
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 176 to 200 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • John Bulwer

    I am opposed to the work as presently proposed on the grounds that it will destroy an ancient landscape, untouched for millennia, so close to an archaeological site of international significance. The... Read more

  • John Clarke

    I am totally opposed to this development it will lead to damage to a site which is part of our cultural and national heritage. It will result in the lost of a setting, described by UNESCO as a... Read more

  • John Dolan

    The current proposals threaten irreparable arm to a World Heritage Site of unparalleled global importance. It also threatens distinctive habits of rare birds and flora, when no alternative... Read more

  • John Murphy

    I feel the continued disruption and damage to a world heritage site is totally inexcusable , with no real consideration for a totally different route being envisaged that would probaly be cheaper ... Read more

  • John Parrott

    This is an important World Heritage site and must be afforded the maximum possible protection. This plan does not do that. Vital information about our ancient heritage lies over and under not just... Read more

  • John Smith-Warren

    I am extremely concerned that the new “proposed” road and tunnel currently in planning will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site that is Stonehenge and irs surrounding environment.... Read more

  • Jonathan Burrows

    Included in my representation are: Concern that Neolithic and other ancient sites will be damaged by excavations for the new road. Concern that the overall tranquillity of the area will be damaged... Read more

  • Joseph Nicholas

    I wish to object to the current proposals for the construction of a short road tunnel across the Stonehenge World Heritage site for the following reasons: 1. It would cause irreparable damage to the... Read more

  • Judith Bruni

    Both as a historic monument and as a holy site, I feel Stonehenge should be left alone. Yes, I know it has been 'tidied up' in the past! Nearby earthworks could in any case damage the fabric of the... Read more

  • Judith Hible

    I am concerned about: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Julian Glyn-Owen

    I am a local resident, living near the A303 Stonehenge scheme, who has played a part in contributing to feedback and input to Highways England's work on the Scheme. I have also helped form and work... Read more

  • Julian Hilton

    This will cause irreversible damage to the site. Who knows what archeological treasures will be destroyed. UNESCOs advisers advise against this going ahead in its current form. People can currently... Read more

  • Julie Gillam

    The proposed development could cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge.

  • Julie Gregory

    We only have one Stonehenge. I believe these works will damage it beyond repair eventually, shouldn't we instead preserve such an amazing part of History which is renowned Country wise and World... Read more

  • Julie Moon

    Damage to World Heritage Site. What is needed is either a MUCH longer tunnel or a more southerly route avoiding the WHS.

  • Julie OMalet

    I am very concerned about the damage that would be caused to the world heritage site , a site with no equal as described by UNESCO, who have already stated that the scheme should not go ahead . I’m... Read more

  • Karen Gentleman

    Stonehenge is a very important site, both to me personally and to the nation as a whole. UNESCO have said that the plan should not go ahead in its current mode, and have described the World... Read more

  • Karen Hanson

    Stonehenge a sacrad site for many. It has stood for thousands of years in peace. How will this new road impact on its chi. How will the polution from cars so near affect it. How will the vibrations... Read more

  • Kathleen Friday

    I am objecting to the proposed scheme because of the irreparable damage it would cause to the World Heritage Site. I understand that the Unesco international advisors are also opposed to the scheme... Read more

  • Kathy Mingo

    What is happening at the Stonehenge site in regards to this tunnel is nothing more than mindless vandalism. The tunnel is an corporate farce of which someone, somewhere must be making a lot of money.... Read more

  • Keith Harcourt

    Dear Sir or Madam, A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down (Stonehenge) scheme I wish to object to the above as any disturbance of a World Heritage Site (WHO) and its archaeology, particularly one described... Read more

  • Keith Moore

    I’m worried about the impact on stone henge and surrounding area when we are only just learning more about our ancestors. There is more to stone henge than just the stones it’s supposed to be our... Read more

  • Ken Simpson

    I've been opposed to road building for decades. New roads encourage more people to make longer motor vehicle journeys more frequently and at greater speed, creating even more air, water, and noise... Read more

  • Kenneth Brewer

    The plans for the road developments around Stonehenge represent a tragic destruction of a world-important site which is still being interpreted and understood. The plans as they stand at the moment... Read more

  • Keren Burney

    I would be making a representation in support of key points laid out by the Stonehenge Alliance; also in connection with personal experience of the value of Stonehenge and its surrounding place.... Read more