
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1351 to 1400 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Martin Donelan

    The impact of potential / pending airport growth on, and not exclusively, climate heating, the environment, noise and air pollution, physical and mental health, and over reliance on fossil based... Read more

  • Andrew McMillan

    I am concerned about the health impacts arising from the increased number of over-flights, both for myself and my family. I am also concerned about the increased noise levels and air quality impacts... Read more

  • Ann Adele Stone

    Noise Pollution Lack of doctors, hospitals, housing, roads, water

  • Anne Norton

    I object to the proposal. An additional runway will significantly increase already high levels of aircraft noise over this part of the country. Aircraft noise is already intolerable in the summer... Read more

  • Anne Philippa Oliphant

    The building of a new runway will have a huge carbon footprint, destroying green space and plants and animals living there. Increased aviation will contribute to pollution and global warming which is... Read more

  • Anthony Edwards

    Expansion of Gatwick 1. would significantly increase aircraft noise in Kent and East Sussex, particularly at night. 2. flies in the face of UK's Net Zero targets. 3. would increase local traffic... Read more

  • Athanasia Panayi

    Completely opposed to the second runway as it will have an enormous impact on all the surrounding areas and is definitely not good for the environment

  • B Horton

    I do not support this project. It will increase noise and overflights for those under the flight paths (and others close by) which, in turn, increases pollution & CO2, and is likely to have an adverse... Read more

  • Bernard Fisher

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Comments on Climate Change and Air Quality in the Environmental Statement Contents Greenhouse Gas Emissions PM2.5 Air Quality Criteria and Assessment Model Verification... Read more

  • Brendan Lynch

    The proposed second runway will involve a very substantial increase in aircraft movements leading to yet more noise and disturbance throughout the day, throughout the year. There will also be a... Read more

  • Brighton & Hove Tourism Alliance (Brighton & Hove Tourism Alliance)

    The project will have a positive effect on the tourism businesses in the Gatwick area. This is an industry that continues to suffer post Covid . This project would support job creation and existing... Read more

  • Carol Mills

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – · Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Caroline Sheridan

    I am against this proposal for a number of reasons. 1- noise, living as we do under the flightpath to Gatwick we already find it hard to enjoy our garden as the noise from the aircraft mean it is... Read more

  • Charlotte Dawson

    I think this is a brilliant opportunity for the local community

  • ChiCycle (ChiCycle)

    We must drastically reduce our use of fossil fuel - there is no alternative fuel for aviation. Biofuel is utter greenwash. Most flying is a luxury unavailable to most of the World. An increase in... Read more

  • Chiddingstone Parish Council (Chiddingstone Parish Council)

    Chiddingstone Parish Council comprises of democratically elected Parish Councillors who represent the views of their electors. The Parish Council and parishioners of Chiddingstone object to the... Read more

  • Christina Usher

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Christine Sarah Barwell

    Increased activity at Gatwick would mean more people working there and local infrastructure cannot cope, eg local NHS, schools. Increased road traffic, workers and passengers, would mean more cars on... Read more

  • Christopher Clouder

    I am worrried about increased noise and pollution

  • Collette Mary Dolan

    Pollution as I’m (redacted) and already struggle. Noise as I note in the summer planes still going overhead in the early hours of the morning meaning you can’t sleep with your windows open.

  • David Gower

    The majority of aircraft landing at Gatwick seem to route over Groombridge at less than 5000 ft. Flights continue through out the night especially in summer and the noise is so loud to prevent... Read more

  • David John Akhurst

    My house lies directly under one of the flight paths for aircraft landing at Gatwick . Having lived in the house for thirty years we have noticed increases in noise and frequency of aircraft - there... Read more

  • David Robert Kershaw

    I am concerned about the increase in air traffic generally in light of the unfolding climate crisis and the damage being done to the climate by air travel. I also have a personal concern about... Read more

  • David Trafford

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy.  Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it... Read more

