
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 200 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Paul Stroud

    Firstly, I would like to declare: 1, my interest as a long-standing resident of Friston, and 2, my support for the representations of SASES and Friston Parish Council In summary, I strongly support... Read more

  • Robert Farquharson

    I object to this application primarily on environmental grounds in the context of an Area of Outstanding Beauty.

  • Roger Ellwood Turner

    To the examining Authority I wish to object to the planning application made by Scottish Power Renewables. My main objections are. 1. The serious damage that will be done to such beautiful countryside... Read more

  • Rosemary Kersey

    I fully endorse the views of Friston Parish Council and SASES in their objection to this project. The loss of amenity land where the onshore works will be 400metres from, and will destroy the... Read more

  • Ruth Poole

    I would argue the proposed location of the substation will irrevocably damage the over all economy of the area due to; ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring... Read more

  • Sally Walton

    I am deeply concerned about the impact on the locality of the number of energy projects occurring simultaneously over 12 to 15 years. The substations proposed are dangerously close to a small village... Read more

  • Sarah Parnham

    I object on the grounds that this development will negatively impact the area around Aldeburgh causing disruption, noise pollution and damage to the environment

  • Sophie Whayman

    It will destroy the landscape, woodlands and footpaths throughout our villages, the threat to our wildlife would be sever. It could have an impact on flooding the River Hundred, my garden backs onto... Read more

  • Tom Henrick

    Traffic increase Environmental Damage to Lcal wildlife

  • Wendy Wondrak

    From: [Redacted] Subject: Objection to Scottish Power EA1N & EA2 onshore Project development - We totally support the representations from SASES and Friston Parish Council Living on Grove Road the... Read more

  • William Gault

    We are very concerned about the massive disruption that this project will cause to our local community, not only in terms of road traffic, but noise, and completely upturning the lives and living... Read more

  • Alister Clare Malim

    I am objecting to Scottish Power Renewables planning application for East Anglia One North. I was brought up in this unspoilt area of Suffolk - my parents lived here for over 50 years. I know it well.... Read more

  • Ashton Hunt

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on... Read more

  • Brodie Bibby

    I believe people are not aware of the all the key issues these proposed works will bring: The trenches to bring the cabling to Friston will be driven 8 miles across beautiful ANOB countryside from the... Read more

  • Christine Laschet

    Dear Examining Authority Re: East Anglia North One Currently 7 energy projects of which Scottish Renewables are 2, are proposed to be built over the next 12- 15 years in Suffolk Coastal . It will have... Read more

  • Danielle Swanson

    This new renaming of Suffolk as the “Energy Coast” is an underhand attempt by the Govt to sneak through various unpopular schemes for building Sizewell C and D and the Friston Substation and Scottish... Read more

  • David Cowee

    Dear Examining Authority, I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring... Read more

  • David Steen

    I am writing to you with regards Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) planning application EA1N- PINS DCO application with regards the Friston Substation and register as an interested party. I wish to... Read more

  • Donald Oates

    Unacceptable to have 7 energy projects here in 12-15 years Friston sub station site entirely unsuited to a rural location Cable trenches are like motorway construction-appalling damage to the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Everett

    The mature trees opposite my bungalow will be killed by the cable work planned to go right through the wood. The wood is home to many species of birds including jays, long tailed tits etc, plus deer &... Read more

  • Flick and Son Surveyors and Estate Agents (Flick and Son Surveyors and Estate Agents)

    ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years ? Unsuitability and fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables ? Use of... Read more

  • Graham Bagnall

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower renewables planning application for the for the following reasons. The impact on the lives and livelihood of residents and business in the areas of... Read more

  • Jane Reiss Watson

    EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7... Read more

  • Janey Blanchflower

    I wish to object to both projects owing to their impact on the wildlife, AONB & Suffolk Sandlings Special Landscape Area, the ensuing light, noise and air pollution. The impact of the traffic during... Read more

  • Margaret Dewey

    My objection to this scheme, (and any other of a similar nature), is that it demonstrates a total lack of strategic planning for the future energy needs of the United Kingdom. It is incomprehensible... Read more

