
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 101 to 125 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Amanda King

    Noise Light pollution Increase in traffic/rat running through the lanes Environmental Loss of Wigmore Park (and concerns over disturbing landfill it is built on) Impact of years of construction/earth... Read more

  • Ceren User

    Expansion of an airport in this day and age, where we are meant to be protecting our planet for future generations seems very backwards; if anything, we should be finding means of reducing flights to... Read more

  • Charlotte Hills

    The noise - I am already woken up by flights from 5am and I understand a lot of the additional flights will be between 6-7am which I don’t think it’s acceptable When in the back garden or sat in... Read more

  • Geoffrey Rochester

    Expansion will increase air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions from transport to the airport, from airport operations and from increased aircraft movement. Palliative measures proposed by Luton... Read more

  • Jacqui Mace

    I don’t agree with the proposal to increase the size of Luton airport due to the impact on the local area pollution traffic noise and disruption to our sleep and quality of life

  • Jane McMurdie

    - impact on global climate - noise & pollution impact on local communities particularly rural areas - impact on physical environment around Luton - economic over-reliance on airport expansion

  • Judy Cherry

    I'd like to know how the new infrastructure will impact me when considering additional noise pollution and traffic

  • Kathryn Hurle

    The flight path going East over St Albans flies directly over my house and others on north of Jersey Farm estate. Since 2014 and thereafter, excluding covid period when quieter, there has been massive... Read more

  • Cara Manton

    The main issues for me are noise, pollution, affect on house prices/future sale.

  • David Manton

    1. Unacceptable noise levels from 6.00am destroying quality of life. 2. Pollution evident on patio, garden furniture etc. 3.Inadequate facilities for heavy transport on narrow country lanes. 4. Health... Read more

  • Diane Elizabeth Baker

    Concerns about noise from aircraft & pollution from them which affects quality of our lives in a rural area, Also the infrastructure around the airport area probably cannot cope with further... Read more

  • Heather Anne Sales

    New flight plans over my area already causing significant sleep deprivation. Any continuation or increase unacceptable. Estimate I currently lose up to three working days a week.

  • Heather Jayne Brady

    I am incredibly concerned regarding the proposed expansion of services at Luton Airport, and the resulting increase in noise and air pollution. I note that there is no plan for a second runway and... Read more

  • Patrick Kevin Jennings

    The community in Hertforshire has reached its capacity in so many ways. The roads are under too much stress to be maintained and driving is now slow and consuming carbon at a terrifying rate. We need... Read more

  • Peter Horwood (Peter Horwood) on behalf of Peter Horwood (Peter Horwood)

    Can be disruptive as a lot of planes come over my house now so will be twice as many and very noisey

  • Rebecca Palmer

    Concern about loss of green space, increased traffic and parking issues and noise and light pollution

  • Richard George Brady

    I am incredibly concerned regarding the proposed expansion of services at Luton Airport, and the resulting increase in noise and air pollution. I note that there is no plan for a second runway and... Read more

  • Annabel Kathleen Potter

    This household rejects the expansion of Luton Airport for many reasons, some of which have been outlined in the submission below. I am an interested party as I live under the flight path and my family... Read more

  • Giles Bridger

    Aircraft Noise pollution Frequency of flights Flight paths over densely populated areas Operating hours

  • Hope Camilla Catherine Clayton

    I think the expansion of Luton airport is a terrible idea for the following reasons: - The uk are supposed to be committing to net zero by 2050(which is already too late). I cannot see how building... Read more

  • Peter James Gatland

    I fully support the project to expand Luton Airport. I consider this to be important for both the local and national economy. I also believe that the developers have come up with a sound plan in order... Read more

  • Ray Hooper

    I object to the expansion of London Luton Airport on the grounds that the increase in passenger numbers and subsequently flights will adversely affect my quality of life. As a resident of Stevenage my... Read more

  • Richard Groom

    Substantial expansion of the airport will enable significantly more flights and therefore significant increase in emissions, at a time when the UK has signed up to legally binding commitments to... Read more

  • Edmund Wright

    I think that Luton Rising is not a valid company as the directors are members of the local council that own the airport. The airport is big enough as it is . The increase in passengers will cause a... Read more

  • Peter Ronald Crossley

    We are already blighted by noise from the airport and have had applications for equity release turned down because of the proposed expansion of the airport. Our house will undoubtably fall in value if... Read more