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Mallard Pass Solar Project

Sylwadau perthnasol (sylwadau cofrestru)

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Yn dangos 1101 i 1150 o 1222 o sylwadau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.

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  • J Furby

    The project is far too big for the area and risks over-industrialising our village. Solar power belongs on rooftops not in fields, hampering our ability to produce food and reducing our food security.... Darllen mwy

  • Jason Johnson

    The development is using grade 1 & 2 agricultural land this is important for food production especially given the impact on food prices the war in Ukraine is having. Solar panels do not generate... Darllen mwy

  • Jill Wilcox-Smith

    Loss of too much land which is near to village/town.

  • Joan Brocklebank

    I believe that the use of good agricultural land is really wasteful and environmentally wrong , there is a need to retain all the food producing land available Looking to future generations who will... Darllen mwy

  • John Clement Saunders

    Concern about the loss of good agricultural land. Concern about compulsory acquisition of residential property. Concern about the massive scale of the project and its effect on the rural environment... Darllen mwy

  • Karl Breeze

    I am strongly in favour of this project. We need to generate considerably more energy in the UK from renewable sources, and the new electrical substation that was recently built near Rhyall makes the... Darllen mwy

  • Kwangmi Kim Woolley

    I strongly object mallard pass Solar farm

  • Luke Smith

    I was born and brought up in and around Greatford and Ryhall and still take many nice walks through the countryside here. The proposed solar farm will change the areas natural beauty forever and be a... Darllen mwy

  • Marilyn Hurst

    My main concerns as a local resident are 1.size of the solar farm. 2.using agricultural land. 3.increased flooding risk. And most importantly to me 4.the effect on wildlife and the environment. 5.I... Darllen mwy

  • Marion Georgina Roberts

    Simply that this project of far too large for the area that’s down to house Mallard Pass!

  • Matt Cole

    I am extremely disappointed and concerned that this project has got this far. Being a local resident, this will have a massive impact on our daily life and affect our quality of life hugely, with the... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Littlemore

    This project will take up a lot of agricultural land which is better used for growing food for UK consumption. Brownfield sites are a more suitable option for a project of this nature

  • Mr R French

    I oppose the application for the following reasons,,, : It is over intensive and over whelming in size. It will be visually intrusive and spoil the rural scene. Its cost effectiveness is doubtful... Darllen mwy

  • Mrs Linda Diane French

    Food security Environmental impact Wildlife habitat disturbance Visual impact Damage to enjoyment of rural amenities

  • Nigel Ashby

    1. Mallard Farm has not understood the effect on the approx. 200 fallow deer whose range include part of the proposed solar farm. 2 .Greatford is occasionally subject to flooding from the West Glen... Darllen mwy

  • Nigel R Woolley

    I strongly object to the nature of this proposal and shall submit more detailed comments during the examination of the application The proposed MPSF is not a farm but is industrialisation and a blight... Darllen mwy

  • Pauline Carole Crampin

    I am in favour of solar panels on buildings and brown field sites. just because this site is near a substation with spare capacity does not make it suitable. Because:- Unacceptable size of 2,000acres,... Darllen mwy

  • Peter Rowbotham

    I am wholeheartedly in favour of this project.

  • Philip Stephens

    Simply too large. Impacts area close to Braceborough Forestry Commission wood. Vast herds of Deer (of which there are thousands around here) will be funnelled into concentrated crossing places causing... Darllen mwy

  • Richard Charles Burbidge

    It is proposed on prime, productive farming land which is an absolute waste. Secondly views from the A6121 are currently absolutely beautiful, the development will seriously impair the beauty of this... Darllen mwy

  • Richard Malcolm Cable

    Concerned about: Impact on property values in the area Construction impacts Visual impact Loss of agricultural land Green credentials given over stated power generation potential measured against all... Darllen mwy

  • Robert Edward Trickey

    There are several comments to make which will need careful consideration to ensure objectivity but these will have to made later. Right now I wish to say that this area of England is becoming... Darllen mwy

  • Rosemary Joan Nelson

    • Food production, land use and agriculture • Impact on local environment, wildlife, biodiversity, habitats • Visual Impact, particularly on rural landscape - Impact on recreation, community • Impacts... Darllen mwy

  • Sara Fraser

    Concern given global food insecurity caused both by climate change and political upheaval, [redacted] , the planned project spans land predominantly in agricultural use. This land should be used to... Darllen mwy

  • Sheena Cable

    The main issues for me are: Impact of the development on the local amenity and property values Loss of good agricultural land Noise during construction and during operation Impact on wildlife and... Darllen mwy

