsider the expansion. In terms of my day to day life - or anyone else's - a move to INCREASE air travel is nothing short of suicidal for all of humanity. The science is clear - we... Read more

  • Caroline Hickman

    Having lived until recently in Cranleigh we hated the noise pollution from a new flightpath over Cranleigh in 2016. Noise unbearable in previously peaceful village. Air pollution, increase in road... Read more

  • Caroline Richer

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. A ban on night flights should be a condition of... Read more

  • Charles Puckle

    This project will contribute to serious and long term damage to our increasingly damaged, thus unstable climate

  • Charlotte Lawson

    I am extremely concerned by the noise impacts of the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. I live in a town already badly affected by aircraft noise both by day but also increasingly by night.... Read more

  • Climate Resilience Centre Worthing (Climate Resilience Centre Worthing)

    Expansion is inappropriate given the legal need to achieve net zero. At a time when CO2 emissions need to be cut drastically immediately to even contemplate expansion is counter to all scientific... Read more

  • Darren Perks

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway. I believe the policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as... Read more

  • Dave Stevens

    I think the 2nd runway at Gatwick is a fantastic idea!! It will bring in some much money and employment to the area for large and small businesses a like.

  • David Ware

    Climate change not helped by increased capacity Noise is a nuisance in Cranleigh particularly as night flights are allowed Air traffic control at Gatwick already under pressure Where are the... Read more

  • Fiona Husband

    I oppose the Gatwick application for the northern runway as it a new runway which does not comply with policy It will lead to a huge increase in aircraft noise - currently unacceptable and will only... Read more

  • Francis Guidera

    As a former mayor of this town and having visited Gatwick and worked at Gatwick for many years over my lifetime, and also having spent most of my life in Crawley living in Northgate right next to... Read more

  • Graham James Elvey

    I oppose this application as it will lead to an increase in aircraft nose over a much wider are than currently. There is inadequate infrastructure to deal with the additional road and rail traffic... Read more

  • Grahame Roy Barker

    Noise pollution and impact on air quality

  • Group for Action on Leeds Bradford Airport (GALBA) (Group for Action on Leeds Bradford Airport (GALBA))

    The proposed expansion of Gatwick is in complete contradiction of advice from the statutory Climate Change Committee. The CCC has repeatedly advised government that there must not be any net expansion... Read more

  • Harriet Embleton

    I strongly oppose the expansion of the northern runway at Gatwick Airport. Our climate is in a critical position, we are seeing more and more climate related disasters and adding more carbon to our... Read more

  • Hazel Sharrad

    At a time when the UK is falling back on it’s climate commitments, an extension to an airport is a calamitous decision

  • Ian Nicol

    Noise , pollution In contradiction of greenhouse gas emission targets increased traffic to the airport and more pollutants from increased air traffic

  • Joel Witz

    The proposed expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise. There should be a ban on night flights. The proposed expansion is inconsistent with net zero objectives and there is no... Read more

  • Julian Steed

    My comments are critical of the proposal and include the following concerns 1. Increased overhead noise 2. Questionable statistics used show the need for additional capacity in the South East - is the... Read more

  • Kathy Kohl

    We should be reducing air travel not expanding it, until there's a realistic environmentally friendly way. We need to limit co2 emissions not make space for more. Air travel is ecocide!

  • Lynwen Plowman

    Grave concerns about the pollution and impact on people’s health and our environment if this goes ahead. The m25 and a bigger Gatwick will be devastating

  • Megan Cunnington

    I am against expansion in terms of the below points. Increased noise Increased impact on the environment Infrastructure not in place even in new plans Levels of unemployment are low in this area so... Read more

  • Michael Harrison

    This new runway will destroy so many fine buildings and a historic village, then there is the increase in pollution, why is this application being considered when as a Country we are looking for Zero... Read more

  • Michaela Maloney

    Having grown up and lived in the Gatwick catchment area and been inspired to work in aeronautical engineering and infrastructure and working around the world before setting up my own business locally,... Read more

  • Nick Blofeld

    Expansion will mean: 35% more flights than 2019 48% more emissions than 2019 5.5% of all UK emissions will come from Gatwick in 2038 Being the size of Heathrow (where are they going to put 80m... Read more

  • Paul Radford

    Living on a ten mile final approach path to Gatwick, we already suffer with constant noise. An increase in movements would have a negative impact on our quality of life at home, increased pollution... Read more

  • Rebecca Blum

    I object to the scheme, as it will increase carbon emissions, when we should we be doing all we can to rapidly decrease our emissions. I also object to the increased noise pollution caused by the... Read more

  • Rebecca Harris

    As a resident near Gatwick I’m very concerned 1 for the noise and 2 fire all the wild life that will be lost one of the reasons we moved to the area

  • Robert Sayer

    At this stage I will be brief. The proposed extension will inevitably damage the local environment and quality of life of residents. Increased aircraft noise over a wider area including those that do... Read more

  • Robert Stephens

    I would like express my concern about both existing and additional (if this proposal is granted) air traffic noise in particular departures over my property, it is already above SOAEL, I cannot watch... Read more

  • Ruth Wilson

    I do not support the proposed new runway and additional flights that it will generate - there will be added noise & air pollution generated by the planes, fuel pollution from people driving to the... Read more

  • Sally Lemsford

    With the world facing a huge Climate Crisis, we should be reducing air travel, not expanding it. We shouldn’t be encouraging leisure travel and we need to transport goods locally or by sea to reduce... Read more

  • Sare Bassett

    We object to the proposed expansion plans for the following reasons; 1) Noise – this it will lead to a significant increase in air traffic leading to noise and pollution impacting our community in... Read more