
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1901 to 1950 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • GATW-012

    The expansion of Gatwick Airport would totally go against the governments objectives to reduce carbon emissions to protect the planet we all live on. It would even more negatively impact the areas in... Read more

  • George Lake

    With the drive towards net zero by 2050, airport expansion together with all associated car/lorry movements around the area is the very last thing we need. The surrounding infrastructure will not... Read more

  • George Workman

    Will upset the countryside and does not align with the UKs climate policies

  • Gerald Fenton Wood

    I live about 15 miles west of Gatwick in the High Weald AONB. When I moved here ten years ago the arrangements for flight paths meant that the noise and intrusion created by the current frequency of... Read more

  • Gillian Johnson

    Opposing additional runway for Gatwick

  • Glen Owen

    Concern about being under the flight path, noise of the engines, pollution and heavy aircraft traffic in an already crowded sky. Also the effect on the environment, and spoiling areas of natural... Read more

  • Gloria Whiting

    The building of a second runway at Gatwick with the accompanying massive increase in flights will have a deleterious effect on the surrounding area and its population. Viz . Noise pollution . Fuel... Read more

  • Graeme Ritchie

    I fully support the Gatwick Northern Runway project.

  • Graham Eaton

    Whilst I don't object to this plan in principle, I do object to any plan that increases night time flights. Over the past 18 months or so there has been a marked increase in aircraft noise over... Read more

  • Grant Whiskin

    Aircraft Noise pollution, Aircraft emissions, Lack of Infrastructure; Roads, Rail, Housing (to support 14,000 newly proposed jobs) and NHS and School places to support a new influx of residents.... Read more

  • Gray Julia

    Increased noise and air pollution. Lack of public transportation to airport. Night time noise disturbance. AONBs you of which there are plenty under flight paths being ruined by aircraft noise. Is the... Read more

  • Greig Bradbury

    We do not need an extra runway as we do not have the infrastructure to cater for the extre population that will arrive.

  • H Roberts

    I work within the NHS, overseeing net zero/green plan work for a large London hospital. The more I work on the associated projects the more I see the affects of air and noise pollution on people and... Read more

  • Harriet Best

    I am registering in order to oppose the expansion of Gatwick Airport.

  • Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce (Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce)

    We are in support of the Proposal as it will bring benefits to businesses in the Hastings area as well as provide employment opportunities for residents.

  • Hilary Grace Lyon

    Hever Castle all ready suffers from the noise of aircraft and it is difficult to hear the content of concerts. It is a popular place for many to walk as well.

  • Horley Town Council (Horley Town Council)

    Horley Town Council (HTC) welcomes the opportunity to register as an Interested Party and make its Relevant Representation to the proposals by Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL) for its proposals to bring the... Read more

  • Hugh M Williams

    Gatwick is already very busy and contributes significant plane noise in our area. I do not wish this to increase.

  • Hugh van Grutten

    Noise pollution General pollution

  • Humphrey Percy

    I have already completed a noise pollution survey. I object to the loss of quality of life with the prospect of another runway and more air traffic into and out of LGW

  • Ian Pattison

    Big expansion at Gatwick is incompatible with Net Zero aspirations - which is more important? Forecasts of continued growth in air traffic are as flaky as the business case for HS2

  • Jacqueline Wilcox

    More air pollution and noise. Really degrades this area of outstanding natural beauty with many Listed buildings, also grade 1 Listed visitor attractions such as Hever Castle. We have many flights... Read more

  • James David Hugh Brasnett Rothman

    I would like to object to any expansion to Gatwick Airport. The airport is large enough and disruptive enough already, and the flights result in too much noise and dirty emissions today. Furthermore,... Read more

  • James Lagden

    The expansion of Gatwick would cause More pollution by the amount of flights. More traffic in the area causing more congestion and pollution. The total infrastructure is not set up for this expansion... Read more

  • Jan Oakley

    I object to this plan as it would create a huge increase in air traffic and consequently noise over Hever Castle, the high Weald and the beautiful countryside. We need peace in our life for our mental... Read more

  • Janet Elizabeth Lloyd

    Expansion on the scale proposed would increase very substantially the CO2 emissions and other climate effects associated with Gatwick’s operations and flights. There are currently no proven... Read more

