
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2201 to 2250 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Valerie Clark on behalf of The Clark and Darlington Household (The Clark and Darlington Household)

    These proposals are unacceptable to the residents in our village. The noise of the air traffic is already unbearable:

  • Peter Hildebrand (Peter Hildebrand) on behalf of The Hildebrand Family (The Hildebrand Family)

    The noise of overflight has steadily worsened over the years. These proposals will make noise significantly worse particularly with night flying and early and late slots. The aircraft all seem to... Read more

  • Tim Bryars

    Increased noise and pollution

  • Toby Cooper

    I oppose the new runway for the following reasons 1. Increase in aircraft noise / noise pollution 2. Negative impact on climate change and the increase in air pollution, the air quality will also get... Read more

  • Tracy Greaves

    1.planes go through out the night all ready I thought planes was meant to stop 9pm to 6am but we hear them all night. Keeps me awake 2. We don't want to be like Heathrow where traffic is all ready bad... Read more

  • Valerie Page

    Increase in aircraft noise Gatwick sits on a single main road We face a climate emergency Congestion on residential roads

  • Veronica Ballard

    This areais not large enoughto copewith another runwayat gatwick. Infrastructure already saturated and atbreaking point.

  • Victoria Harding-Rolls

    I am registering my rejection of the proposed use of the emergency runway at Gatwick as a second runway. We are affected by the increased plane movements since the change of flight paths and the... Read more

  • Adrian Maurice

    The expansion of the runway facilities at Gatwick should not be permitted. Grounds for refusal of the application are: The economic case made by Gatwick is flawed with a material increase in working... Read more

  • Alan Chilvers

    This application should be rejected as additional runway at Gatwick only benefits the applicants shareholders and management team, clear submissions from respected consultants have provided crystal... Read more

  • Alan Douglas

    I do not want an extra runway at Gatwick

  • Alan J White

    I am concerned about the effect the flying of jets is having on global warming. Not only is there the carbon output there is the effect of hot jet exhaust heating the upper atmosphere. The other major... Read more

  • Alison Margaret Savage

    We live under the fight path of planes coming in to land. There are already landings every few minutes and in peak season this is even worse with night flights as well so we are often disturbed... Read more

  • Allan John Bailey

    Pollution.. Infrastructure. Conservation.

  • Amalie Bennett

    I wish to strongly object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick with the development of a second runway. 1.Rail Infrastructure. Govia Thameslink Railway – which includes Southern, Thameslink and... Read more

  • Amanda Schryver

    I am opposed to the second runway for the following reasons: The impact on our rural road network will only serve to increase congestion which is already severe especially when there are any issues on... Read more

  • Andrew Dore

    Gatwick does not require a second runway. Air travel is reducing not expanding It would be change the existing emergency runway If Gatwick is to get a second runway the existing owners/board members... Read more

  • Andrew Welsh

    I currently live under the flightpath and find it hard to believe how the introduction of a second runway will do anything but negatively impact the local environment through both increased noise and... Read more

  • Anna Heis

    I oppose the runway on the grounds that air travel should be reducing and increasing capacity of airports poses an enormous threat to current and future generations.

  • Anne Pearl Zeall

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Annette Hards

    Our house is under the flight path to the east of Gatwick, and the noise nuisance, in particular during the night, is very disturbing and intrusive, causing considerable loss of sleep to the detriment... Read more

  • Anthony Barry Morse

    As residents of [REDACTED], near Edenbridge, we consider ourselves fortunate to live in a part of the UK which has so many areas of protected countryside and historic buildings. Noise pollution of... Read more

  • Anthony Shamash

    The idea of putting another runway into operation when we are all trying to reduce emissions is a joke. To create more noise and pollution over thousands of houses in order to increase a corporation's... Read more

  • Antonella Barnes

    Hello All, I live only ten minutes from Gatwick Airport. Since moving to Crawley Down in 1998, the traffic I am experiencing in my road alone has changed immensely, and largely because people commute... Read more

  • Attilia Page

    I am alarmed at proposals to increase air traffic from Gatwick. There is already too much noise pollution overhead due to existing plane departures and arrivals from and to Gatwick. Any escalation... Read more

  • Ben Dreux

    I oppose the expansion because I am anti climate change.