  • Debra J M Fitzgerald

    My main concern is the destruction of the countryside and villages in an area that have historical significance and great beauty which once destroyed can never be replaced. There is also the huge... Read more

  • Derek French

    Additional aircraft would only bring a huge increase in air and indirectly car pollution. It would also increase the risk of an air accident. Noise pollution would also increase ten fold. Peace and... Read more

  • Dominic Adrian Barlow Sanders

    There is no reasonable case for ruining the ecology and the quality of life in the Gatwick airport catchment area by building a second runway. Anyone taking the least amount of responsibility for... Read more

  • Dominic Farrer

    I am very much in support of the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway changes that have been proposed. I think that this is great for the economy and most of all has minimal environmental impact and is... Read more

  • Eamonn Daniel Harper

    Understanding how the increased demands will be mitigated

  • Elinor Katherine Pigou

    Noise disturbance Pollution Negative climate impact Negative mental and physical impact Negative environmental impact

  • Elizabeth Wilkinson

    increase in aircraft noise - day and night impact on climate change devaluation of my home affecting my wellbeing through increase in aircraft movements - flights will go directly above my home. We... Read more

  • Emily Brearley

    I object to the Gatwick expansion plan because of the lack of consideration given to the impact on the surrounding villages, including the health and well-being of those communities, which will be... Read more

  • Estelle Sexton

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Esther Wheller

    I object to an expansion of Gatwick airport. This is destroying the South East, particularly Kent, with it's many tranquil beauty spots. The damaging effects are among other things air and noise... Read more

  • Fiona Leathers

    Gatwick is quite big enough already. It doesn’t need to be any bigger and ruin more peoples lives in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Our planning on the ground because of our status is highly... Read more

  • George William Leigh Trafford

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Geraldine Lewis

    I consider a second runway unsuitable as air traffic is often overcrowded and having to use the hold patterns resulting in aircraft overhead every minute or more at busy times

  • Gillian Beckley

    This will cause more pollution, noise , traffic and harmful for the environment, health of residents and to the wildlife

  • Gillian Heaton

    Already we are affected by the noise . It wakes us up it stops us sleeping . We never used to hear planes and it is now a big issue . More planes would be a nightmare with noise and pollution . The... Read more

  • Gillian Smillie

    I am objecting strongly to Gatwick Airport's request for a second runway for the following reasons: Noise pollution. The current noise level is unacceptable within the entire Horley area. I gather a... Read more

  • Hanna Azevedo

    I feel that there is already enough air traffic in the local area which is not only noisy & an eyesore, but will also create more noise & air pollution.

  • Harry Trafford

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Heather Hughes

    Increased noise - v bad already Increased air pollution Climate change - should be reducing air traffic, not increasing!

  • Hilary Farquhar

    I oppose what will effectively be a new runway - currently Gatwick do not have two runways they can use concurrently. The Government spent much time and effort in deciding where it would be best to... Read more

  • Hilary Taylor

    I am against increased traffic in the sky and in the roads coming in and out Gatwick. There will be increased pollution for local residents, of which I am one, including poor air quality and increased... Read more

  • Howard Williams

    My wife and I have lived at this address since 1970 and have become accustomed to and accepting of aircraft noise whilst always finding it objectionable to a degree. Our environment is normally... Read more

  • Hugh Fairs

    The proposed increased in flights will increase CO2 emissions by 35% at Gatwick. (Gatwick’s own figures). There will also be an associated increase on CO2 emissions due to the growth in motor traffic... Read more

  • Iain Dickson

    Environmental, economic and social impact on local communities.

  • Ian G. Wilson

    I strongly object due to the following reasons: Existing or new Runway? • From: ‘Beyond the Horizon – Making Best Use of Existing Runways’ an HM Government publication “Therefore the government is... Read more

  • Ian Kirkham

    Why is Mr. Wingate on the board that decides the fate of LGW? Why does LGW not accept that low flying arrivals should be higher and since 2012 they have brought misery to communities that were... Read more