
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 1851 to 1900 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Alexander Jonathan Pratt

    I am concerned about the increase of flights that will start to navigate across Turners Hill. Already I have seen a regular occurrence of flights departing over the village each day between 20.30hrs... Read more

  • Alison Chapman

    Supportive of this project. To increase runway capacity at LGW at comparatively low cost and disruption makes sense especially when reviewed against the suggested strategy for LHR. Whilst the majority... Read more

  • Alison Jermyn

    I have lived in the same house for 54 years and the noise from planes has gradually worsened. This last year has been horrendous. The flight path now goes right over my house and Emirates especially... Read more

  • Amanda Streatfeild

    This development will further blight an area of outstanding natural beauty. We live directly under the swathe and already experience days and nights of intolerable aircraft noise. This is bad enough,... Read more

  • Amy Coleman

    Consider the opening of a second runway at Gatwick of severe detriment to the environment due to the unmitigated direct and indirect GHG emissions that will result from the expansion. This is not in... Read more

  • Amy House

    There will be a significant impact on the local area which I live in from additional flights. the noise and disruption from planes is already distressing, any increase will be detrimental to the... Read more

  • Amy Kellaway

    There is enough damage to the local environment and pollution from Gatwick, more planes will increase the pressure on the wildlife.

  • Andrew Hamlin

    My primary concern is the noise pollution created by the aircraft. Where I live sees a variety of aircraft flying different paths. I would like to see the number of aircraft which fail to stick to... Read more

  • Andrew Shaylor

    I live under the current flight path utilised by aeroplanes that use Gatwicks' current runway. I chose to live here five years ago so I accept that I have to put up with being woken up at 6am most... Read more

  • Angela Lendon

    ABSOLUTELY against MORE aircraft in the skies over the surrounding area for Gatwick. The noise is already unbearable and the thought of increased traffic is horrific. Why not pursue the idea of an... Read more

  • Anna Bird

    I moved to the country side to raise my children in a quiet peaceful environment. It has gotten busier and busier to the point where I am woken past 11pm by planes flying very low right over our... Read more

  • Anna Toynton

    Gatwick is not an appropriate airport to expand further given the rural communities surrounding it and the detrimental affect to people and the environment.

  • Anya Heilpern

    I live in Speldhurst near the recreation ground. I am adversely affected by the noise of low flying planes especially in my garden in the summer months and in bed at night with windows open. I live in... Read more

  • Arvires Saul Roa Herasme

    I am a regular user of the airport, it has a great rail connection which makes it my preferred choice from central London. Extra capacity would allow the airport to offer more flights therefore... Read more

  • Ashley Collins

    Gatwick Expansion The expansion of Gatwick emergency airport runway in to a fully used second runway will have a major impact on the quality of life where I live at Hever Kent. The noise at present is... Read more

  • Balazs Robert Suda

    I believe that an expansion to Gatwick airport is good for this region.

  • Barbara Diana Stoakes

    I absolutely object to the plan to build a Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport and potentially double passenger numbers and add another 100,000 flights. I live in Crowborough which as an elevated town... Read more

  • Barry Alan Aling

    Over the last 10 years, Gatwick airport has consistently ignored the interests of the communities affected by its efforts to expand the airport's capacity. This has involved changes to flight arrival... Read more

  • Beverley Thomas

    A second runway will negatively impact myself and my family due to increased air traffic over our property. I already believe that the noise from the existing flight path is at potentially damaging... Read more

  • Caitlyn Owen

    The proposed operation of existing or addition of a runway at Gatwick will cause unacceptable levels of noise, additional disturbance (the general preferred flight path seems to have changed after... Read more

  • Carolyn Savigar

    Unhappy about the expansion plan. More pollution, noise, countryside and housing destroyed.

  • Cherryl Stone

    Gatwick is already too intrusive in the area Noise level is high Too many planes We should not be expanding air travel Over the past year flights to and from Gatwick have increased considerably,... Read more

  • Chiddingfold Parish Council (Chiddingfold Parish Council)

    Noise, pollution, excess traffic, safety.

  • Chris J. Mann

    As a resident of Speldhurst for 25 years we have gone from quiet airspace to virtually every flight into Gatwick being routed on a single point approach over our village. Gatwick have obfuscated over... Read more

  • Christina Welch

    Environmental impact and lack of associated infrastructure in power, water drainage, roads and railways

  • Christopher Gordon Davison

    Objection to expansion plans based on environmental and health grounds, specifically pollution and noise.

