
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1050 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Jules Barnett

    The area is able to maintain and run a fully operational airport will very !ow impact on the local people. Cargo and passengers would be the best use for manston.

  • Julie Wickenden

    Since Manston airport was unceremoniously stolen from Thanet for £1, we have been told that it is not viable as an airport and the only sensible thing would be to use that land for housing. Prior to... Read more

  • Kathleen Symes

    I want Manston Airport to reopen to create jobs for local people and provide an airport where we can trade within and outside Europe after Brexit.

  • Lindsey Harris

    I wish to register my very strong opposition to the proposed reopening of Manston airport under the plans submitted by RiverOak. The noise pollution and environmental pollution would hugely affect... Read more

  • Lisa Moulton

    When we bought the house six years ago the airport was still in use. There were three or four planes during a week. This did not put us off buying the house but we hadn’t realised that the planes... Read more

  • Mark Pepper

    As a local resident in the direct flight path of Manston Airport, the quality of life of myself and my family has significantly increased since the closure of the airport, particularly in relation to... Read more

  • Michael Cutts

    My concerns over the proposal of Manston airport being reopened as a cargo hub are, the effects upon residents of constant noise at night, the increases to traffic and therefore pollution. Herne Bay... Read more

  • Michael Palmer

    I do not want a 24/7 major cargo hub at manston airport the last time these cargo planes came over there was allways a smell of plane fuel in the air and we had to come in doors and shut all the... Read more

  • Mieke Vrijhof

    My concerns include: 1. noise pollution from aircraft as well as heavy goods traffic 1.1. detrimental effects on my mental and physical health and well-being resulting from noise pollution 2. air... Read more

  • Mr Noel Kernan

    I believe that the return on Manston Airport back to a functioning airport for both freight and passenger aircraft is of the most importance in this area. It will bring much needed jobs to the area... Read more

  • Mrs Jennie Kellock

    As a local resident of more than 30 years I believe that it is the interest of the local community for Manston Airport to reopen. It will provide much needed employment to the local people now and in... Read more

  • Mrs Margaret Cook

    We in Thanet need jobs. Manston would provide these much needed positions both within the Airport and externally. Cargo planes would help releive the larger Airports Gatwick Heathrow therefore... Read more

  • Mrs Pamela England

    If Manston is reopened as an airport it would not bring as many jobs, leisure facilities and good infrastructure as well as revenue for the local authorities. Surely in these times of government... Read more

  • Peter Davis

    I support the DCO because I wish to see Manston Airport reopen. I believe the airport is good for the local area and will provide much needed jobs. It will be a great boost to the local economy.

  • Shem Booth-Spain

    This is an opposition to the application by RSP for DCO on the Manston failed airport site. There is no National interest and is not needed in this area. My family and i live in Ramsgate under... Read more

  • Tim Offord

    I object to the use of Manston Airport being used for freight aircraft due to the noise effect on disturbance of bird populations in the area, especially to Pegwell Bay, Ramsgate which is a nationally... Read more

  • Billy Booth

    Opposition to RSPs application for a DCO on the old Manston site in Thanet I have grown up in Ramsgate and hope to be gainfully employed on the back of the current owners application to our local... Read more

  • Carine Bishop

    I am representing myself as I live in Ramsgate and below the proposed airport's flight path. I am affected by the proposals as I was woken up regularly in the night about 3 to 4 am when the aeroplanes... Read more

  • Carol chandler

    To have manston back would be good for the people of Kent not getting stuck in traffic to get to Gatwick stanstead and Heathrow .it would also bring much needed jobs to the area .IT WOULD ALSO SAVE... Read more

  • Chloe Ralph Harding

    I do not want Manston airport to open as a cargo or airport. I live in the direct flight path as well as teach at Ellington Primary school. Both the noise and air pollution would be detrimental and... Read more

  • Dave Roberts

    I have concerns about the QC (quota count) for night flights. The examples used seem to be aircraft with the highest QC therefore the lowest number of potential flights, whilst actual night flight... Read more

  • Debbie Mursell

    It is right and proper to have manston airport reinstated as an airport. The initial plan as a freight airport is a good foundation to leap from with later possible intention of leisure flights. The... Read more

  • Fatima Booth

    I object to RSPs application for a DCO on the following points; A. It is of no national interest B. It would snare up the A299, M2 and A2 C. Aviation affects the health of the communities.... Read more

  • Garry Dale

    The Manston airport properly run and financed can provide many many jobs in an area which has a very high unemployment. The alternative is a proposed housing estate which is not required and in any... Read more

