
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 351 to 375 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Janet Poll

    Noise, dust and light pollution from the main site will be a problem for local residents. Security will be problem. The accommodation block is sited in the wrong place in a rural area. The transport... Read more

  • Joanne Atkins

    The main development site would be entirely within the protected landscape of Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and Suffolk Heritage Coast, designated largely for its... Read more

  • Karen Gwynne-Vince

    I believe that EDF have not shown due deference to the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and wildlife that exists in this area, and have not shown how they will mitigate the destruction of... Read more

  • Kate Colchester

    The appropriate research into the impact of this infrastructure on the local area has not been done. The environment for small businesses in the local area has not been evaluated and the ramifications... Read more

  • Lee Webb

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: This is the wrong project in the wrong place as there is a risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding. Detrimental impact... Read more

  • Margaret Carswell

    As a home owner in the village of Marlesford I am writing to you to express my main concerns about the proposed building of a new nuclear power station at SizewellC.? ? The main concerns are as... Read more

  • Margaret Gray

    However high a defence wall may be built to protect the reactor from the sea, with sea levels rising it will never be high enough. It has been shown in A and B that the concrete is disintegrating, and... Read more

  • Marie Rolfe

    I am concerned about the disruption of habitats at a time when ecosystems are severely under threat and species are being lost through climate change and human activity. I am not convinced that the... Read more

  • Marlesford Parish Council (Marlesford Parish Council)

    Submission to Planning Inspectorate Relevant Representation as Interested Party On behalf of Marlesford Parish Council Regarding NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited DCO Application For Sizewell C New... Read more

  • Martin Clarke

    Sizewell C. Relevant Representation I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: Stored waste: This site was never designed to store nuclear waste. It is extremely concerning that... Read more

  • Martlesham Parish Council (Martlesham Parish Council)

    SIZEWELL C PROPOSALS: BACKGROUND Martlesham and the surrounding parishes are experiencing economic and housing growth putting increasing pressure on the local highway network. With its expanding... Read more

  • Melton Parish Council (Melton Parish Council)

    SZC - RELEVANT REPRESENTATION BY MELTON PARISH COUNCIL The following summarises Melton Parish Council’s (MPC’s) main points/issues. Crucially, Melton does not want its already significant traffic... Read more

  • Michael Taylor

    Sizewell C Personal Relevant representation to PINS. Despite 4 consultations and this DCO application I believe EDF have not supplied adequate information and I wish to highlight certain issues. I... Read more

  • Middleton cum Fordley Parish Council (Middleton cum Fordley Parish Council)

    The negative impacts of the proposed Sizewell C development are so severe that adequate redress is not possible. Several measures could be taken to make the scheme less unacceptable, though EDF seem... Read more

  • Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Di (Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Di)

    I comment on the following subjects: Controllability of a core melt-down The influencing Human Factor Terrorist attacks Implications of the British Euratom withdrawal. In Detail: Beherrschbarkeit... Read more

  • Miss Gemma Hockley

    I am extremely concerned with the affect EDF's Sizewell C project will have on our already busy little village of Campsea Ashe. On a daily basis (excluding cars) we already have 50-60 different heavy... Read more

  • Mr A Noble

    It is a sad indictment of the worlds decision makers that it has taken a 16yr old girl, (Greta Thumberg) to point out the reason for our planets environmental depletion; mainly emphasis being put on... Read more

  • Nicholas Burfield

    In response to the 27 May 2020 application by EDF to the Planning Inspectorate, I urge you not to support the demand for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to build Sizewell C. It is surely unrealistic... Read more

  • Paul Naylor

    As proposed, Sizewell C Power Station’s biggest impact on the environment will be its intake of seawater for cooling. The proposed seawater intake is massive, with a flow greater than the average flow... Read more

  • PAWB, Pobl Atal Wylfa B/People Against Wylfa B (PAWB, Pobl Atal Wylfa B/People Against Wylfa B)

    EdF's planning application for building two huge EPR reactors at Sizewell is totally misguided. The National Policy Statement in favour of building new nuclear power stations is now hopelessly... Read more

  • Professor Stuart Checkley

    1.Safety of the site and its radioactive materials over the period of its use. No engineering drawings have been published for the planned sea defences: only some preliminary sketches, with no... Read more

  • Richard Roberts

    In my view the proposed site is unsuitable due to the threats of rising sea levels, coastal erosion and likely effect on the coastline further south and north, with added frequency of storm surges due... Read more

  • Robert Flindall

    Sizewell C DCO Relevant Representations of Robert Flindall 1.Site • Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise, flooding • Impact on coastal processes • Impact on adjacent internationally... Read more

  • Simon Davies

    I wish to represent my concerns over: potential for significant increase in traffic volume, density and vehicle size. This will have a negative impact on safety, (road and pedestrian use)' road... Read more

  • Sue Tugwell

    1. The impact of the access road across from my Grade 2 listed cottage, volume and noise of HGV traffic during construction, light pollution, all destroying the tranquillity of the area and a negative... Read more