  • Simon Penson

    I am emailing to raise my official objection to the Mallard Pass solar farm, which is proposed for a vast swathe of farmland across our area. I am sure you have received numerous letters akin to this... Darllen mwy

  • Stephanie O'Flaherty

    I am strongly opposed to the Mallard Pass development. Not because I am opposed to solar panels but because I am opposed to solar panels being installed on agricultural land. Solar panels should be... Darllen mwy

  • Stephen Shaw

    Disgusting waste of valuable arable land which needs to be used for the production of food. The place for solar panels is on roofs The site is unsuitable as it is prime agricultural land needed to... Darllen mwy

  • Stephen Smalley

    I am deeply concerned about the loss of prime agricultural land to solar panels when an equivalent number could be placed upon existing or new buildings in any location across the country. Placing... Darllen mwy

  • Nigel Callow ar ran The Callow Family (The Callow Family)

    Use of good agricultural land rather than roofs for solar generation and a potential damaging increase in traffic through our conservation village during construction.

  • William Hervey de Gale

    1. The amount of compulsory purchase contemplated appears completely excessive. Any compulsory purchase is deeply suspect in a democracy - if the project requires this much, it is clearly going... Darllen mwy

  • Bainton and Ashton Parish Council (Bainton and Ashton Parish Council)

    The development is very near to the parish and residents hold strong views on it as it is so vast and widespread and are interested in the progress of such a project.

  • Cheryl Elizabeth Novakovic

    Unacceptable proposal on many counts but to name a few, loss of good agricultural land, environmental impact , degradation of residential enjoyment of rural un spoilt countryside. Totally a profit... Darllen mwy

  • Heather Frith

    As a resident of Rutland I am in opposition to the project. At 852 hectares is far too big and the proposal will obliterate a huge area of valuable countryside. The impact will be hugely negative in... Darllen mwy

  • Janice Ruth Hobbs

    This project is too big to be on one site. It will use agriculture land. it will effect local wildlife

  • Kathryn Armstrong

    My original comments, below, stand. I encountered [Redacted] representatives at a recent presentation, where it became obvious that the marketing of an ostensibly good idea and semantic skills were... Darllen mwy

  • Mr Reuben Croft

    Our family home sits right in the middle of the development, formerly known as [Redacted] a home we have owned and loved in for 20+ years. There will be considerable traffic and disruption during the... Darllen mwy

  • Stephen Armstrong

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm (MPSF) - Principal Points of Objection. It’s obvious to all that MPSF construction will change the entire character of our rural area which is rich in wildlife and... Darllen mwy

  • Christopher Granville-White

    1. The misuse of a large area of good quality agricultural land, which should be used as a priority for the production of food crops, cattle grazing and animal feed. 2.The desecration of a huge area... Darllen mwy

  • Deirdre Ann Pawsey

    I live very close to the proposed site and acknowledge that the environment is peaceful and beautiful but I fully support the planning application for the solar farm if it carries out the promised... Darllen mwy

  • Elizabeth Edgar

    Scale on an Unprecedented scale for a rural community Impact on local community and local amenities Impact on visual landscape and utter destruction of look and feel of sea of solar panels with 15... Darllen mwy

  • Elizabeth Johnson

    As already been affected by flooding in this area I am seriously concerned about the disruption to the land structure this will cause and also destroy a wonderful landscape which includes viable... Darllen mwy

  • Fiona Bland

    The size of the proposed site makes me extremely concerned about the impact on local wildlife, habitats and eco-system, specifically the impact for birds.

  • Hannah Penson

    I am deeply concerned that the monstrosity that is the Mallard Pass project is even being considered on our doorsteps. I live in Greatford and moved here for the beautiful views. These will be... Darllen mwy

  • Jayne Williams

    I’d like to make my concerns known regarding this proposed solar farm - Mallard Pass. The first is the scale. It is too big! Whilst not against solar energy I feel that installations should not... Darllen mwy

  • Keith Evans

    This project should not be built on existing farming land due to the destruction of natural habitat and the social impacts among the nearby residential areas. Solar companies should consider using... Darllen mwy

  • Lorraine Thurston

    I object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons: The proposed development is across a swathe of agricultural land and is of unprecedented size in the UK. This development is removing... Darllen mwy

  • Mark Michell

    I am opposed to the proposal of building a solar farm. My reasons are as follows: Effect on the environment. Loss of agricultural land. Disruption to the local community due to increase in traffic and... Darllen mwy

  • Megan Louise Knight

    I believe the Mallard Pass Solar Farm to be extremely important. A renewable and sustainable energy source in this area is important to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. There has been... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Richard White

    Despite there being a great deal of land in this country a lot of land for food production is being used for other work i.e building houses, warehouses, new railway line etc. So as the population... Darllen mwy