
A303 Stonehenge

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  • John Dunbar

    this scheme has already damaged an ancient platform. No more industrial digging on this delicate artifact filled landscape.

  • John Firth

    I am against any road worked in and around Stone henge without proper consultation with the English Heritage.

  • John Hendry

    This plan is wanton vandalism on a monumental scale, build the road as far away as possible, at least 2 miles from the site. John Hendry Whilst not by any means the oldest of our stone... Read more

  • John M Clements

    Do not go further and destroy this UN registered site of great archaeological importance. Should you continue with the economic "underground bypass" the site. ever expanding, will be ruined. Please... Read more

  • John M. McGee

    I believe that we ought to consider very carefully before contemplating damaging precious sites whihc cannot easily be replaced or 'mended'.

  • John Moon

    The construction of a dual carriageway at the western end of the tunnel will cause irreparable damage to much archaeology and ruin the integrity of this unique landscape. Visitors to the western end... Read more

  • John Mortimer

    I am conderned about irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting. It is a ‘landscape without parallel’ according to UNESCO and its international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • John Nicholas Metcalfe

    The proposed scheme would wreak incalculable damage on a highly valuable site, understood as such around the world but seemingly not in our own country. It would represent a catastrophically... Read more

  • John R Hartill

    1. I agree with UNESCO’s international advisers who say this scheme for a WHS should not go ahead in its present form as it will cause irreparable damage 2. I have significant concerns about damage... Read more

  • John Rose


  • Jon Humphrey

    No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. Future generations would be appalled at those who decided that road widening should be at the expense of England’s... Read more

  • Josephine Dickinson

    Stonehenge is a site of international importance and the land around it contains much that is still to be investigated by archaeologists. The fabric and character of the visible and invisible... Read more

  • Josephine Gabriel

    I'm concerned that these plans should not go ahead due to the possible damage to an archeological site, because of noise pollution, changes to the current view from the road and disturbance to bird... Read more

  • Karan Smith

    I object to this plan due to the following reasons: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’; UNESCO’s international advisers... Read more

  • Karen Fishet

    I think the stones should always be visible from the road. They are our heritage and not to be owned by anyone but the public. I also don't want the birds to suffer from This extremely disruptive... Read more

  • Karen Jordan

    The whole Stonehenge landscape has an outstanding universal value that is of immense significance for all people for all time, and this transcends any consideration of sorting out a 21st century... Read more

  • Karen Matthews

    This is known to be a landscape without parallel. There is great risk of damage to this world heritage site, its setting and its archaeology. There is a distinct lack of alternative options in the... Read more

  • Karl Lerocq

    Having a deep interest in the Neolithic landscape, and being a Stonehenge (and its environs) visitor for over 20 years, I'm deeply concerned over this project. I have talked at length with the... Read more

  • Kate Kenzie

    This disastrous plan would cause serious damage to the whole site, a huge upheaval to the wildlife of the area most probably resulting in great loss, and the additional noise pollution from vehicles... Read more

  • Katherine Suzanne Bray

    Surely there must be an alternative route for the road so as not to desecrate Stonehenge. Also nesting sites for rare bird species ( stone curlew and great bustard ) should not be put at risk as... Read more

  • Kathy Kirby

    I am most concerned that irreprable damage will be done to my grandchildren heritage. A one way System around the Stones could be a solution.

  • Katrina James

    I object to the A303 being built near, on, above or below the Stonehenge and it's surrounding prehistoric land. The contractors have already damaged one area just buy surveying and the BBC ridiculed... Read more

  • Kelly Williamson

    I am dismayed at the apparent lack of care and concern about the damage this work will cause not only to a highly important, respected and beautiful landmark, but also to the wildlife around it. This... Read more

  • Kevin Webb

    I object on the grounds that the proposed solution ignores internationally recognised expert advice and does not take into account the wider archeological importance of the surrounding site. The... Read more

  • Lady Roisin Robertson

    I object to these plans: Because they will cause long-term and detrimental changes to the valuable Heritage site, in terms of disturbance of other (as yet unfound) historical characteristics: Because... Read more