  • Mark Watson

    It does no appear that the traffic re-routing during the construction has been designed to protect the area. How do you intend to stop traffic continually using Friston as a cut through to avoid... Read more

  • Mrs P Weston

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish council, and am very worried about the affect the project will have on the village of Friston and the surrounding area. My husband... Read more

  • Nick Cook

    Whilst I support green energy and wind power I object to the destruction of our heritage coast line. I firmly believe there are better locations for the proposed substations without ripping up AONB,... Read more

  • Olivia Dawson

    My family live in the town of Aldburgh and I am very concerned about the heavy traffic that the above proposition will bring to the town. It is a small seaside town with a huge tourist industry and... Read more

  • PJR Watson

    ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years ? Unsuitability and fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables ? Use of... Read more

  • Sheridan Steen

    Firstly I support the development of renewable energy resources and accept the role that offshore wind plays. But I object to Scottish Power Renewables’ (SPR’s) proposed onshore infrastructure... Read more

  • Susan Thompson

    Re: East Anglia North Offshore windfarm Planning inspectorate Ref EN010077. I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application as this project is just too huge for the fragile... Read more

  • C J Bushell on behalf of A Bushell

    The proposed development will be a disaster for the local area in general and Aldeburgh town viitors and residents in particular. The construction phase will have a devastating effect due to the... Read more

  • A G Meadows

    Dear Examining Authority. RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH TWO(and EAST ANGLIA ONE). I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for many reasons including the damage the laying of... Read more

  • Alan Cardy

    I note the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and support and personally agree with all the issues raised in their submission. I live just 300 metres from the proposed... Read more

  • Andrew Mills

    Fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs, dominating small village liable to flooding, Noise pollution, and Light pollution... Suffolks light sandy soil blowing away and causing visibility and health hazards...... Read more

  • Anne Middleton-Smith

    I own a house in Thorpeness and have known the area for over 40 years. This area is a magnificent area of outstanding natural beauty and huge diversity in wild flowers, birds and wildlife. There is... Read more

  • Anthony Agar

    This is on of up to 7 known energy projects over 12 to 15 years and I am concerned about the snowball effect Thorpeness Cliffs are sensitive and totally unsuitable for this amount of disruption A... Read more

  • Anthony Boyne

    Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for such large structures. 11km of cables trenches, destroying environmentally sensitive areas. Threat to wildlife and the important sandlings Heath. Destruction... Read more

  • B Harris

    Dear Sirs I wish to object to the ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for large substation complexes. 2. Cable trenches... Read more

  • Belinda Agar

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on... Read more

  • C Gale

    I WISH TO OBJECT TO THIS SCOTTISH POWER RENEWABLES PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: (1) The devastating effect on wildlife including that which relies on the Sandlings Heath and our... Read more

  • C J Bushell

    The proposed development is too large for a small town and rural holiday and retirement area. The roads are too small and will be unsafe for the normal road users during the construction phase. The... Read more

  • Candida Woolley

    The proposed Area for construction are tiny villages quite unsuitable for a huge substation, which will dwarf them There are insufficient shops from all the workers on the building site The roads are... Read more

  • Carola Spence

    Cummulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects over 12 to 15 years. Use of unspoilt countryside at small village of Friston for substation complexes size of Wembley Stadium. Threat... Read more

  • Celia M Bell

    RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for substations dangerously close and dominating a small village. The following... Read more

  • Clare Gittins

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application in the strongest possible terms, for the following... Read more

  • Clare Richardson

    I wish to object to this Scottish power Renewables planning application because of: - the hugely adverse impact it will have on local communities with as many as 7 projects lasting up to 15 years. -... Read more

  • David Mackie

    The justified need for offshore wind energy is no reason for allowing proposals for sub stations that have not been thought through. The plans suffer from most of the shortcomings identified by... Read more

  • David Weston

    Whilst I recognise the need for low carbon energy, I do not believe that the current proposals submitted by Scottish Power Renewables are consistent with a reasoned development of the East Suffolk... Read more