  • Gary Booth

    Dear Sirs, I wish to express my opposition to RSPs application for a DCO, Manston site, Thanet My objections to the RSPs DCO are; 1. Our house would be under the proposed flight path and my... Read more

  • George Meech

    The status of airport should be restored as it would provide jobs for people who occupy the extra housing which is being provided anyway. The airport is the only way that both Thanet and the country... Read more

  • George Scullion

    Manston should remain an airport as it is already in situ and can be brought up to operational readiness with not too much trouble. If it's lost for good, the expense of acquiring a new site and... Read more

  • Georgia Tidey

    As it is not In the National interest my objections to the RSPs application for a DCO are; 1) The ‘Need’ in the public interest is not founded by RSPs submission and this should be robustly... Read more

  • Janice Borda

    I am a local resident and in my opinion reopening the airport will be a great asset to Ramsgate, with other airports in the uk at saturation point it makes sense to utilise Manston to alleviate... Read more

  • JoJo Dawn

    Manston airport should become an airport again. We need to create jobs not homes. Jobs are so important to our economy and by having manston as an airport again will give jobs to numerous industries... Read more

  • June Waller

    Thank you for this oportunithy as we try to set out Manston Airpoty re-opened. Apart from the airport having a lovely long runway It would also enable it to be re-opened and also to provide many... Read more

  • Len Blake

    1 Noise and pollution of aircraft flying over the Herne Bay area particularly at night resulting in a detrimental effect on our health. 2 Increase in commercial road traffic in the area on already... Read more

  • Linda Wood

    Manston airport is our heritage, it provided safety for our servicemen and Americans during the war and now we need it to provide jobs and security for the people that of Thanet. It has an amazingly... Read more

  • Matthew Wolpert

    I am very concerned about noise, pollution and congestion caused by the planned cargo airport.

  • mike chappell

    I wish to object to the re.opening of manston airport on the grounds that we are under the flight path,and have previously been awoken at night, by night flights,during its previous use as an... Read more

  • Mr K Borley

    Dear sirs as I have lived around this area for 56 years of which being I spent my child hood under the flight path of manston when it was an RAF base and then a domestic air field I completely object... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Tooher

    I wish to object emphatically to the proposed reopening of Manston Airport. My main reasons are The destruction of reasonable living conditions in Ramsgate - the airport is dangerously close to... Read more

  • Mrs S Maynard

    Good sustainable jobs Roads and services Relieving the reliance of lorries to bring in cargo Water supply and other services Possibility of a passenger link to Schipol airport

  • Mrs Susan Ambrose

    In the light of brexit and the uncertainty of future trade deals this could be a great trade deal reducing congestion on Kent ports.It would be a great advantage for jobs in the Thanet area .At one... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Broderick

    I have [Redacted] problems and I’m very concerned about the air pollution that will arise. Also lack of sleep with the big cargo planes constantly flying overhead day and night. The roads will be more... Read more

  • Philip Banks-Francis

    As a resident in close proximity I welcome and support Riveroak’s submission to reopen Manston Airport

  • Philip Davies

    I wish to object to the proposed development of the cargo hub airport at Manston. I believe the peaceful enjoyment of my home and the town and surrounding areas will be detrimentally affected by a... Read more

  • Rita Chappell

    I am objecting to manston becoming a cargo hub,as I was awoken regularly during the,last time it was used for cargo night flights.I live directly under the flight path, and about midnight most... Read more

  • Robert Collyer

    Against Manston as an airport. Dear Sir/Madam I have lived under the flight path of Masnton for nearly 55 years, I feel that I do not need anymore noise above my house for any longer. Manston... Read more

  • Shelley Scullion

    Maston is an airport and should remain an airport in the national interest it should be there for the many and should not make a lot of money for the few

  • South Thanet Constituency Labour Party (South Thanet Constituency Labour Party)

    South Thanet Constituency Labour Party opposes granting a DCO 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston and require that the appointed Examining Authority thoroughly interrogate the following areas: 1.... Read more

  • Stephen Smith

    My concern is the level of fuel and other aircraft pollution that will affect the area of Ramsgate and in particular the Nethercourt Estate. There is further concern about night flights, which will... Read more

  • Stuart G Smith

    There is no infrastructure in place to move freight to or from Manston Airport. As a matter of interest, the A299 was extensively resurfaced a sort time ago and it is already undulating in places due... Read more

  • Tara Dolton

    The re opening of Manston airport will be great for the economy for Thanet and create many jobs that the community desperately need to improve unemployment in Thanet.

  • Vic Cocks

    l think it not good for Thanet it will be a loss to a growing tourism and jobs in the area, we need more houses, jobs and schools. The land is there so wry don't we use it.