  • Christopher Shaw

    I have two objections to the second runway 1. The climate change damage done by the extra flights and the signal it sends that airport expansion is compatible with the country' climate change targets... Read more

  • Christopher Welch

    Environmental damage and lack of supporting infrastucture to serv an additional runway

  • Clare Davey

    I’m against the proposed 2nd runway at Gatwick airport, my reason are: - noise pollution over out village and surrounding area will be unbearable. - Extra traffic and congestion on local roads, M23... Read more

  • Clare Lockwood

    I strongly object to Gatwick Airport’s proposal for a second runway on all grounds. The reasons given by the airport are full of lies and the recent appointment of Stewart Wingate as co chair of the... Read more

  • Clive Allen

    I am objecting to the proposed extra runway at Gatwick airport due to the already unexceptionable noise and damage to my families quality of life already causing stress and loss of sleep due to the... Read more

  • Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce (Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce)

    Gatwick Airport has been an important contributor to the Cranleigh economy for many years for several reasons. The expansion of the Airport can only benefit this neighbouring town further. 1.... Read more

  • Csaba Dioszeghy

    I fully support the improvement plans for Gatwick Airport and surrounding infrastructure as I feel this would improve aviation safety by declattering the airspace, improve passenger experience by... Read more

  • Daniel Lambourne

    This development is urgently required to increase capacity, enhance the local economy and benefit UK PLC

  • Daniel Pewtner

    A second runway will destroy the village of Charlwood and other surrounding villages. Even with a noise envelope it will significantly worsen the noise and air pollution. This goes against the UK's... Read more

  • David Donora

    I believe that Gatwick's plan to increase flights by using the service runway will be detrimental to the environment of the area, benefits only the owners of LGW and should not be permitted to go... Read more

  • David Goulding

    Gatwick aircraft noise is already blighting my quality of life and using an additional runway will make it unbearable. Moreover, the infrastructure does not support the proposed expansion and making... Read more

  • David Owen

    There is already a significant amount of noise and environmental pollution from air traffic to and from Gatwick. We live in an otherwise quiet and clean area and an increase in air traffic is... Read more

  • David Tewkesbury

    i fully support the expanded use of the second runway at London Gatwick. It will allow for additional capacity, create thousands of jobs and the airport has committed to using more environmentally... Read more

  • David Warwick

    This will significantly increase the amount of pollution over our heads in Kent both in terms of fumes and more importantly noise. There are already too many planes flying over our countryside which... Read more

  • Deepak More

    Extremely affected day-to-day our life, as well big bad impact on our are environmental specially Birds life.

  • Derek Saunders

    I strongly oppose an additional runway at Gatwick airport for the following reasons: • The character of parts of Surrey, Sussex and Kent would be altered for ever as a result of urbanisation, noise,... Read more

  • Duncan Hardy

    The expansion of the airport to facilitate more overseas holidays and business trips is contrary to everything we should be doing to combat the current environmental catastrophe the whole world is... Read more

  • Emma Biddle

    Already too many planes flying low over an area of outstanding natural beauty (ANOB) causing noise pollution and we do not need to double this as it will damage it. There is an environmental impact;... Read more

  • Emma Jaques

    I wish to strongly oppose the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. Below I list some of the potential changes followed by reasons why I disapprove. Passenger numbers up over 70% - an additional 45... Read more

  • Ewa Affinito

    As a local resident, I disagree with the plans for a second runway at Gatwick Airport as it is unnecessary with London City and Stanstead Airports having the capacity to expand the number of flights... Read more

  • Fay Ashworth

    I am concerned about the clear impact on noise and environmental pollution a second runway will have on our day to day lives which already impacts our ability to sleep and socialise despite having new... Read more

  • Francis Andrews

    I have lived at [REDACTED] for over forty years and during that time I have witnessed increased noise disturbance caused by the increasing number of flights. [REDACTED] operates primarily as a wedding... Read more

  • G Miles

    I wish to register as the quality of my life may be directly impacted by Gatwick expansion.

  • Gareth Jones

    I am in favour of allowing Gatwick to have a second runway. Gatwick is convenient for those living in South West London and and increase in flights is positive