
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 576 to 600 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Jennifer Wilson

    I request PINS recommend to the Secretary of State that EDF’s application be refused because of the cumulative impact the project will have on the environment, people and businesses of Suffolk, for... Read more

  • Jill Bowring

    To continue with technology that uses fuel which is unable to be cleaned up safely at the end of its useful life is unacceptable. To further scar some very delicate and nationally important landscape... Read more

  • John Horsnell

    Why is the Government allowing the Chinese General Nuclear involvement to be a major State Holder in Sizewell C Project will State Security and Technology be an Issue which is highly controversial... Read more

  • John Stebbing

    I want to add my name and my support to ALL of the representations made by the following organisations: The STOP SIZEWELL C group The RSPB The SUFFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST and to support the Suffolk County... Read more

  • Joy Castle

    My points of concern about Sizewell C are:- I believe the proposed construction in this place is wrong because:- • It will cause irreversible damage and destruction to this AONB • Which will be... Read more

  • Ken Baugh

    I have many concerns about the construction of and need for a nuclear power plant at Sizewell C. Below are my main concerns which are the same as those submitted by my wife. LOCATION This is the wrong... Read more

  • Kirsten Hecktermann

    These are my concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development, I wish to register them: Having attended the last three consultations by EDF, reading the changes and discussing my concerns with... Read more

  • Letheringham Parish Council (Letheringham Parish Council )

    Letheringham Parish Council Are concerned that the original EDF proposals proposals for the transport of materials to the the Sizewell construction site, was an integrated Sea ,rail and road system.... Read more

  • Lindsay Carrier

    I am very concerned about the proposals for Sizewell C on environmental grounds ,the impact on local communities ,tourism in the local area and businesses which depend on this .Sea levels and erosion... Read more

  • Margaret Davis

    I would like to raise the following issues regarding Sizewell C 1. Selection of site - Risks from flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise - Potential impact on neighbouring or near-by areas... Read more

  • Margaret Grenham

    I feel that the proposed building of two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell is really not necessary. The thinking behind the move is old thinking and we to develop smarter types of energy producers.... Read more

  • Marilyn Hands

    I am writing to object to the construction of Sizewell C. I endorse the representations made by Stop Sizewell C. There is no doubt that the negative impacts of the proposed development of SZC are... Read more

  • Mark Goyder

    1) The proposal is unsafe in the light of the latest scientific understanding of the rate of climate change. By 2050, says the International Panel on Climate Change, extreme sea events will be... Read more

  • Martin Wilks

    What I have not liked about this series of enquiries is the way in which EDF have set the agenda. And, in appearing to be generously listening to the complaints about it: wildlife, ecological impacts,... Read more

  • Maureen Hales

    I have been visiting this area since the 1970s, drawn by the wildlife and the special landscapes that are so rare, not just in Britain but the whole of Europe. Since moving here permanently 5 years... Read more

  • Michael Bradshaw

    I am opposed to the application on a number of grounds as follows: 1. I do not believe that we need more nuclear power stations. The pace of change in renewable generation and battery storage is such... Read more

  • Mr Rhett Griffiths

    I'd like to mention the following concerns about Sizewell C. Location of Site: - at serious risk from climate change (sea level rise/flooding) - negative impact on nearby AONB areas and sites of... Read more

  • Mrs Helen Bishop

    I live in the centre of Woodbridge, but am very conscious of train noises especially at night. Since the roads are already congested Any extra traffic on either would damage the town.

  • Mrs Joyce H Annandale

    Sizewell C does not address the near to medium term urgency in reducing carbon emissions and diverts taxpayers’ money and government time from dealing much more effectively with carbon reduction. In... Read more

  • Neil Boast MBE

    My property is directly alongside the railway line in Woodbridge [Redacted] and the increase in rail traffic, and the increase in weight/size/speed will adversely your home and our lives. It will... Read more

  • Nicholas Bridges

    APPLICATIONS TO PINS TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED PARTY I am a chartered architect with 35 years’ experience, specialising in heritage and expert witness consultancy, and who has lived in the area... Read more

  • Nigel Robson

    I wish to object to the proposed Sizewell C (and D) development for the following principle reason; the development is too large for the land available. As a consequence the adverse impact of the... Read more

  • Paul Chandler

    I am very concerned about the volume of road traffic this project will generate. I have particular concerns over the use of Sizewell Gap Road prior to the establishment of the new access road to the... Read more

  • Paul White

    Apart from not wanting China General Nuclear Power Group ANYWHERE near this development, I am a life fellow of the RSPB who run a reserve adjacent to Sizewell. It is my opinion that construction of... Read more

  • Peter Mitchell

    It is obvious that the main problem is the amount of construction traffic to reduce this the rail network is the only answer with major sidings and land available at both Ipswich and lowestoft both... Read more