
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1451 to 1500 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Ahlas

    We can not tolerate any more noise

  • Peter Derek Lant

    Noise Pollution Planes cutting across the registered Flight Path

  • Peter Mace

    Looking at the information site seems very unclear what the noise implications are. I would be interested to know more about this.

  • Pia Huxham

    There is already too much noise pollution across our town and outlying areas from the Gatwick “approach corridor”. Planes constantly fly too low causing noise nuisance including at night times. If... Read more

  • Pieter Wilke

    Gatwick airport already impose significant noise and pollution in the adjoining areas, with ever increasing impact experienced daily. I consider the propose additional runway unnecessary and a major... Read more

  • Priya Enefer

    The airplane noise is significantly reducing our quality of life, day and night. The planes are flying lower than they were and they are flying more frequently and they’re also flying directly... Read more

  • Richard J B Hunt

    I’m quite a light sleeper and I have been noticing many aircraft flying in the night from ca.3.30am.onwards. Also the planes tend to fly mostly all the time directly overhead and sometimes it is... Read more

  • Rob Smith

    I want to oppose the application. Gatwick is already too big and out of control. The flights over our house are concentrated destroying the peaceful enjoyment of our house, garden and surrounding area... Read more

  • Robert West

    Not needed airport not making full use of existing runway. Low level flying over local areas.changing flight paths over residential areas.

  • Robin Graham

    The existing noise level and corresponding pollution is already unacceptable, adding to this in the same location is an extreme health risk. A pity ULEZ cant be extended to include the pollution from... Read more

  • Roland Foord

    I am very concerned about the noise impact of even more low flying aircraft above our home than we already endure and at a time when Gatwick have proved to be utterly untrustworthy over a period of... Read more

  • Ron Gibson

    I live fortunately in a Area of Natural Beauty. Like most of Wealden a conservation area. In order to preserve the AONB on the ground there is strong protection to ensure the amenity is not ruined by... Read more

  • Rosemarie Steffi Pusch

    I am concerned about even more noise pollution andenvironmental pollution when even more planes will fly over our house as well as the Ashdown Forest as an area of outstanding natural beauty. Our... Read more

  • Rosemary Hall

    We have enough aircraft noise overhead as it is. We don’t need any more. The airport infrastructure is not good enough for another runway also the transport links also aren’t good enough. Air Quality,... Read more

  • Russell Jackson

    I object to the construction of an additional runway at Gatwick. It will increase carbon emissions, noise and traffic pollution. There is no need for an additional runway as Gatwick airport are unable... Read more

  • Ruth Brownsey

    We have a legal requirement, Nationally, to be net zero, so to create a way to use more carbon will not be in the National interest. The noise level in the Gatwick and surrounding regions is already... Read more

  • Ruth Savery

    i am concerned in this time of Climate Change about the plan to expand any airport and would like to join in the consultation

  • Sam Peters

    This proposed expansion must be stopped. It will significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and destroy our ability to meet our internationally agreed climate targets. It will also create more... Read more

  • Samantha Feakes

    Gatwick expansion plays little heed to the impact flight have on residents- flights are already too low & start very early in the morning after continuing late at night. There has to be a better... Read more

  • Sevgul Metin

    I am against the expansion of a runway at Gatwick airport, this would create more air pollution, noise in an area of Kent that is supposed to be peace and quiet and full or nature, we moved here with... Read more

  • Simon Robert Crookenden

    Penshurst already has an excessive number of low flying noisy aircraft flying over the village on the approach to Gatwick. It is not possible to enjoy sitting in the garden during good weather due to... Read more

  • Stefanie Tegelaars

    The main issues with regard to expansion are the large number of people living under the flight path who will have their right to a peaceful existence removed. With climate change we are attempting to... Read more

  • Sue Dowdall

    I have lived in Balcombe (6 miles south of Gatwick Airport) for over 40 years. It is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and has been a very peaceful village. I am very concerned that, should... Read more

  • Susan Gill

    I have great concerns about the Gatwick Airport expansion program This will have an enormous effect on the health and wellbeing of people and households not only directly under the flightpath but... Read more

  • Susan Mary Earnshaw

    -Drawbacks outweigh benefits to the local community: - 1. LGW will increase submissions substantially by circa 50% vs currently - totally incongruent with the fact that the residents who are overflown... Read more

  • Susan Mills

    With all the pressure on climate change, do we as a country condone an increase in flights in the South East? I think not!

