
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 2251 to 2300 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Elaine King

    This would be an environmental disaster for all ecology and local residents. Noise pollution, traffic pollution, green fields destroyed! Where will it all end!?! Please say no! Too loud. Unfair on... Read more

  • Elaine Richardson

    We moved to Tonbridge 36years ago and the volume of aircraft has increased significantly during this period. The flight approach to the airport already causes noise and pollution, as planes frequently... Read more

  • Elizabeth Heis

    I am opposed to bringing the second runway at Gatwick into commercial use. Doing so and thereby increasing the number of flights from Gatwick will have a significant impact on me and my family as we... Read more

  • Esther Streeter

    At this time of trying to achieve 'net zero' no airport should be expanding. There are too many flights a day now, doubling them should not be necessary. The air is polluted enough already and flights... Read more

  • Francine Juliet Blythe

    I object to the proposed second runway at Gatwick the noise from which will have a direct negative impact on my health and wellbeing as well as blighting the lives of generations to come through its... Read more

  • Gail Brownrigg

    There will be excessive impact on residents in the area. There will be considerable impact on the road infrastructure if more passengers and freight go through Gatwick. In view of climate change.... Read more

  • George Harding-Rolls

    We are living through the beginnings of a climate crisis which will severely affect both the UK and the rest of the world. To be considering expansion of an airport precisely when we should be... Read more

  • Georgina Stober

    My family moved to the area we live, as an AONB, to enjoy just that. Instead, we are blighted constantly by the hateful planes that go over us at seemingly all hours of the day and night. Why, oh why,... Read more

  • Geraldine Byrne

    My sleep is disturbed severley now by the overflights either late at night or in the early hours of the morning. As the number of flight is likely to double if the runway is approved I am extremely... Read more

  • Gillian Smyth

    I think it is dangerous to use the emergency runway for regular flights. Increasing the number of flights will result in even more chaos around the airport with queues of vehicles trying to get into... Read more

  • Graham Charles De Baerdemaecker

    I live under the flight path of aircraft landing at Gatwick from the west. Although probably quieter than planes taking off they are still noisy. That noise is significant in what is otherwise a quiet... Read more

  • Graham Deans

    Impact from noise Height restriction on flight routes, artificial ceiling Impact of shared routes inc in/out Heathrow and Gatwick Timing of flights Conflict between land approach and departure route -... Read more

  • Graham Powell

    The proposal to increase capacity at Gatwick is wholly unacceptable for the following reasons:- Increased flight resulting in more noise and disruption to residents along the flight path Already... Read more

  • Hutch Hutchison

    To further expand air travel and resulatant CO2 and polution in the face of global climbate change is unthinkable. The skys over the south of England are a constant source of Noise polution. I live in... Read more

  • Ian Paul Scobell

    The proposed development of Gatwick Airport means the building of a new runway. Gatwick does not currently have 2 runways. This is not in line with government policy. The extra noise and pollution is... Read more

  • Isobel Nott

    We already suffer considerable noise from Gatwick to have this increased in a semi rural area is inappropriate. At the moment the slightest problem on the M25 or M23 causes all the roads in Reigate... Read more

  • Jackie Crichton

    I’m against the expansion plans as they currently stand

  • James Douglas Beaman


  • James Mckinlay

    Concerns over increased noise and air pollution over the Surrey Hills AONB. Contradicts net zero strategy.

  • Jane Harrison

    Objection on the basis that living under the flight path is noisy enough at night time, the roads cannot cope with more traffic & the area is busy enough without more personnel moving into the area to... Read more

  • Jane Lilley

    Gatwick is proposing to built a second runway which is surely in contravention of the previous decision that any further runway in the south-east should be at Heathrow. And although it makes vague... Read more

  • Jay Pearson

    I live in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that suffers from flights that already fly over the area both inbound to and outbound from Gatwick Airport. Any increase in the number of flights... Read more

  • Jenny Shepherd

    I wish to object to the proposal. - Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government’s Aviation... Read more

  • Jessica Welsh

    My main issue is regards to noise and air pollution of further planes.