  • C Hill

    Additional aircraft noise in Surrey Hills AONB Huge increase in flights & night flights (noise, vibration) over Surrey Hills GreenBelt and AONB Huge increase in air pollution Increase carbon emissions... Read more

  • Carol Lesley Hewson

    Dramatically increased flight Increased noise levels Increased night flights and noise pollution

  • Caroline Ansell MP

    I wish to write in support of the proposals to develop the Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport in my capacity as the Member of Parliament for Eastbourne & Willingdon. My constituency's economy relies... Read more

  • Caroline Prebble

    Increased traffic and road traffic noise. Charlwood village is already busy and is used as a cut through to horley and Crawley. Increased aircraft noise, planes flying closer to/over my property. The... Read more

  • Catherine Burgess

    I object to the expansion for the following reasons; 1. Noise - When we moved here in 2009 we were aware of aircraft noise but not to the extent that we have been in the last 10 years with significant... Read more

  • Catherine Fleming

    I could not take any more planes, noise, disruption and misery. Another runway would be too much for our communities to take. Summer is already a nightmare with much bigger planes than before flying... Read more

  • Catherine Shea

    The main issues are: the increase in aircraft noise and its detrimental impact on the quality of life in the area; the increase in air pollution and its detrimental effects on our health and... Read more

  • Chris Green

    • Gatwick’s expansion and the environmental impact of more frequent flights and the consequent increase in aircraft noise resulting from a greater number of overhead flights would have substantial... Read more

  • Claire Catterall

    I strongly object to the building of a second runway at Gatwick. I live directly under the flightpath and flights in and out of Gatwick already blight the day to day experience of living in an are of... Read more

  • Claire Elizabeth West

    Unacceptable levels of noise that impact day to day life and disrupt sleep Planes coming in to land much lower than they should

  • Claud Stephen Cecil Gurney

    These are all the normal comments. At Penshurst we used to have some respite when planes took off in the other direction on the Southern runway but, since some changes a few years ago we seem to be... Read more

  • Daniel Meredith Jones

    I am concerned about flight paths concentrated over penshurst. The historic lack of transparency by Gatwick in previous consultations on flight paths (they did not reveal proposed routes); the ability... Read more

  • Darren Hicklin

    No objection due to acoustic barriers already in place and aircraft much quieter. I live 1.5miles from runway and no disruption to life even at peak times. Fully support due to benefits for local... Read more

  • David Anthony Slater

    I oppose the proposed project because: 1. It would impose significant additional noise around the airport and under the flight paths. We already experience material noise from Gatwick flights and this... Read more

  • David Gill

    I think it is a great opportunity for jobs & growth in the local community as well as a wider supply chain.

  • David Griffith-Jones

    This proposed expansion of air traffic is unnecessary and quite inappropriate. It would be environmentally damaging and would add yet further intrusion/blight on the lives of those living under the... Read more

  • David Hall

    The impact any expansion at Gatwick will have on the lives of us who live in its shadow and under current flight paths and also the negative impact any expansion of Gatwick will have on the climate.

  • David Langcaster Smith

    I could go into lots of detail about emmisions, flooding (downstream of the river Mole for instance), pollution, effects of massive traffic increases,etc. But at the end of the day is the fact that... Read more

  • David Lough

    The sound and emissions of aeroplanes on the eastern approach to Gatwick already have an unwelcome impact on our daily life - aircraft are making their final turns over Oenshurst and are supposed to... Read more

  • David Murray

    I object to Gatwick Airports application to expand. Aircraft noise & pollution benefits no one, and should be avoided. The additional road traffic cannot be adequately catered for without significant... Read more

  • Deborah Clarke

    I am wholeheartedly against Gatwick's attempts to effectively build a second runway. Moving to the countryside 20 years ago to live in an AONB was a lifestyle choice. The noise from Gatwick has become... Read more

  • Donna Acott

    I strongly believe the expansion of Gatwick Airport should not move forward for the following reasons: Health With an airport expansion, communities will suffer substantially increased noise impacts.... Read more

  • Duncan Beagley

    The proposal would have a huge impact on our community for many generations. Expansion would be environmentally damaging, the potential employment and economic benefits can only be considered fully... Read more

  • Edward Nicholas Heesom

    1. Planes fly over our property on most westerly direction landings. 2. Noise is worst during summer months when people sleep with they windows open. 3. A second runway will DOUBLE the number of... Read more