  • Lynn Bright (Lynn Bright) on behalf of The Bright Family (The Bright Family)

    Increase in noise and frequency of flights overhead. Over the years this has got worse and we are woken by the aircraft particularly during holiday season. It is bad enough that we sleep with windows... Read more

  • Mrs Helen Jane Cooper (Mrs Helen Jane Cooper) on behalf of The Cooper Family (The Cooper Family)

    It is noisy and the aircraft are low over the sheep. We feel that Gatwick is big enough already

  • John Cradock Davies on behalf of The Davies Family (The Davies Family)

    We have lived in this house for over 30 years. When we first came here, whilst we knew that the approach flightpath to Gatwick Airport passed overhead in the general area of Penshurst, we also knew... Read more

  • Mrs Jennifer Robinson on behalf of The Robinson Family (The Robinson Family)

    We live in an area of outstanding beauty, on the edge of Ashdown Forest. In a 13th Centuary Village. We have to put up with with planes flying directly overhead, some times at peak periods all night.... Read more

  • Maria Towning on behalf of The Towning Family (The Towning Family)

    Strongly object to the proposal to use the emergency runway as a permanent 2nd runway. Nothing has changed since the government objected to expansion plans and chose Heathrow as the preferred choice.... Read more

  • Tim Hill

    Impacts on my daily life

  • Timothy Cotton

    These comments relate to the proposal to build a NEW northern runway at Gatwick Airport. 1) It flies in the face of our urgent need to reduce Carbon Emissions drastically in the near term. The... Read more

  • Tony Sexton

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Transport Working Group of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Forum (Transport Working Group of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Forum)

    The Transport Working Group of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Forum opposes Gatwick Airports plans for expansion and a second runway. We support the Kent County Council’s position as follows: “Kent... Read more

  • William Alan Stephens

    I am opposed to the further development of Gatwick Airport because:- 1. There is currently no second runway and two runways could not operate simultaneously. 2. Noise pollution. 3. We do not need any... Read more

  • Alcia Loach

    I object to the use of the Emergency runway as a second runway as it will negatively impact me and my family with the increase in CO2 and other emissions which are known to negatively affect human... Read more

  • Alec Waller

    Gatwick needs that second runway A.S.P it will bring a lot of jobs to the area

  • Alexandra Turnbull

    How can the Government allow another runway in this time of Climate Change, it is imperative that all funds must urgently be used towards carbon neutrality and prevention of climate change.

  • Alexandre David Pooley

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway for the following reasons: It is a new runway – and not as portrayed by the Gatwick authorities Policy has been misinterpreted by... Read more

  • Alice Gordon Clark

    This would impact our day to day life with the noise pollution and air pollution and I have two [REDACTED] sons one who is living in Crawley Down and one with me who would not like the extra noise... Read more

  • Alison Levitt

    A 2nd runway at Gatwick would be a disaster. The increase in air traffic would render living anywhere near the airport intolerable. We already have a constant flow of planes over our house making it... Read more

  • Amanda Sermon

    The noise blight of Gatwick in Tunbridge Wells is already excessive. The expansion will make matters even worse especially given that Gatwick is open overnight. This has a huge detriment to public... Read more

  • Amanda-Jayne Troy

    The expansion of Gatwick airport, an extra runway in particular will only add to the aircraft noise overhead which has increased hugely already (stacking of planes overhead in Dallington is... Read more

  • Andrew Harris

    I purchased my house with the intention to live somewhere quiet in the countryside, so a significant increase in air traffic over or near my property will definitely impact that. What is more, there... Read more

  • Angela Hattingh

    great idea to expand

  • Anitaben Patel

    The expansion will increase traffic unnecessarily in the area of M25 and M23. The increase in traffic from M1, M4,M3,A3, A40 and A23 is not needed when that are passing Heathrow to get to Gatwick. We... Read more

  • Ann Davis

    Air traffic noise has increased dramatically recently without any consultation or communication. . Early morning and late night flights are extremely intrusive and detrimental to sleep and health.... Read more

  • Anna Morgan

    Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2... Read more

  • Anouk Barrott

    Grave concerns regarding the pollution impact on the biodiversity of the AONB of the Ashdown Forest from the significant increase in flights along with the noise pollution which is already being... Read more