  • Janet Henderson

    I am apposed to increase flights out of Gatwick

  • Jennifer Evans

    I will be 100% against the planned infrastructure at Gatwick airport which will greatly impact the pathway to Hever Castle, I’ve been a member there for a number of years now, I have noticed already... Read more

  • Jennifer Shepherd

    Current noise levels are really bad causing disturbed sleep and spoiling enjoyment of outside space, so any expansion with additional flights will make life unbearable

  • Johanna Klinsky

    Currently, the airplane flight path into Gatwick is directly over our house. The planes are incredibly frequent and fly low enough to ensure that there is a constant noise from about 6am when they... Read more

  • John Dennison

    1 Gatwick is promoting this as improvement of an existing runway, but it isn't an existing runway as there is only one runway usable. They are building a new runway. It is not even in the same... Read more

  • John Palmer

    Expansion required in and around Gatwick to support increased workforce. Inadequate road and rail connections. Increased noise and pollution at Gatwick and under the flight path - already currently a... Read more

  • John Twaites

    I will submit further comments, but initially 1. Object to additional flights over our house (we are under the flight path) 2. Object to additional traffic on already full capacity road system 3.... Read more

  • John Western

    I would like to oppose the conversion of Gatwick's emergency runway into a second runway. As a member of Hever Castle & Gardens, I believe that we would get significantly more flights over the Castle... Read more

  • John William Andrew Mears

    The aircraft noise, poor air quality and excessive traffic are already at unbearable levels in Newdigate. It is impossible to enjoy any peaceful time in this beautiful area of Surrey countryside with... Read more

  • Jonathan Gordon

    The infer structure around Gatwick will not stand any more flights.The country roads are full now.

  • Jonathan Oatley

    I strongly object to the proposed plans for the expansion of Gatwick airport as the disruption to local life and wellbeing for millions in the south east will far outweight the benefit of more air... Read more

  • Joshua Lendon

    I don't agree with it and think it will cause more unnecessary air traffic

  • K. J. McD. Morrison

    I wish to object to the proposed extension to Gatwick Airport. The impact on the many local residents affected should override the greed of the owners of the airport, many of whom have no interest in... Read more

  • Katherine Daniels

    - already when the emergency runway is in use it creates significantly more noise pollution (to the extent where it wakes you). We are very fortunate to live in an area of outstanding natural beauty... Read more

  • Kenneth Edward Simon Renton

    I live under the flight path and am affected by frequent low flying and noisy aircraft Following aircraft movements on the internet it is apparent that aircraft are flying lower than in previous years... Read more

  • L O'Sullivan

    Our village is under the flight path to Gatwick, the noise varies depending on the wind and if the planes are taking off or landing, but it is very loud. In the summer if we have the windows open it... Read more

  • Laraine Ann Wilson

    At certain times, particularly noticeable at night, flights are concentrated in a narrow corridor directly over Penshurst. This actually disturbs our sleep and absolutely prevents us having our... Read more

  • Leah Loughlin

    Concerns:- 1. Noise which will affect the enjoyment of our home and value of our home. 2. Affect on area of outstanding natural beauty. 3. Damage to environment/ net zero etc

  • Linda McAllister

    This proposal is yet another way to spoil people's enjoyment. The castle and grounds are spectacular. Why should our visits be subject to air raft noise. Don't forget Hever castle is an important... Read more

  • Lisa Whitehouse

    I teach outdoors in nature in the kent countryside and I am already affected by noise pollution at the current numbers of flights. Expanding Gatwick capacity will only make this worse. I live under... Read more

  • Louise Biddle

    Our beautiful area, which is an AONB and includes Hever Castle, Penshurst Place, Chartwell to name a few, is blighted by almost intolerable aeroplane noise from Gatwick. It is like living with a... Read more

  • Lynda Rosemary Marsden

    I strongly oppose the safe-guard of land to the south of the airport for an additional runway. The UK has already decided on a hub at Heathrow. Our household was unfortunately one of many adversely... Read more

  • Malcolm Faulks

    I am opposed to this runway in respect of the proposed runway which will fly directly over Hever Castle. Hever Castle is a wonderful place to visit with delightful walks and gardens and it would be a... Read more

  • Marilyn Hayward

    We are disturbed daily by the number of low flying planes into and out of Gatwick. In the Summer when we have the windows open at night the aircraft flying over keep us awake. This would only be... Read more