  • Joanne Ling

    An extra runway at Gatwick will impact: - The local wildlife - The environment (more emissions) - The neighbourhood (more noise and more local traffic) In short, the negatives will far outweigh the... Read more

  • Johanna Nusselein

    The already many planes flying just over my garden. Some so low that the noise is unbelievable. Apart from the noise the air pollution is just as great: a regular wash of the garden furniture is... Read more

  • John Brown

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. Plane Wrong supporters are affected by... Read more

  • John Louis Acott

    I strongly object to the Gatwick expansion plan. I believe it will have a major negative impact on the villages surrounding Gatwick Airport. Noise pollution is already an issue with planes from... Read more

  • John Michael Kelly

    Along with our MP, Tom Tugendhat, I very strongly object to the proposed north runway at Gatwick airport. The noise already continues incessantly, mostly when the landing approach is from the east,... Read more

  • John Peter Clifford

    The planned increase in air traffic will be bad to the area, and the environment, and will not help the economy. More capacity just leads to more flights - we should be spending the money on... Read more

  • Joseph Staffurth

    Additional flights at Gatwick will have a significant impact on the level of noise, pollution and carbon emissions over my house/village

  • Joy Hill

    A further runway at Gatwick is not necessary, we already suffer from the noise, traffic and pollution from the existing runways. We should be reducing our carbon footprint and pollution and not... Read more

  • Kate Marjory van Grutten

    We can have up to 60 planes an hour flying right over us at about an altitude of 5 - 7,000 feet and the noise is extremely disturbing and intrusive. The air traffic is unrelenting on many occasions.

  • Kathryn Moore

    I am totally opposed to the opening of the north runway/ or a second runway at Gatwick. Living in the flight path area I have been significantly impacted with the increased number of flights over the... Read more

  • Kenneth Howes

    Key issues/impacts are: 1. Noise impact on Langton Green and neighbouring villages. Already a steady stream of planes create an unacceptable noise level on some days. Some flights seem to be at... Read more

  • Kenneth Weatherstone

    Since Gatwick airport is back in full operation,we have many flights through out the night which keep us awake,also all our owls from the woodland around us have disappeared,we were told that the... Read more

  • Kerry Hewson

    I object to the Gatwick expansion because of the impact of additional noise and pollution on surrounding villages and the detrimental affect on the environment.

  • Kevin Mccarthy

    Agree with proposals

  • Kevin Trill

    Expanding Gatwick capacity by converting the taxi to an addtional runway is a reliavtivey low impact way of ioncreasing capacity, esecially when compared to Heathrow and increases safety at the... Read more

  • Laura Fletcher-Gray

    Effect on day to day life.

  • Laura Julia Le Cheminant

    This application should be rejected for a number of reasons: negative impact to local residents through increased air traffic, increase road traffic, increased pollution and impact on both people and... Read more

  • Lisa Creaye-Griffin

    -Concern over the pollution from aircraft:At a time when we are seeking to become net zero, an increase in air traffic at Gatwick before we have improved the engines on the aircraft is fundamentally... Read more

  • Lucinda Watkinson

    The prospect of a second runway at Gatwick Airport raises significant concerns for local residents, primarily related to the increased air traffic it would bring. A greater number of flights will... Read more

  • Lynnette Murray

    Unnecessary increase in the area of noise and movement of aircraft as well as infrastructure in surrounding roads and towns. We already get aircraft from Heathrow overhead as well as Gatwick traffic... Read more

  • Manor Royal BID (MRBD Limited) (Manor Royal BID (MRBD Limited))

    Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Gatwick Airport’s proposals for the Northern Runway Project as part of the Development Consent Order Application process, that was accepted for examination... Read more

  • Marc Thomas

    Gatwick has shown complete disregard for local communities in the last 10 years in its approach to noise pollution. Any expansion would have incredibly negative consequences for surrounding areas.

  • Mark Evans

    I think this is a great proposal and should go ahead.

  • Mark Henry David King

    The Northern Runway is an emergency runway and should be used as such

  • Mark Hopgood

    I support the expansion of Gatwick

  • Mark Wickens

    The increased noise and pollution will effect many people. The noise and the frequency of aircraft taking off and landing effect me and my family daily.